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21 Apr 2023, 11:19 pm

Several years ago in 2011 the Cincinnati policeforce wanted to promote women in the policeforce in a reality

They hand picked Rose Valentino, an attractive 14 year veteran of the Cincinatti Police force to showcase the good work female cops do in the force.


Unfortunately Valentino was fired from the policeforce in Sept 2022 when she was recorded on bodycam using the n-word ... -rcna45809

This case illustrates what is wrong with the US policeforce when one of their best female cops who is held up a beacon of the best the force have can be caught on camera saying
"I hate this f*** world
"I hate these f***** n****** , I hate all of them"

Vaentino was accused of having implict bias which she denied and requested to keep her job. But the Cincinatti policeforce investigation rejected that recommendation, saying that Valentino had been trained in recent years on nondiscrimination, implicit bias and fair and impartial policing. A psych profile suggested she was therefore a danger and risk to civilians of African American bacground so was terminated immediately.

soooo....this is
1. the best police officer in that precinct
2. a female cop
3. she has had years of implict bias training
4. she was recommended and hand picked for publicising the good work the Cincinatti police are doing

Yet, she turns out to be a monster?? surely doesn't this illustrate a systemic culture in the policeforce across America? if a female officer in a major US city can carry this type of implict bias what do you expect from Officer Bubba in a small town in Mississippi


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22 Apr 2023, 3:29 am

These problems have existed since before the USA/Canada even became countries. Police forces in the USA were formed to manage runaway slaves for white owners, while the RCMP in Canada was formed to slaughter Indigenous people while protecting white settlers. For several generations, learned racist behaviour has been trained into police officers in both countries. It's not an easy nut to crack - especially when police "police," themselves and tend to protect bad apples/look the other way and all that crap.

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22 Apr 2023, 4:26 am

The mindset is very very deep...yes its a tough nut to crack


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22 Apr 2023, 5:28 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Police forces in the USA were formed to manage runaway slaves for white owners

Just enough truth in that statement to fit a narrative
The Problem with Claiming That Policing Evolved from Slave Patrols
“Policing itself started out as slave patrols. We know that,” Rep. James Clyburn declared in an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier. Clyburn, the House majority whip, is the third highest ranking Democrat in Congress. He’s widely respected. And he’s wrong. Or, to be more generous, he’s being irresponsibly sloppy in making a point he’s right about.

But he’s not alone.

A story in Yahoo News makes a similar claim. Discussing police abuses, reporter Marquise Francis writes, “The injustice harkens back to the very origins of policing in the U.S., in volunteer patrols charged with keeping African-Americans in their place and hunting runaway slaves.”

A USA Today article headlined, “Law enforcement’s history of racism; First police departments date back to slave patrols”: “Across the U.S., black Americans lived in fear of law enforcement officials armed with weapons who monitored their every behavior, attacked them on the street and in their homes, and killed them for the slightest alleged provocation.”

Wenei Philimon, the author, continues, “These organized groups of white men known as slave patrols lay at the roots of the nation’s law enforcement excesses, historians say, helping launch centuries of violent and racist behavior toward black Americans, as well as a tradition of protests and uprisings against police brutality.”

One has to read deep into the piece to discover the important caveat to a legitimately significant historical fact. Yes, policing in Southern slave states has some roots in slave patrols.

But policing doesn’t.

Policing—enforcing the law, preventing crime, apprehending criminals—has a very long tradition of existence. I don’t know where it started, but for our purposes we can note that Augustus Caesar, born in 27 B.C., created the cohortes urbanae near the end of his reign, to police Ancient Rome. Policing in England takes rudimentary form with Henry II’s proclamation of the Assize of Arms of 1181. In the 1600s England established constables and justices of the peace to oversee them. The Metropolitan Police Act created the first recognizable police force in the U.K. in 1829.

Meanwhile, in America the first constables were created in the 1630s in what came to be known as New England. Boston has the oldest “modern” police department. It was created in 1838. New York and Philadelphia soon followed.

They were not created to search for runaway slaves.

It is true that slave patrols were created in slave states and they were an early form of policing. How much that taints the police forces of modern-day Atlanta or Charleston or any other state is clearly up for discussion.

