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04 Oct 2020, 12:13 pm

It is what Donald Trump said about COVID-19 in February.


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04 Oct 2020, 12:44 pm

he never called the virus a "hoax" - contrary to several viral social media posts.

The confusion may have stemmed from rambling remarks way back in February, when he accused Democrats of "politicizing the coronavirus" - then talked about his impeachment, calling it a "hoax" and criticism of his handling of Covid-19 "their new hoax."

[moved to PPR]


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04 Oct 2020, 12:50 pm

It's been made clear in the news he knew about all this but downplayed it on purpose because "he didn't want anyone to panic."

Well his "intention" sure caused many deaths and got many people infected and now many of us have pre existing conditions.

Plus he didn't take this seriously himself because he didn't wear a mask and wouldn't social distance. Now he has gotten it himself and now has a preexisting condition.

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04 Oct 2020, 5:52 pm

In March, I was at a restaurant with CNN news on discussing COVID19, an elderly man kept muttering, "FAKE NEWS" .... "FAKE NEWS" .... "FAKE NEWS".

Likely, a FOX news viewer.


Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.

Be the hero of your life.

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04 Oct 2020, 6:13 pm

League_Girl wrote:
It's been made clear in the news he knew about all this but downplayed it on purpose because "he didn't want anyone to panic."

Well his "intention" sure caused many deaths and got many people infected and now many of us have pre existing conditions.

Plus he didn't take this seriously himself because he didn't wear a mask and wouldn't social distance. Now he has gotten it himself and now has a preexisting condition.

Here in the UK they seemed to know about it before China knew about it.



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05 Oct 2020, 3:43 pm

His stunt of being driven around, endangering a handfull of people for a photo-op, shows that he values the aesthetics of his reign higher than the reality of the disease even beyond his own health. If he survives this unscathed, we are truly and thoroughly f****d.

I wish him a speedy recovery, of course. ^-°

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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05 Oct 2020, 5:12 pm

"Ever Dance With the Devil in the
Pale Moonlight" No Surprise Really
Trump Is Not Yet Out of the Woods but
Under Steroidal High Feeling Decades Younger
As Sure Drugs Will Have that/this Affect of Effect on Folks..
So What Does He Do
Still in the Woods
Invites His Crew
To Visit him
Again on
5th Avenue
Telling Them there is
Nothing to Fear From What
Kills 210,000 Americans So
Far At the Helm of His Ship
Not Anchored Well at this Point for Sure...
Considering His Debt of 300,000,000 or
So Coming to Pay in Several Years What
Anchor What Anchor This Dude is Still Sinking Now
So Far Out of Safe Harbor Taking His Crew Down too...
Is Far
Away for
All Who Lend
Ears to Trump
Propaganda Advice on Screens....
Stink Stank Stunk One Might Hope
Trump Might Redeem Himself and
Bring A Roast Beast To Christmas
To All Those in Whoville More Than Just Orange Crisp Loss

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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06 Oct 2020, 1:20 am

League_Girl wrote:
It's been made clear in the news he knew about all this but downplayed it on purpose because "he didn't want anyone to panic."

Well his "intention" sure caused many deaths and got many people infected and now many of us have pre existing conditions.

Plus he didn't take this seriously himself because he didn't wear a mask and wouldn't social distance. Now he has gotten it himself and now has a preexisting condition.

The only thing he really didn't want to panic was the stock market.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer