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11 Apr 2017, 3:29 pm

I do.

I'm a talented chef which is awesome. However given enough time I think you could even teach a monkey how to cook.

I wish I could do gymnastics or ride a unicycle. Anything fun I suppose.

I can't even dance. When I go to a nightclub which isn't often (or a bar) it would be nice to at least be able to throw shapes and feel confident.

It's not that I'm saying I don't have worthwhile things about me. I've read a lot, I know many things. Sometimes though I feel I lack personality and warmth.


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11 Apr 2017, 3:37 pm

Yes. Well, I'm an interesting person to myself. But sometimes I think I come off as boring to other people because I have trouble with conversation.


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11 Apr 2017, 3:40 pm

No,i personally don't dwell on the negative nor wish for the unattainable,which ends in misery mindset.

Accept the things you can do,accept the things you can't change and the wisdom to know the difference.

Accept and just 'Be'.

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"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


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11 Apr 2017, 6:19 pm

I think I likely bore other people, but I don't think I am boring. I'm rarely bored anyhow. I think I what it comes down to is I am different enough compared to others that what I might have to talk about is not going to interest them and what they might often want to say does not interest me. *shrugs* I just fail to relate to others for the most part.

Curious though, if you want to learn to ride a unicycle is there a reason you have not gone ahead and done so? I'm actually trying to learn how to ride one now (was trying before until I wrecked the tire and had to put it on hold until I could fix it... back to it now though). It's not easy, but it's not as hard as it looks. Beautiful part is that you don't fall off it, all you do is stand and the bike falls, so not real big bangs and bruises while learning. It's a good workout for core muscles and quads as well... you certainly feel it when you are done. All you really need is a straightway to practice and a wall or some chairs to hang onto for support while you're getting comfy with it.

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11 Apr 2017, 8:55 pm

Sometimes I want to appear boring so people will leave me alone.


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11 Apr 2017, 8:58 pm


I'm very boring to others that's probably why I don't have friends


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12 Apr 2017, 5:52 am

I don't have the resources I need to learn to ride a unicycle. My dad bullies me every day and I am unable to eat a healthy diet as I have to be gluten free. Need access to the kitchen, he denies it, shouts and threatens me, yada yada yada.


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12 Apr 2017, 8:13 am

If low key is boring then yeah I suppose I am kind of boring. I like things to be simple. I am not the life of the party by any means. I have lived an exciting life thus far with travel and music which has been great but more often then not though my social schedule is WIDE open!! !!


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12 Apr 2017, 10:20 am

I imagine most people probably do find me boring


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12 Apr 2017, 8:01 pm

not only do i feel boring, but i am boring. :mrgreen: :ninja: :jester: :jester: :heart: :nerdy: :skull:

and i am also weird. i ain't normal.

what one person labels as "boring" someone else labels as exciting. (fine).

however, i am boring, even to myself.

but whatever.

"boring" is not necessarily a bad thing. as many autists, i am introverted. and hardly ever socialize. especially now that i am 34, and over 10 years after undergrad. and chronically unemployed.

extroverts, @ least the ones i have interacted with, crave excitement.

while i seek stability.

what extroverts label as "boring", i find as obsessive compulsive disorder. (one of my 6 personality disorder diagnoses).

what extroverts label as exciting or interesting, i find nerve racking. overwhelming. stressful. pressure. emotional roller coaster.

but yes, i am boring.

in my defense, though plenty of precious little "people" that act like they are interesting, exciting, awesome, cool, wise, smart, funny, and morally innocent. are. just. as. boring. as. me. to me.

and no, i ain't biased in my favor.

if anything, i am biased in their favor.

but quite frankly, i ain't got no precious little "friends", no job, no school, no $$. and i correctly feel left out of things. and guilty b/c i am lazy and unproductive. but whatever.

briefly considered Job Corps, grad school, peace corps, americorps, buddhist monastery, military.

but, seriously, judgmental, self-important big mouth extroverts are everywhere. unless you go somewhere remote and in the wild.

:oops: :evil: :twisted:

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12 Apr 2017, 10:21 pm

We are not here to entertain the world. If they are not entertained by me that is hardly my fault.

Unicycle and dancing may be a daunting task; especially for a chef. A shared characteristic for many of us is under-developed gross motor skills.


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13 Apr 2017, 6:12 am

I think drinking, smoking, pot, drugs, Netflix binging, and clubbing are all boring, but that's what others around here like a lot of...

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13 Apr 2017, 8:25 am

Yeah all the time. But meh, I'll live how I live.


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13 Apr 2017, 8:54 am

Yes, I do. I am not interesting in any way to most people. My interests are far different from those of most people I know. I don't have much that can be considered normal for a person my age and those things I managed to accomplish are in danger of going away.


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13 Apr 2017, 8:59 am

I'm almost certainly boring to most people. I've got a few special interests that I don't know how to shut up about once I get on a roll.

I ran into a younger couple recently who expressed some interest / experience in my special interest (photography). Before I knew it, I was into full Aspie professor lecture mode, but I seemed powerless to stop my motor mouth even though they got quiet and I could feel their eyes glazing over as I waxed on about film development and new emulsions that are coming on to the market now.

After maybe 10-15 minutes of them enduring my boundless zeal, we parted ways with an awkward silence, and me (mentally) doing a facepalm. They'll probably never want to pick up a camera again.


Formally diagnosed with ASD at the age of 43 (2014), I am the author of "Never One of Them: Growing Up With Autism," available through Amazon and most popular ebook sites.

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13 Apr 2017, 9:01 am

IstominFan wrote:
Yes, I do. I am not interesting in any way to most people. My interests are far different from those of most people I know. I don't have much that can be considered normal for a person my age and those things I managed to accomplish are in danger of going away.

I'm curious: what sort of accomplishments have you managed to do that are in danger of going away? Is it related to tech that's becoming obsolete?