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Arthur Theophilus S. Butterworth

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09 Jan 2023, 9:32 pm

Basically I am not sure whether have Asperger’s or not, but I feel I can relate to you on a lot of things, especially social interaction. I hope I can get some useful tips here

Mona Pereth

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10 Jan 2023, 1:22 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet.

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10 Jan 2023, 10:37 am

Welcome to WP!

I hope you have already found these two online tests:
<=>- Autism-Spectrum Quotient Test (AQ)
<=>- Aspie-Quiz Registering is optional!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.

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10 Jan 2023, 7:39 pm

There are tests that you can take online. They may provide you with some evidence.

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Arthur Theophilus S. Butterworth

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10 Jan 2023, 9:12 pm

Yeah I had already done these tests and they said “you are very likely aspie (neurodivergent).”
By the way, I do live in Shanghai. When I say I am a student, I mean I am a high school ESL student. I may be moving to Canada in two years in order to go to university. When I talked to my parents they were like “no, you’re not”, so I cannot see if it’s true that I have it, or get diagnosed.
Nevertheless, my cousin thinks that I am a typical Aspie.
There are also some people whose symptoms are not as typical as it is in the textbooks.
I don’t really know haha. Perhaps I will wait for years to get to know the answer.


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11 Jan 2023, 7:11 am

welcome, hope you find us helpful! lots of friendly folks with great insights and compassion here. Glad you are with us.


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11 Jan 2023, 7:19 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet ATSB :)

Another man's freedom fighter, one man's terrorist is - Yoda (probably)

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11 Jan 2023, 11:09 am

Arthur Theophilus S. Butterworth, A phrase often used regarding Autistics is:
<=>"If you've met one Autistic you've met one Autistic."++
In other words, we're all different, and if you are Autistic you'll be just as much a unique person as the rest of us are.

Note that your parents might not know much about Autism. Until 2019, when I was 64, I knew virtually nothing about it and would've dismissed any suggestion that I might be Autistic. For folk who haven't read up on the topic (such as me, before 2019) the term "Autistic" brings up a stereotype of someone with very severe symptoms. I was surprised when I first started reading about Autism and realized it described me.

And, I'll offer an idea here that is likely to cause some negative reactions on WP. If your symptoms are mild enough and you are not seeking formal accommodations then I see no reason for you to rush into a formal diagnosis. With or without a diagnosis you'll still be your weird self but without the label people will have to take you as you are rather than leaping quickly to the stereotypes. With or without a diagnosis, if you are sure you are Autistic you can learn about Autism...that is learn about your own strengths and weaknesses and develop techniques for working around them. Personally, I'm glad I was able to build good academic and professional credentials before I was diagnosed. Having that label before I'd built some credentials might've closed some opportunities for me, as happened to this young man! (I wouldn't have chosen to wait until my 60s to get the diagnosis, however. A two or three decades sooner would've been nice!)

If you need accommodations or medical care, however, you need a formal diagnosis.

Good luck!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.

Arthur Theophilus S. Butterworth

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11 Jan 2023, 11:34 pm

I understand what you guys are saying.
It’s just my parents holding negative views toward autism —— I mean, here in Shanghai this is a society of collectivism, and the political climate too. I talked to them about my difficulties at school, but they do not want me to identify as something that will bring more unnecessary challenges to my life. For example, they said. “As long as you don’t go with the norm there’ll always be people out there pointing fingers at you.” “If your future employee ever know that you have something like this, they will fire you.” “ADHD is not a disease, and you are studying at a very good high, so you can’t have ADHD, and you do not need to take drugs.”
I guess in Western countries they are accepting? Like there are more individualists than collectivists. Anyway, I won’t say that their concerns are totally meaningless… Although I envy my classmates on a lot aspects that I do not have, everyone has their own strength, and maybe on another planet they are the unsocial ones… Yes people think what they think, and we cannot change their mind, yet I do not want them to feel it’s something shameful.


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31 Jan 2023, 6:52 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!