Thank you for all the replies, I had never considered synesthasia, interesting. The words give me a funny taste in my mouth that can make me feel nauseous - a sort of ashy taste.
Callista wrote:
Maybe those words trigger discomfort because the things you immediately associate them with are uncomfortable for you to think about.
Which makes me wonder why, when I look at surfaces that are bumpy in certain specific ways, I feel a sense of wrongness--almost like they're Lovecraftian alien geometry instead of simply bumps. I bet it's something similar, a nearby idea getting triggered along with certain textures.
Some of the words are associated with a thing I find distasteful because of its shape (can't write down what it is) but there an everyday thing and there's a lot of them around - that's where it started really. Why I started finding this thing distasteful, I have no idea - I wish I didn't and I wonder if I can ever change it. I doubt it.
Pietus wrote:
This is definitely an Aspie thing. My entire family is diagnosed, it's not as bad for them (In this case) but for me there are certain words I can't say, think or write. They make me feel incredibly nauseous, and sick, they revolt me, and anyone else saying them bothers me a lot.
Unfortunately, I can't tell you what the words are, as I can't do it without feeling sick and awful, but they are fairly mundane, and you can hear them everywhere.
It's really irritating.
Yes exactly that's what it's like. Some are mundane words that are around everywhere. Sometimes it's the combination of letters, there's a shop with a Scandinavian name near me which is just horrible!