Why is it a "thing to do" to have kids ?

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08 Aug 2023, 9:09 am

I've seen people I recognise from years ago who I don't stay in contact anymore and have seen them with their own kids. I seem to feel as though people are having kids not always because they want but because they "have" to because it's the thing to do. Obviously I don't know whether they wanted a child or not and just got pregnant and had a baby anyway. But it just feels that way to me.


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09 Aug 2023, 7:43 am

Having children is the natural result of having sex. To prevent this one either abstains from sex or uses mechanical, chemical, or surgical technology to prevent them. Many people avail themselves of the technology to prevent children (as can be seen in declining birth rates). Often this is based on the desire to avoid the aggravation, expense, and time spent on children and keep it for oneself.

Perhaps an underappreciated aspect of parenting is that having to take care of the natural selfishness of a child opens the door to a selflessness that might not have been explored otherwise. It is through this door that much satisfaction is found in life.


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09 Aug 2023, 6:56 pm

Tis mother nature at work.

When the pretty white petals of a bramble flower drop off, having been visited by bees or such like, carrying the other part of the required map for life, they produce little green lumps, which turn to pink then purple then black, ever enlarging (if the environment prevails) until they are juicy and delicious blackberries.

And my little one LOVES blackberries.

It is not always pure choice to procreate. Nature / genes / instinct / environment / opportunity allow this to happen. If it wasn't for reproduction then none of us would be here.

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23 Jan 2024, 7:18 pm

What makes you think they had kids because they thought they were expected to, rather than it being an active choice?

I'm not doubting you, because you know them and I don't. There are plenty of people who have children because they think it's a societal expectation. I'm just wondering what gives you that impression about these particular people

Last edited by PassingThrough on 23 Jan 2024, 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Jan 2024, 9:40 pm

Well, society is built on people having enough children to replace the aging population.

All that said, I don't want kids. Or sex. Or marriage. Most people do want those things, I think.

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26 Jan 2024, 11:15 am

The mother nature!!
I think it is better to engage children in love with nature. they must be the son of soil. For this, plantation, gardening, and roam in nature especially during the off days will be a perfect hoby.

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27 Jan 2024, 10:41 pm

I've heard people mention their parenthood in terms of having done their duty for society. That doesn't necessarily mean it was a major reason for them. They could have just been acknowledging it in hindsight as a byproduct.

For me, duty to society doesn't factor into the decision. Many people feel the same way I do (and, yes, some vehemently don't). I have relatives who chose not to have children, and some of my co-workers chose the same. I haven't heard any onlookers disparaging them for it. As for the people I know who are parents, I couldn't imagine saying to them, "well, you did your duty for society."

Last edited by PassingThrough on 28 Jan 2024, 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Jan 2024, 10:55 pm

I don't get the stigma of adults being child free in this day and age, especially if you're female. My parents never seemed to mind that I didn't give them grandchildren. It's not like they could count on me to do so, anyway.


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27 Jan 2024, 11:01 pm

Lackingincaffeine wrote:
Tis mother nature at work.

When the pretty white petals of a bramble flower drop off, having been visited by bees or such like, carrying the other part of the required map for life, they produce little green lumps, which turn to pink then purple then black, ever enlarging (if the environment prevails) until they are juicy and delicious blackberries.

And my little one LOVES blackberries.

It is not always pure choice to procreate. Nature / genes / instinct / environment / opportunity allow this to happen. If it wasn't for reproduction then none of us would be here.

Mother Nature is a cruel, heartless, disgusting witch who kills bees by ripping their stingers out after they sting and allows wild deer to suffer chronic wasting disease and fish to have parasites squirming inside their guts. Why would should I have to do something because Mother Nature when she is so horrible? Or any other imaginary higher power being for that matter? :P


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27 Jan 2024, 11:27 pm

chris1989 wrote:
Why Is It A "Thing To Do" To Have Kids ?

Masochism. If you want a cheaper alternative to having kids, just fill a bucket full of razor blades and salt water and stick your head in it. Same sensation but it doesn't cost as much.

The only thing worse than dealing with kids is dealing with your partner with kids. Having kids will cause your partner to undergo a drastic change in personality where they're no longer the person you fell in love with. They turn into a completely different person who is even more annoying than your kids.

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27 Jan 2024, 11:38 pm

We very much wanted both our kids. We did it for no one but ourselves, even though it certainly changes you free time, your finances, and how/where you travel. Life is richer when you re-live it through a child’s eyes. It’s just “more,” both good and bad. Amazing memories of getting so much joy just watching or listening to them, although there were definitely times of intense frustration and exhaustion. Now they are grown, I have these two amazing adults in my life that are truly my favorite people anywhere.

And, of course, Mother Nature drives us to want this.

As the world changes so do the instincts nature gives us. Younger generations are less likely to want kids. I think that is fine, it’s part of the balance Mother Nature will always seek.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).