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28 Jan 2016, 8:49 pm

I remember when i found this website, i had just been diagnosed and i wanted to know more about autism and people like me. i contacted camps in my area, talked to my psychologist and found a few websites. I stuck to this one but over time i just felt more and more... not really involved.

There are a lot of caring, loving and helpful people who are obviously struggling and just trying to fit in but I'm sorry i don't really feel like a lot of people are like the people on the spectrum i met in real life, granted not EVERYONE here is the same, but i fine people don't have the same problems as i and others i know have the same issue. All i see is people just trying to validate their diagnoses. " I have this trait, so i must be autistic" or "this therapist/psychologist/doctor/counsellor is wrong i really am autistic"

I wish i heard more struggles i could relate to on this website, Like adjusting to being independent, dealing with obsessions, learning how to get a job but i just hear BS (pardon my french)

I'm kinda done with this website, i don't feel the same togetherness that i once did. just, diagnoses grabbing people who may or may not have autism, i don't know at all honestly, at first it didn't make sense, people saying they have a symptom or two and demanding a diagnoses.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe people aren't being personal with their lives enough all i know is, this website isn't for me anymore, i think I'll just stick to my real life ASD friends instead.

Thanks for all the advice everyone, i can honestly say this website has the most caring and intelligent people. I'll probably check out the site every now and then but don't expect anymore posts from me.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.



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28 Jan 2016, 8:54 pm

I'm going to miss you.

I find that you have blossomed recently, and have learned much about autism--maybe to the point where you could work with autistic people in the future.

I think this Site is a good resource for autistic people.

Yes, I'm going to miss you. Because you're interesting. And you have potential.

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 28 Jan 2016, 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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28 Jan 2016, 8:55 pm

It sounds like you're saying that those who don't seem as autistic as you are (to you) are either faking it or not worth talking to.


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28 Jan 2016, 9:04 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I'm going to miss you.

I find that you have blossomed recently, and have learned much about autism--maybe to the point where you could work with autistic people in the future.

I think this Site is a good resource for autistic people.

Yes, I'm going to miss you. Because you're interesting. And you have potential.

Thank you friend, you have quite optimistic posts.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.



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28 Jan 2016, 9:05 pm

Yigeren wrote:
It sounds like you're saying that those who don't seem as autistic as you are (to you) are either faking it or not worth talking to.

Yeah, i guess it does sound something like that doesn't it?

but i haven't said it yet

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.



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28 Jan 2016, 9:10 pm

Well, it's kind of insulting and not very nice.


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28 Jan 2016, 9:50 pm

At your age I was too scared to even leave the house. I didn't for years. I'm a lot better now, but I don't have a job and I'm not independent. Just because someone doesn't seem to have a problem doesn't mean that they don't.

Maybe you are just talking to the wrong people. A lot of the older people here have managed by now to figure these things out already.

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28 Jan 2016, 10:33 pm

Should read some of my post. They are all about that. I cannot hold down a job. I cannot hold down a relationship. I lost the woman I loved greatly due to it. I cannot hold down a living space. Hoping from home to home to home in the last three years. I'm in a desperation situation and I don't know how much longer I can live out and on like this. How much longer I can fight for survival where there is none.


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28 Jan 2016, 10:45 pm

I'm sad to see another person in their teenage years express skepticism about the validity of other people on here. My reaction is similar to Yigeren's.

There are a lot of older people on here who just had to force themselves to cope. But what you seem to be overlooking is that I don't think any of us have ever said it was a piece of cake. In fact most of us who seem like we've "coped" do very openly tell our accounts of how badly that process has gone even when we managed on paper to do something. Very few of the people you probably think of as not having the same problems as you, are as smoothly functional as they probably come across, or as much as you think they are. Myself included.

And by the way, when I was your age I was unable to even function, and stayed like a hermit in my parent's house not working, not doing anything but my creative hobbies. I couldn't even be a person in normal society. Nobody in my family thought I would ever function.

And there's also a whiff of again a younger person doubting the diagnoses of the older people, maybe that's just my take because another young member here feels that way. But it is very disconcerting to run into this whole thing a lot....

Also bear in mind that many people WRITE better than they will present in real life. There are many here who have outright said so of themselves. Some are even non-verbal in real life and express themselves so articulately online that they have been accused elsewhere themselves of "not being autistic".

So there's that to remember -- typed words are easy to make eloquent, but you haven't met me in real life and don't know my difficulties. Come and see me in real life on one of my worse-affected days and I'd love to see you doubt me then.

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28 Jan 2016, 10:56 pm

Hope you find a web forum that works for you and best of luck with everything. I love WP but I'm sure it's not for everyone.


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29 Jan 2016, 12:53 am

I'm sad to see you go ZombieBride, I've enjoyed reading your posts. I'm sorry you feel like you don't belong here anymore, I know it's hard when it feels like everyone and their aunt are trying to commandeer your diagnosis because they have a few traits here and there (it's been happening with celebrities a lot lately, first Sinefeld, then Vincent DonOfrio), but I'd like to think that if we all stick together, we'll be able to educate the world about what autism really is, one person at a time. I do wish you wouldn't go.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
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29 Jan 2016, 1:36 am

My coping strategy with "life" is to shut myself in and not seek help, no reason to discuss that.

Bye ZombieBride!


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29 Jan 2016, 2:06 am

You wanted more stuff on dealing with obsessions. Here is the best article I have found describing exactly (for me anyway) what special interests do and also happiness. ... of-autism/


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29 Jan 2016, 10:18 am

ZombieBrideXD wrote:
I wish i heard more struggles i could relate to on this website, Like adjusting to being independent, dealing with obsessions, learning how to get a job but i just hear BS (pardon my french)

Maybe this has more to do with what you pay attention to than what is here. Your posts are pretty much limited to GAD, the Haven and Random. The stuff you ask for is more likely in Social Skills and Making Friends, Work and finding a Job,
School and College Life, and In-Depth Adult Life Discussion.

It's hardly surprising that people who have just learned about the possibility of autism in a loved one or in themselves will find this place and ask questions about it in the most obvious forum. If you don't want to read that or be helpful to those people, why not just skip those posts? I don't understand begrudging others their own exploration of these very important issues.


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29 Jan 2016, 11:59 am

I'd like to talk about those three struggles you mentioned - living independently, obsessions and finding a job.

1. I'm 53 so I've had a lot of time to live independently. As a matter of fact, since I never got married, had kids, or never had a real girlfriend and just one short-lived boyfriend, you can say I've lived mostly independently my entire life. How did I cope? I drank like a fish. What else could I do? I'm a loner, very difficult to find people I could relate to. People didn't get me because I'm odd and out of the norm. I've written on WP how I eschewed family functions, parties and events, and so have other people, but I wonder sometimes if it's a positive thing to keep on bringing up the bad things that's happened to me. The abuses that people have growing up are terrifying and I don't blame them if they don't want to keep on bringing it up. I don't like to bring up my abuses, but believe me, those long lasting scars don't go anywhere. I'm as messed up now as I was as a kid. And no, I don't like living independently, but after all these years, it's just something I've got to learn how to handle because it seems like it'd be like that forever.

2. By nature, I'm a collector. When I was a kid it was philately, shells, marbles and bottle caps. The philately became too expensive, unfortunately, so I had to give that up. Same for the movie baseball cards and foreign coins I used to have. Throughout my life my collections have changed. These days the three main ones I maintain are my classical digital music collection, my horror film collection and my digital books on torture and execution through the ages. The main focus of my classical music collection is symphonic and solo piano music from the Romantic era, my favourite. I went through great lengths to built it up, mainly from various online music & file sharing sites. I have music from about 450 composers, and since I'm a completionist, that would be their entire oeuvre in one particular area. For instance, I have all the solo piano music and orchestral music of Franz Liszt. That's 106 CD's. Some aren't that large, though. My Beethoven is about 50 CD's, my Mozart about 70, but I also have music by unsung and obscure composers that are extremely rare but worth listening to anyway, people like Felicien David, Hans Rott, Ole Bull, Myaskovsky, et al. Not only do I have the symphonies and orchestral poems by these composers, I also have their concertos whether it's piano, violin, viola, double bass or whatever. I especially like sonatas because a sonata is like a novel. It tells a story, and the interesting things is, you can ascribe any "story" to what you hear.

I could talk about my other collections forever but who'd want to hear about that? My history has already shown that people are not interested in hearing about these things so I keep it to myself. The difficulties I have in creating and maintaining these collections are enormous, but they're my personal demons that people could care less about. And, to be fair, I have about 900 horror, thriller and war films but I get rid of them after I watch them. More and more gets made all the time around the world so I'll never run out.

3. In my life I've had about 30 jobs, from working the produce section at Waldbaum's, to decorating pizzas at Pizza Hut, to nursing, to driving a cab, to picking up stray animals from the street for an Animal Shelter in NY, to flipping burgers at McDonald's to engineering in a recording studio to...It goes on and on. Again, no one cares that I had all these jobs. They're my personal demons. I was able to get jobs because I can "fool" the employers. I answered questions the way they'd want me to so I can make money to pay the rent. "Do you like working with others?" Yes, I'd answer even though that was a bold-faced lie. "Do you see yourself working for this company five years from now?" Yes, I'd answer knowing full well I'd probably only last six months or so before I got fired or something else happened.

Some jobs I got because, well, I was either qualified or conned my way into them. When you have bills having over your head, believe me, you find a way, even if it means getting help from a job agency or advice from other people. I wish I knew back then what I know now - I was never going to settle down, have kids or a house so I may as well had lived my life carefree and not suffering through the rat race for nothing. Anyway, what's done is done. I only had this one chance to get it right. I've been half-dead before so I know what it's like to throw everything away. I'm glad I survived, though. I feel like I've gotten a second chance. I still may not get it right but I'll be better prepared.


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29 Jan 2016, 5:01 pm

Don't sell yourself short, my man.

I think at least some people here would LOVE to hear about your classical music collection.

And your job odyssey is quite relevant, too.

I understand it's quite difficult being of Trinidadian background and not liking to socialize. Trinis are social people, usually. They just don't believe in "alone time." They believe a person who wants to spend time by his/her self is either depressed or crazy.