But it strikes me as somewhat far-fetched to argue that police in Minnesota or New York are imbued with the spirit of southern militias tasked with tracking down slaves. It even strikes me as a bit of a stretch to claim that the slave patrols of the 1840s have a lot of bearing on the actions of police departments in majority black cities like Atlanta.

Indeed, there’s something uncomfortable to the idea that attempts to prevent rape, murder, robbery, etc., have some obvious racist intent behind them. Black people are just as deserving of protection from crime as anybody else.

Moreover, the attempt to paint policing—all policing “across America,” in former slave states and free states alike—as the poisoned fruit of American slavery is problematic. First, every decent country has police, including the non-white ones. Second, the South lost the Civil War. Under Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans imposed the North’s will on the South. The slave patrols were disbanded. Some patrollers did indeed become police. But so did African-Americans. Meanwhile, the evil energies of the patrols were primarily expressed elsewhere—in the form of vigilante groups like the KKK. When Reconstruction ended, the South imposed tyrannical Jim Crow laws.

Rep. Val Demings, reportedly on Joe Biden’s vice presidential shortlist, is the former chief of police of Orlando, Florida, and an African American. Do people really mean to say she ran the moral equivalent of a slave patrol? Really?

One of the arguments made by both advocates of reasonable police reform—like Demings—as well as proponents of abolishing the police is that cops do too much. They reasonably note that police are expected to be first-responding mental health professionals, dealing with homeless people, possible suicides, etc. Why send people with guns to do that?

It’s a fair question. But by even asking it, you’re conceding that police are not, in fact, behaving like slave patrols.

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22 Apr 2023, 5:37 am

This thread could just as easily be entitled "The Problem with virtue signaling". because that is exactly what the Cincinnati Police Department was trying to do.

Valentino told investigators that she doesn't have racial biases or use racial slurs — but she acknowledged using the slur, saying it "was not intended to refer to all African Americans but was specifically and narrowly in reference to the teenager," according to an internal memo written by a police captain that was released Monday.

She told the investigators that she had been “desensitized to racially offensive language by music and hearing people talk on the street, and frequent exposure allowed the slur to slip into her vernacular,” according to the memo.


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22 Apr 2023, 6:16 am

Yes. Thats my understanding of it. The first modern police force in the English speaking world was created in London England. And Boston, Phillie, and NYC, quickly copied the London model in the early 19th Century. They were all urban police. Nothing to do with agriculture, and the agriculture of the surrounding land was family farms, and not any kind of plantations with slaves anyway.


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22 Apr 2023, 8:07 am

Packs of roving street urchins were the reason urban police were formed.

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22 Apr 2023, 11:27 am

In the States the precursors to the modern police were the slave catchers and many parts of the South had a slave jail for runaways and slaves who were insubordinate. The modern constabulary in other parts of the Anglo sphere were based on The London Metropolitan ("The Yard") police force by Sir Robert Peele; this is where the term "Bobby" comes from and the pejorative term "Peeler" which is still used in Ireland originated. The forerunners of Scotland Yard were local nightwatchmen. The RCMP is more comparable to the Texas Rangers, frontier settler terror groups.


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22 Apr 2023, 11:48 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Police forces in the USA were formed to manage runaway slaves for white owners

Just enough truth in that statement to fit a narrative

Not like there isn't more current info available about the problem: ... ice-report

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22 Apr 2023, 7:07 pm

Law enforcement is nothing more than domestic terrorism in many parts of the U.S.

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22 Apr 2023, 7:20 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Law enforcement is nothing more than domestic terrorism in many parts of the U.S.

Yes, this seems to be the prevailing pattern I see across the US. There is a systemic culture where police behave like a organised crime/protection racket. They target certain groups who historically have been on their radar since the old runaway slave days.

If you assume junior cops learn from senior ones then logically those "values" are being passed down. What concerned me about Valentino is she was held as a model cop who has had years of implicit bias training. Yet whatever training she had shockingly made little difference to her core values.


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22 Apr 2023, 7:45 pm

In many Southern states, and probably other states, some cities/counties have police divisions called vice squads, which are basically morality enforcers.

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22 Apr 2023, 8:17 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
In many Southern states, and probably other states, some cities/counties have police divisions called vice squads, which are basically morality enforcers.

What do you mean by "morality" enforcers?