Newly Elected Republican Lied about his entire life

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20 Dec 2022, 3:51 am

Republican congressman George Santos reportedly fabricated his résumé ... can-resume
According to an analysis by the New York Times, the biographical sketch offered by the 34-year-old, first-generation Brazilian-American, who ran as a member of a “new generation of Republican leadership” as the “full embodiment of the American dream”, may not have worked at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs, graduated from a New York college, or run a pet rescue charity, as he has claimed. Infact the entire resume of this Trump endorsed congressman might be scam.

In statement to the Times, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs said they had no record of Santos ever working there. Nor did Baruch College find any record of Santos studying there, as he purported. The Internal Revenue Service said it was unable to locate a record for an animal rescue group, Friends of Pets United, that he said he’d run for five years beginning in 2013.

The Daily Beast reported in April that Santos, who has identified as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and presented himself as a “walking, living, breathing contradiction”, had served as a director of a Florida investment firm, Harbor City Capital, that the SEC accused of running a $17m (£14m) Ponzi – or pyramid – scheme.


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20 Dec 2022, 5:10 am

Did he think nobody would check their facts?


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20 Dec 2022, 6:12 am

autisticelders wrote:
Did he think nobody would check their facts?

I think the fact that you have even asked that question shows you are fundamentally honest.

I have a cousin who is a crook and a scam artist. He was dodgy as a kid and grew up to be a fraudster. Why do anything honestly when you can make even more money by being bent? There is no deterrent, he just does it and will never change.

I don’t understand it either.

Steve J

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20 Dec 2022, 5:02 pm

Nobody is asking him to step down? perhaps scam artists meets the "high" expectations of the Trump endorsed republicans these days :lol:


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21 Dec 2022, 1:00 am

My Congressmen elect :oops:

George Santos unlikely to be unseated even if wrongdoing confirmed
Behind a paywall

As Democrats call for an ethics investigation into incoming Rep. George Santos (R-Nassau/Queens) over questions surrounding his financial dealings and personal credentials, ethics experts said it would be a long shot to unseat him even if a probe confirmed wrongdoing.

Santos, who in November won New York’s 3rd Congressional District seat after decades of Democratic control, is facing calls by some Democrats to step aside after a New York Times investigation published Monday indicated Santos misrepresented key facts about his education, work experience and business dealings.

Santos has yet to publicly address the assertions other than issuing a statement via his attorney, Joseph Murray, that attacked the newspaper’s coverage.

The statement did not dispute the assertions in the story.

Stanley Brand, a former general counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives, said the “serious question” before House lawmakers is whether the House Ethics Committee could discipline Santos for alleged conduct that occurred before he was elected.

“They have to confront this issue of whether his conduct before he became a member is cognizable in the House,” Brand told Newsday.

Brand, a professor at Penn State Law School, noted the possibility the U.S. Department of Justice could look into the questions surrounding Santos’ financial disclosure forms and campaign finance reports.

Santos on Twitter touted a family business of 13 rental properties, but he did not list them on his campaign finance disclosure reports as required by law, according to the Times story.

He also reported earning dividends of between $1 million and $5 million from Devolder, but has not disclosed the company’s client list as would be required for any dealings involving more than $5,000, according to the Times.

“The law requires him as a candidate to disclose everything, and if he didn't disclose them, or he disclosed them and they were false — that could open him up to at least the civil action by the Department of Justice,” Brand said.

And political analysts told Newsday it was unlikely GOP leaders including Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-Calif.), who is trying to lock down enough House GOP votes to become House Speaker, would press the Ethics Committee to prioritize an investigation into Santos.

Santos has said he supports McCarthy’s bid for Speaker.

“McCarthy is sitting on a razor-thin congressional majority, so his default position will likely be to say the people of New York's 3rd Congressional District made their decision and he'll abide by it,” said Kevin Madden, who served as a top aide in the unsuccessful 2012 presidential campaign of Republican Mitt Romney.

“But that's just for now," Madden, a veteran GOP strategist in New York and Washington, told Newsday. "The trajectory on a story like this one usually only gets worse, never better.”

Beth Rosenson, an associate professor of political science at the University of Florida who has written extensively about congressional ethics and investigations, said if Santos is found to have committed wrongdoing, the House potentially could remove him from office.

