Republicans block insurrection commission

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28 May 2021, 12:28 pm

Senate Republicans Block Plan For An Independent Commission On Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats on Friday, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 attacks — with 10 commissioners, five Democrats and five Republicans, who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas, with a final report due at the end of the year.

The House approved the measure 252-175 last week, with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the plan.

But Senate Republicans, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, were deeply skeptical of the commission in the days leading up to the vote. McConnell has dismissed the proposal as a "purely political exercise," given that two Senate committees are already looking into the events of Jan. 6. In remarks from the Senate floor Thursday, McConnell called into question how much more a commission would be able to unearth.

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28 May 2021, 12:34 pm

The investigations sponsored by the aforesaid "two Senate committees" should acquire more of a public nature.


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28 May 2021, 2:43 pm

... Senate Republicans, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, were deeply skeptical of the commission in the days leading up to ...
... the mid-term elections in 2022.

They may well know that the time leading up to the mid-term elections might contribute to the already-shaky reputations of Republican congress-people, especially if the commission reveals how deeply the Republican senators were involved in the January 6 coup attempt.

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29 May 2021, 12:11 pm

It is time to end the filibuster. We should have senate votes as written in the Constitution. We are simply slipping into an autocracy when a political party that instigated an insurrection against our democracy can control whether they should be help accountable or not.


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29 May 2021, 2:44 pm

Jiheisho wrote:
It is time to end the filibuster. We should have senate votes as written in the Constitution. We are simply slipping into an autocracy when a political party that instigated an insurrection against our democracy can control whether they should be help accountable or not.

Or make it illegal to be conservative

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29 May 2021, 5:56 pm

Jiheisho wrote:
It is time to end the filibuster. We should have senate votes as written in the Constitution. We are simply slipping into an autocracy when a political party that instigated an insurrection against our democracy can control whether they should be help accountable or not.

The US is a failed state. Liberals and lefties need to start arming themselves. Don't expect the government or institutions to protect you from this army of brainwashed business-psychopath worshipping zombies. The final state of worshipping capitalist greed is the worship of a psychopathic pig like Trump. They all suck Mammon's throbbing cock.