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25 Dec 2016, 10:36 am

Its about when the Neanderthals started to go extinct that modern humans became, its said they died off because of a bottleneck, mostly having to do with massive volcanic activity near their main dominions.

My question would be then, if we evolved from Neanderthals and it was during their decline when the populations got so low their genetic diversity was not enough to prevent birth defects.

Incestuous births are not all full of genetic faults (although most would be), its more like if you have a bad gene and your mate has a bad gene then it doubles the chances of the child being born with those defects, and same goes the other way around, if you have a good gene and your mate has a good gene then it doubles the chances of the child being born with those advantages. and so on where a couple of those good genes helped some of us proliferate while the Neanderthals died off.

So, would this sound more probable?

That its likely they needed a larger population pool before reaching that threshold of having enough genetic diversity where modern humans could withstand the smaller genetic pools enough to start repopulating without as many defects? and we our selves may be born because of those defects?

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25 Dec 2016, 11:45 am

Your chronology is very confused.

Anatomical moderns did NOT just "appear at about the same time that the Neanderthals disappeared".

And modern humans did NOT "evolve from Neanderthals".

It was widely assumed by the scientific community that Neanderthals evolved into moderns prior to 1950, but in European archeology it became apparent that Neanderthals simply and suddenly just died out at a certain point. And were just as suddenly replace by fully evolved anatomical moderns. The later could not have evolved from the former. Its been accepted that where ever and whenever moderns came from it was NOT from European Neanderthals- but from some other antecedent, and in some other location than Europe.

Since 1950 more archeology has been done on other continents outside of Europe. And we now know that anatomical moderns appeared at least 100 thousand years ago, and Neanderthals didnt die out until around 35,000 years ago (when their last enclaves vanished in Western Europe). So the two groups coexisted for a long time.

Anatomical moderns evolved in southeast Africa ( and there is some evidence that they did go through some kind of genetic bottle neck due to some kind of big calamity at their inception, but that had nothing to with Neanderthals), and they spread throughout Africa, and became the tropical version of human. Meanwhile the Neanderthals, and their eastern cousins the Densiovians, continued to thrive in Ice Age Eurasia as the cold climate version of human.

Then around 60 thousand years ago Anatomical moderns began to timidly venture beyond Africa, but tended to hug the shores of the Indian Ocean-leaving Africa but avoiding what is now the temperate zones of Europe and Asia to the Neanderthals and the Denisovians, but seizing the tropical areas like India and southeast Asia. With surprising speed the AM reached Indonesia, and managed to build crude boats well enough to colonize Australia.

Then one day one group of AMs ventured north from Iran into the former soviet republics of central asia. And then they fanned out. One group went east to invade China (and drive the Denisovians to extinction), and the other went west-going around the caspian sea and then invading Europe via the Ukraine (and eventually driving the Neanderthals into extinction while taking over Euorpe). Those eastern AMs continued their migration beyond China into Siberia, and finnally crossed the bering strait landbridge into the Americas becoming the modern native americans.

And now here we are:the Anatomical moderns, the last humans standing, and rulers of the globe. But not without carrying some tincture of the DNA of the two extinct archaic forms. Due to Ice Age hanky panky some of us living folks have Denisovian, and or, Neanderthal DNA in tiny proportions.

I dont see how this notion of yours that Neanderthals got inbred, and that that somehow caused them to both become extinct and to spawn us anatomical moderns would fit into the above story.