But she noted removal only has occurred only a handful of times, during the Civil War.

Rosenson said the Speaker could also remove him from legislative committees, but that, too, is rare.

More likely Santos would be subject to censure or reprimand, both of which are verbal rebukes, Rosenson said.

Dennis F. Thompson, professor of political philosophy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, told Newsday the Ethics Committee "doesn't investigate misleading campaign speech.”

Also, “New York State election law, as far as I can tell, does not cover false statements of this kind,” Thompson said.

The Office of Congressional Ethics, a federal agency that investigates ethics complaints involving lawmakers, could launch its own probe.

The office could forward findings to the House Ethics Committee, which would then decide whether to sanction Santos.

Asked if the agency was looking into Santos, the Congressional Ethics Office said in an email to Newsday that because all investigations are confidential the agency “is not able to confirm or deny any specific investigations.”

The worst part of it is a supposedly gay guy falsely claiming he had 4 employees killed in the Pulse Nightclub anti-LBGTQ terrorist attack.

We were warned
The Case Against George Santos
While Americans watched in horror as far-right extremists – inspired by the lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 election – stormed the Capitol, issued death threats to elected officials, and injured more than 140 police officers in a deadly riot, George Santos praised the rioters. Santos, who has spread debunked lies about “rampant fraud” in the 2020 presidential election, was at the Stop the Steal Rally on January 6th, and even claimed it “was the most amazing crowd and the President was at his full awesomeness that day.”

Yes, to Santos, Trump inspiring hundreds of far-right white nationalist conspiracy theorists to “march down to the Capitol” was “full awesomeness.”

Despite being a witness to the anti-democratic fervor of that day, Santos defended the lawmakers who voted to throw out Americans’ votes and overturn a presidential election. Santos has made it extremely clear that he thinks it’s perfectly fine for Republicans to throw out any election results they don’t like

Not only has Santos prided himself as being “unapologetically” anti-choice, he has also admitted that he “would be in favor of” criminalizing doctors who performed abortions, and that he believed rape victims needed to have “proven police documentation” in order to receive an abortion.

Santos also presents a serious risk to Long Islanders’ Social Security. He insisted American’s weren’t entitled to Social Security benefits, and proposed “major reforms” to the program, including privatization.
While Santos’ extreme views are made clear, what’s less clear is his history of shady finances. As an investment banker who has experience in “financial asset management” one would think Santos would have a better understanding of reporting his finances. However, Santos failed to file a Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) for 2021 or 2022 – something he knows is required of a congressional candidate. It begs the question: what is Santos hiding?

Santos failed to disclose any assets or money in his bank accounts on his 2020 PFD, yet loaned his campaign more than $80,000, and has continued to self-fund his 2022 campaign – including a self loan of half a million dollars in the first quarter of 2022.

More notably, Santos caught heat for his close ties to Harbor City Capital, which was accused of “operating as a ponzi scheme that ripped off investors to the tune of $6 million.” For nearly a year, Santos served as the company’s New York regional director, yet denied having any knowledge of malfeasance at the firm. Interestingly, Santos happened to leave the company just one month before the allegations landed due to his “political ambitions.”

On top of his shady personal finances and ponzi scheme ties, Santos claimed he founded and ran a nonprofit animal rescue operation called Friends Of Pets United, but no such organization was found in the IRS’ database.

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21 Dec 2022, 3:56 am

While there have always been dishonest politicians, I have to think Trump had opened the gates for such blatant fraud this guy is now pulling.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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21 Dec 2022, 4:54 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
While there have always been dishonest politicians, I have to think Trump had opened the gates for such blatant fraud this guy is now pulling.

All manner of deplorables....just as Hillary Clinton so accurately predicted.


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21 Dec 2022, 4:59 am

cyberdad wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
While there have always been dishonest politicians, I have to think Trump had opened the gates for such blatant fraud this guy is now pulling.

All manner of deplorables....just as Hillary Clinton so accurately predicted.

While I think she was specifically referring to racists and bigots in general, you might as well throw fraudsters like this guy in, too.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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21 Dec 2022, 5:04 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
While there have always been dishonest politicians, I have to think Trump had opened the gates for such blatant fraud this guy is now pulling.

