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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 8 Jan 2023
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Posts: 32

16 Mar 2023, 4:25 am

I dislike seafood. I hate the texture and the smell. Some of it tastes fine but I find it very hard to get past my sensory issues.
I used to try and have at least some salmon or tuna once a week but recently even that's making me gag. So I've decided I want to cut it out at least for now.
What's the best way to replace the nutrients I'm probably missing from fish? I eat most other foods so should be fine with replacements... would codliver tablets be a good idea? Any other supplement?


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16 Mar 2023, 4:29 am

Krill oil. Too brain-dead to explain right now, but here's a good link:

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16 Mar 2023, 11:49 am

You can buy fish oil capsules. I can't eat most fish either. I can handle Tuna but that is about it.