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19 Apr 2017, 2:14 pm

I know that a lot of us have autism and were very delayed with a ton of things from our peers. Like I didn't know how to talk till I was 5. Or till I was 10 know how to wipe my butt in the bathroom. Getting jokes. We get jokes way later than everyone else. So what things were you delayed with?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Apr 2017, 3:19 pm

Writing (finally could write non-scrawly at age 10), shoe laces (still just tying "bunny ears" lol), using a knife and fork (I still hold them in a non-traditional way). I was also a little late in walking and talking.

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I have Asperger's and OCD. I love languages.


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19 Apr 2017, 6:28 pm

xxJennaxx wrote:
Writing (finally could write non-scrawly at age 10), shoe laces (still just tying "bunny ears" lol), using a knife and fork (I still hold them in a non-traditional way). I was also a little late in walking and talking.

I didn't know how to tie my shoes at all til I was 11. And didn't know how to ride a bike til 13.


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19 Apr 2017, 9:07 pm

I couldn't talk until I was 5 1/2.

I didn't get my drivers' license until age 37.

As long as one's shoes are tied, who cares whether they are tied the "bunny ears" way LOL


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19 Apr 2017, 10:11 pm

driving, 20

and i was advanced in that i took calculus BC in 11th grade. out of 30 students, all the others were in 12th grade.

other things, like social interaction, i am still delayed at. or i will always be delayed at.


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19 Apr 2017, 11:50 pm

Language and understanding language


Getting jokes and understanding them

Being nice to pets



Telling time on hand clocks

Potty training and being fully potty trained (3.4 was late back in the 80's and so was four years)

Caring about others



Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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20 Apr 2017, 2:39 am

I only started to learn to read when I was eight but once I started I whizzed though all the standard school books (from "Janet & John" to the red, blue, yellow, green books) in a year and moved onto adult books (Azimov, Heinlein, Clarke). As far as I know, this wasn't a developmental issue, it's just that no one had bothered to teach me! Because of this, I made sure I taught my kids to read as soon as possible. My eldest (also AS) had already read the books he was supposed read at secondary school by the time he was eleven - that really pissed off his teachers :)

Diagnosed: Asperger's Syndrome (ICD-10)
Self-Diagnosed: Aphantasia
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20 Apr 2017, 2:46 am

I know lots of NTs who are well into adulthood but haven't ever drove, or is it a USA thing to have to drive before you're 18?

I wasn't delayed in anything at all, until I reached school age, which was when I fell behind my peers emotionally in some areas. Also I lacked self-awareness but not in every area, as some things I was really self-conscious about.
I need help with reading, writing and maths, but my inattentiveness didn't help with the reading and writing.
I will always struggle with maths.



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20 Apr 2017, 2:51 am

I didn't learn how to speak until I was three.
It took me 23 years to get my first (and perhaps only) girlfriend.
I lost my virginity at the age of 24.
And I still have difficulties with writing and reading now.

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20 Apr 2017, 6:23 am

I was late talking (I think I was 2 or 3)
I was socially behind my peers (which made school a living hell)
I was 18, almost 19 before I got my license
Even being a "model" student, I spent literally an hour a night for months practicing writing
I found shoelaces very difficult and to this day still can't do it right
I was 28 before I had my first date
I was 29 before I finally had my first relationship (ugh)
I still don't have a house although that should happen this year


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20 Apr 2017, 7:01 am

Actually you guys are going to see me post things I forgot to mention on and off in this thread. I'm always going to be delayed for my whole life. But mentally I'm younger than 17. But physically I'm a normal 17 year old guy. With a bread, mustache, and deep voice.


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20 Apr 2017, 7:04 am

I haven't reached a lot of milestones that my peers have (like dating and that kind of thing) and it took me longer to learn to drive than it did a lot of people. I think I reached talking, walking, and bathroom use at normal ages, I'm not sure.

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20 Apr 2017, 9:17 am

Tying shoelaces
Driving (got my license at age 48)
Never married
Social skills and opportunities


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20 Apr 2017, 9:40 am

Per my husband (Aspie)

Advancing beyond parallel play. He said that didn't stop until he was in 6 grade.

Realizing others are separate from you. My husband thought his reality was everyone's reality. If he thought playing a board game was a good idea, he assumed everyone thought it was a good idea without asking. If he was cold, itchy, hot etc...everyone was that, and why weren't people more sympathic about it?

Learning that the truth is not always wanted or needed.

Learning social skills is a bigger deal than book smarts. Jobs are lost for not saying hello in the morning.

He never had huge red flag mile stone misses until around third grade. That's everyone takes huge leap socially. He was always 2-3 years behind, with still is with some things.


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20 Apr 2017, 11:36 am

Speaking, walking, sitting up, manual dexterity and fine motor things and general social stuff

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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20 Apr 2017, 11:47 am

My expressive speech stalled at age 3, continued by 5)
Clarity pronouncing words until 10 or 11 years old was a huge one. Physical growth and being somewhat underweight (from contracting illness) was always a struggle.
"Subtle" abstract concepts...yet called really smart is hard to deal with.
It's not all bad!
