How do I stop worrying about health in the future ?

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26 Jul 2023, 3:01 pm

What I mean is, in my situation I seem to worry about my health status in the future than worrying about it right now. I don't want to think of myself as a hypochondriac who thinks they always have something wrong with them physically despite knowing or even being checked by a doctor that they are well and healthy, I just worry about having something wrong with me in the distant future. I do know that everyone has uncertainty in their lives and no one knows what might happen to them in the future and try not to think about it and just live life anyway as there seems no point in dwelling on it.

I always remind myself of one of these podcasts that Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington used to make. I still listen to them sometimes as I find them hilarious to listen to. Some of which Karl expressed his health worries and check ups. One of which he explained how he said he had ''problems with his legs'' and went to a masseuse and Ricky and Stephen just sighed and Stephen said ''What are you ? 33? And you are talking like you are a 70 year old man.'' Gervais also said ''You have always got the time off work for this. You went dentist 3 times a week, now you go and have your legs rubbed 3 times a week and then in and out of the hospital for kidney stones and then they find no kidney stones.''