All manner of deplorables....just as Hillary Clinton so accurately predicted.

While I think she was specifically referring to racists and bigots in general, you might as well throw fraudsters like this guy in, too.

If I recall most of Trump's racist and sycophant associates were also fraudsters and scam artists. Starting with Steve Bannon.


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21 Dec 2022, 5:15 am

cyberdad wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
While there have always been dishonest politicians, I have to think Trump had opened the gates for such blatant fraud this guy is now pulling.

All manner of deplorables....just as Hillary Clinton so accurately predicted.

While I think she was specifically referring to racists and bigots in general, you might as well throw fraudsters like this guy in, too.

If I recall most of Trump's racist and sycophant associates were also fraudsters and scam artists. Starting with Steve Bannon.

Absolutely true.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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21 Dec 2022, 8:57 am

Hillary was talking about half of Trump voters in general and was about bigots not fraudsters.

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21 Dec 2022, 8:16 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Hillary was talking about half of Trump voters in general and was about bigots not fraudsters.

Deplorable -deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.


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21 Dec 2022, 8:30 pm

Trueno wrote:
autisticelders wrote:
Did he think nobody would check their facts?

I think the fact that you have even asked that question shows you are fundamentally honest.

I have a cousin who is a crook and a scam artist. He was dodgy as a kid and grew up to be a fraudster. Why do anything honestly when you can make even more money by being bent? There is no deterrent, he just does it and will never change.

I don’t understand it either.

I think he played a timing game, figuring he wouldn't be found out until after he was elected.

Years back I spent a decent amount of time with a guy who was often a fraud. Beyond the whole ethical issue, what amazed me was that he couldn't see how much WORK being a fraud is. It's a lot of lies to come up and keep track of. Having to spin off the old spin takes a whole lot of thought and energy. He was always asking me for ideas on a new spin to undue a snag from being nearly caught in an old one. Exhausting. Telling the truth is honestly and truly a whole lot easier, IMHO, which was what I tried to tell him each and every time.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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22 Dec 2022, 6:16 am

DW_a_mom wrote:
Trueno wrote:
autisticelders wrote:
Did he think nobody would check their facts?

I think the fact that you have even asked that question shows you are fundamentally honest.

I have a cousin who is a crook and a scam artist. He was dodgy as a kid and grew up to be a fraudster. Why do anything honestly when you can make even more money by being bent? There is no deterrent, he just does it and will never change.

I don’t understand it either.

I think he played a timing game, figuring he wouldn't be found out until after he was elected.

If you look at what I posted he was found out. Far from the full extent of it but enough that alarm bells should have rung loudly. It did not matter. Besides Florida, Long Island is where the Red Wave actually has been happening for 2 years. The 2018 blue wave hit massively in New York. In its wake, the very progressives had veto-proof control of the state legislature. In 2019 they passed into law a cash bail reform law was passed. In 2020 New York City had its worse rioting since the 1960s. Funding to the police was cut, crime spiked, the streets were noticeably more menacing and Republicans had their issue. "Moderate" Dems who opposed cash bail reform and defunding the police went down to defeat. People were writing in "R" just because it was not "D".

New York has a reputation as a blue state but crime(and its associated racial connotations) has always been a big issue here. That is the issue Guliani was elected mayor on, and where Trump first got involved in political issues

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22 Dec 2022, 12:35 pm

’Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman

Republican congressman-elect George Santos is under new scrutiny after a New York Times report earlier this week uncovered a string of apparent outright fabrications at the heart of some of the most fundamental facts of his life, but that backstory may also be notable for what Santos did not include—a publicly undisclosed marriage.

Santos, who claims he has “never experienced discrimination in the Republican Party,” broke barriers this year when he became the first openly gay non-incumbent GOP candidate elected to Congress.

But according to court records obtained by The Daily Beast, Santos appears to be the subject of a previously unacknowledged Sept. 2019 divorce with a woman in Queens County, New York. The divorce—which Santos has not discussed publicly—adds new uncertainty to his already shaky biographical and political claims.

