Joe90 wrote:
I get upset when people unfriend me on Facebook too. Usually people who leave work unfriend me but don't unfriend anyone else at work even though I know they aren't close friends or anything. I get a mixture of hurt and confusion.
Also I've lost count how many people I have sent friend requests to only to be rejected straight away. And yes, these are people I know, have spoken to, and have a lot of mutual friends with. When I look at other people's Facebook friends I notice they have like 1000 friends, surely a lot of them are people they know, have spoken to and have a lot of mutual friends with too.
Maybe the rules apply differently to anyone with my name. Or maybe it's something in my profile picture that turns people away (even though it's just a nice photo of me with my boyfriend). My cover photo just has my pets. Nothing out of the ordinary. Very NT-friendly.
I'm mystified. Maybe we'll add it to the 8 wonders of the world list.
I can relate (my story is slightly different, although similar).
I've never been facebook friends with any coworkers. That being said, I joined facebook during high school, and had lots of classmates on my facebook friend list. During my college years, some high school classmates would remove me from their friend list (but keep a lot of other former high school classmates). So it's not that they were simply "cleaning house" once high school ended; it was something personal about
During college, I had college classmates remove me (and one college classmate even blocked me) for no apparent reason.
I've said it before and will say it again: I seriously don't understand the deep hatred the outside world feels toward us. Those of us on the spectrum don't tend to be jerks; just different.