US Senate Bill offers amnesty to reveal alien tech

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07 Jul 2023, 4:31 am

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., announced a funding boost for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, tasked with researching and analyzing UAPs, in the Senate Armed Services Committee’s version of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act. House lawmakers have not made their funding request for the office public ... nsparency/

If the Senate’s text is passed, current or former government contractors would have 60 days to turn over any unidentified-object data they’ve come across to the Pentagon office. Contractors would also be required to provide a “comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material,” according to the Senate’s intelligence authorization bill text.

It should be worth mentioning that US intelligence whistleblower David Grusch was authorised by the US intelligence and armed forces to speak to the media about his knowledge the existence US government engagement with non-human intelligence or NHI. He also has evidence that he is not permitted to share as it would automatically breach his NDA and send him to jail

I must admit, I am disappointed there is such a lack of curiosity by the media over this leak? if the bill is passed it will be interesting who will agree to the amnesty and come clean.


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07 Jul 2023, 5:28 am

cyberdad wrote:
I must admit, I am disappointed there is such a lack of curiosity by the media over this leak? if the bill is passed it will be interesting who will agree to the amnesty and come clean.

What curiosity?
The establishment media doesn't do curiosity, they most closely resemble the PR wing of the government and large corporations now.


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07 Jul 2023, 10:51 am

What this amounts to (assuming everything lines up) is the greatest modern cover up in the history of the world. A conglomeration of foreign governments working in tandem to forward crashed alien craft to aerospace tech companies from literally the dawn of the space era.

This makes the US and other governments complicit in lying to their own people for at least 70 years. Companies in Silicon valley and other tech industries will wondering why they were not allowed to share in these discoveries.

Not to mention industries engaging in "dirty" fuel, polluting our atmospheres running inefficient tech.


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09 Jul 2023, 11:22 pm

Just to provide context to why this bill is being put to congress

A few weeks ago a high level intelligence whistleblower, David Grusch, claimed that the United States had discovered the remains of a crashed alien spacecraft.

The Pentagon denied the report, but the U.S. Congress remains interested—and, back in June, the House Oversight Committee announced it will hold a hearing on UFOS—or as the U.S. government calls them, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs). Under the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives stated a congressional hearing on UFOs has been tentatively scheduled for late July 2023.

Despite the denial from his employers, the office for intelligence publications and reporting which means they don't disagree he is hoaxing

More info = this has its own entry now in wikipedia ... wer_claims


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26 Jul 2023, 9:57 am

cyberdad wrote:
This makes the US and other governments complicit in lying to their own people for at least 70 years. Companies in Silicon valley and other tech industries will wondering why they were not allowed to share in these discoveries.

Do you really want people like Zuck getting UFO tech so they can spy on people more?


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27 Jul 2023, 3:29 am

Lecia_Wynter wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
This makes the US and other governments complicit in lying to their own people for at least 70 years. Companies in Silicon valley and other tech industries will wondering why they were not allowed to share in these discoveries.

Do you really want people like Zuck getting UFO tech so they can spy on people more?

But its not just him. A number of Silicon Valley tech companies are ethical based and would use the retrieved alien tech to benefit humanity.

What I don't trust are military industrial complex/aerospace tech companies.