“I am openly gay, have never had an issue with my sexual identity in the past decade, and I can tell you and assure you, I will always be an advocate for LGBTQ folks,” Santos told USA Today in October, responding to criticism about his support for Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill” signed into law this year by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Less than two weeks after his divorce was finalized, Santos filed the official paperwork to launch his 2020 campaign. And while his 2022 campaign bio mentions his husband, who according to Santos lives with him and their four dogs on Long Island, he’s kept this previous marriage out of the public eye entirely.

It’s entirely possible that Santos, who claims he has “never experienced discrimination in the Republican Party,” has been living comfortably as an openly gay man for, as he says, more than a decade. People get married for countless reasons. But Santos’ situation is curious because he never disclosed his divorce to voters, and never reconciled his prior marriage to a woman—which ended just 12 days before he established his first congressional campaign—with his claims of being an out and proud gay Republican

He has previously told U.S. and Brazilian media that he was engaged to a man, a fellow Brazilian whom Santos has identified as a pharmacist, and his campaign bio claims he lives on Long Island with his husband. (The Daily Beast could find no public record of the man’s work in that field, nor could we find a marriage record.)

But New York court records show that, in 2019, someone named George Devolder Santos, with a second initial of “A,” finalized an uncontested divorce with Uadla Santos Vieira Santos. Public records searches only reveal one person in the United States with that name.

Uadla Santos and George Santos did not reply to calls or questions sent via text message to numbers associated with them. (A deed for a $750,000 house purchase in Union County, New Jersey, this June lists Uadla Santos as the buyer, and says she is married; she is the only purchaser listed on the property documents.)

George Santos, whose middle name is Anthony, sometimes uses Devolder, his late mother’s maiden name. He incorporated it into his campaign—“Devolder Santos for Congress”—as well as his own supposed financial services company, the Devolder Organization.

Santos has shifted between different combinations of those four names over the years, sometimes embracing his father’s Santos surname, other times going by his mother’s Devolder.

Santos’ mother died in 2016, according to an online crowdfunding campaign Santos launched to raise money to cover “the costs of the wake.” The GoFundMe page lists “Anthony D Santos” as the beneficiary—and Anthony Devolver of Sunnyside, New York, as the organizer—and the fundraising campaign remains open.

Santos’ campaign bio page claims his mother was “the first female executive at a major financial institution,” though the specific institution is unnamed. The bio also says “George’s mother was in her office in the South Tower” on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

“She survived the horrific events of that day, but unfortunately passed away a few years later”—about 15 years later.

And on Wednesday, Jewish outlet The Forward added still more intrigue, suggesting Santos may also have been untruthful when he claimed during the campaign—including on his website—to have Jewish ancestry. The report led incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries to declare his future colleague a “complete and utter fraud.”

But the divorce revelation, and the apparent secrecy around it, complicates a central piece of the image Santos has burnished as a dynamic and culturally revolutionary figure.

In an election season where many of his fellow conservatives spouted nonsensical allegations of pedophilia among Democrats, targeted benign drag brunches as epicenters for “grooming,” and inflamed a hateful anti-gay and anti-trans movement—as attacks on the LGBTQ community skyrocketed—Santos made history as the first non-incumbent gay Republican to ever be elected to Congress.

But after achieving that victory, and just two weeks before his barrier-breaking inauguration, Santos’ relationship with the truth is facing tests he somehow dodged for two campaigns.

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22 Dec 2022, 6:00 pm

Incoming congressman’s claims his grandparents fled the Holocaust contradicted by genealogy records

Claims by incoming Republican Rep. George Santos that his grandparents “survived the Holocaust” as Ukrainian Jewish refugees from Belgium who changed their surname to survive are contradicted by sources reviewed by CNN’s KFile including family trees compiled by genealogy websites, records on Jewish refugees and interviews with multiple genealogists.

Santos, who has called himself “half Jewish” and a “Latino Jew” in media appearances, has claimed his maternal grandfather was originally from Ukraine and fled to Brazil to escape Nazism. In another telling, the New York Republican said his grandparents converted to Catholicism during the rise of Nazism in Belgium after fleeing Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. In another telling, he claimed his family changed their name to survive Nazism.

CNN spoke to multiple genealogists who said there was no proof of the claims. Santos’ misrepresentations of his family history were first reported by The Forward on Wednesday. Records from the Holocaust Museum and the International Center on Nazi Persecution, which contain records on Jewish refugees, also show no mention of Santos’ grandparents.

