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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 13 Apr 2023
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 1
Location: FL

09 Jul 2023, 11:48 am

My boss just relocated near me just by coincidence it was in the works before I was hired. (We've known each other for a long time but just as professional acquaintances) I offered to help him unload his truck because I knew he was doing it himself and his dad is older. He accepted and so I helped. Afterwards he wanted to show me the property where he is building a house and we walked it. I drove him back to his dad's and his dad asked me to have dinner with them I did hesitate wondering if I should say no, if it was just being polite and I should really say no I said you must be tired we can do it another time but they said no let's go. It still felt weird but I went ahead and went. It's so hard to read people. I mentioned at dinner I'd be selling my house and moving in a few months to get out of the city and my boss seemed concerned I was leaving. All day he'd been sharing all of the details about his house plans with me. He also seemed really interested and impressed in my hobbies and interests which I tried not to expand on too much. It's really uncomfortable to talk about myself. I made him atshirt as a welcome gift and joke and give it to him and left. I always hug him and his dad because I was just brought up that way. His dad is a big hugger but my boss never makes a move to hug first but doesn't seem opposed. The whole thing seems so odd to me. Like he wants to be friends but is uncomfortable. If I text him outside of working hours the responses are either super friendly then stiff or very stiff automatically. Then I feel weird for having texted him. My good friend thinks he's romantically interested which freaks me out. I'm wondering what yall think.