goomba wrote:
As for feminists, there are about 3 camps of thought regarding sex/pornography 1) While I may not approve of what is going on, women have a right to choose. 2) Pornography/sex helps women. 3) Pornography/sex hurts/oppresses women.
As for radical feminists, they may not believe in "sexual essentialism" which states that sex is a natural need based on biology. Rather, sexuality is more of a social construct. And there is the radical belief that women are so coerced by patriarchy, that they are simply incapable of giving "real" consent to star in the pornography and have sex. Think of every woman who stars in pornography as being a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, whereby they have basically taken a liking to being oppressed. That's one line of thought.
-Social Constructionist's don't deny that the basic sexual urge exists, rather that labels are socially constructed(Homosexual/Heterosexual, men slept with other men in ancient greece but they didn't define themselves as "queer")
-It's ridiculous to put sex and porn in the same category. Feminists aren't opposed to sex as a natural biological urge, they just see porn as exploitive.(appealing to men's power fantasies, and not expressing the sexual desires of the women involved)...I still look at porn but that's the basic argument for opposing it.
....and to snake321, the "feminazi" label was coined by radical conservative jesus freaks who are probably a bigger threat to your sexual freedom than any feminist. I don't care if radical feminism's not your thing...but if your going to criticize something, at least know what the hell your criticizing.