Megan Smolenyak, an author and professional genealogist who helped research Santos’ family tree at CNN’s request, said in email, “There’s no sign of Jewish and/or Ukrainian heritage and no indication of name changes along the way.”

The incoming Republican lawmaker has faced scrutiny over his resume since The New York Times revealed on Monday that Santos’ biography appeared to be partly fictional. CNN confirmed details of The New York Times reporting on Monday, including that he may have misrepresented parts of his resume about his college education and employment history.

A lawyer for Santos declined to comment to CNN.

“I’m very proud of my Jewish heritage,” Santos said in an appearance from late November 2022 with the Jewish News Syndicate. “I’m very proud of my grandparents’ story. My grandfather fleeing, Ukraine, fleeing Stalin’s persecution, going to Belgium, finding refuge there, marrying my grandmother, then fleeing Hitler going to Brazil. That’s a story of perseverance. I’m so proud. I mean, I wish I could have met my grandfather.”

In another interview from earlier this year, Santos claimed that his grandparents survived the Holocaust.

“My grandparents survived the Holocaust, so these regimes of socialism, Marxism, they don’t work, and they’re followed up by a lot of hurt, and we’re seeing that currently and what’s happening in Ukraine with the Russians,” Santos said in a May 2022 interview.

But family histories from the websites MyHeritage and Geneanet and a Dutch periodical from the town the family emigrated from show his maternal grandparents, Paolo and Rosalina Devolder, were both born in Brazil. Records on FamilySearch, first reported by The Forward, also show Santos’ great-grandfather as living in Brazil.

While it is possible that his maternal grandparents returned to Europe and then moved back to Brazil, there is no evidence to support this. And there is no evidence that the family were Jewish refugees fleeing Europe.

Additionally, Santos’ ties to Ukraine were only added to his campaign biography sometime between April 2022 and October 2022, according to the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine. His bio now begins: “George’s grandparents fled Jewish persecution in Ukraine, settled in Belgium, and again fled persecution during WWII.”

When the Ukraine-Russia conflict began in February 2022, Santos told Fox News digital that his ties to Ukraine were “very vague” and said it would be “disingenuous” to claim his relatives were at risk. But he added that his family later changed their surname to survive.

“It’s just very vague and faint,” said Santos’ of his ties to the country. “We don’t carry the Ukrainian last name. For a lot of people who are descendants of World War II refugees or survivors of the Holocaust, a lot of names and paperwork were changed in name of survival.”

But records dispute this assertion. The Devolder surname has been used by his mother’s family for generations, and the family has not changed it, according to family trees reviewed by the genealogists CNN spoke to.

Santos’ mother died in 2016, but her Facebook posts include Catholic prayers and posts about the Virgin Mary on Easter with no posts indicating Jewish heritage.

In a different appearance, Santos said his mother’s grandfather’s family converted to Catholicism during the rise of Nazism, though he specified he was not trying to claim to Jewish heritage.

“My grandfather grew up Jewish. My grandfather, during the Soviet issues, escaped to Belgium,” said Santos. “And then that was a great move. Met my grandmother, married, and crazy enough, the Nazis became a thing. And that’s when he said, ‘Oh my God, this is all over again.’ They converted to Catholicism, had their kids, raised them Catholic. And I’m Catholic, but that’s pretty much little history of my family into Judaism.”

Incoming NY Rep. George Santos says he’ll address apparent misrepresentations about his past as Republican House leadership remains silent
Republican Rep.-elect George Santos of New York said in a tweet Thursday that he will address questions next week related to the scrutiny that uncovered inconsistencies on parts of his resume and biography as House GOP leadership continues to be silent about the issue.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy would not answer CNN’s questions Thursday when asked if he was concerned about apparent misrepresentations.

A lawyer for Santos declined to comment to CNN on Wednesday.

“To the people of #NY03 I have my story to tell and it will be told next week. I want to assure to everyone that I will address your questions and that I remain committed to deliver the results I campaigned on; Public safety, Education & more,” Santos said in the tweet.

Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN Thursday that it’s up to the GOP on how to handle Santos.

“Santos is now tattooed now to Republicans in Congress, it’s up to them to decide what to do about it,” she said.

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