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Is this true?
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Unfortunately 43%  43%  [ 3 ]
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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Sep 2023, 1:47 am

Does anyone relate (not like me) or have a problem with this like me, watch the darn video…..this video I may warn has foul foul language.

SaturnSalemTv YouTube Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel, and eat popcorn

jimmy m

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15 Sep 2023, 11:58 am

When I was growing up, there were many smart people. But many disappeared after they reached the age when a child becomes an adult, around age 13. I never used addictive drugs. I was offered them by a group of young teenagers at a closed door party, but I did not ever try them. Now I am 3/4 of a century old. It was a good decision.

I have seen many people who were torn apart by drug addiction. They not only destroy themselves but those closest around them. Once they get on drugs, it is extremely difficult to break the connection. This is especially true for those on the spectrum.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

DH Rider
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15 Sep 2023, 6:34 pm

jimmy m wrote:
When I was growing up, there were many smart people. But many disappeared after they reached the age when a child becomes an adult, around age 13. I never used addictive drugs. I was offered them by a group of young teenagers at a closed door party, but I did not ever try them. Now I am 3/4 of a century old. It was a good decision.

I have seen many people who were torn apart by drug addiction. They not only destroy themselves but those closest around them. Once they get on drugs, it is extremely difficult to break the connection. This is especially true for those on the spectrum.

What is your point?

You also wrote on my thread “I wish I could be of help. But I never went the route you traveled. I always stayed away from drugs that could alter my brain.”

This actually angered me but I kept quiet because I am new and didn't want to rock the boat so soon. But really, how does your pride in your abstinence actually help anyone who has taken drugs?

Many of the most effective addictions counsellors are former addicts who know what the f**k they are talking about. And many of those who claim they want to help only want others to think more highly of them.

jimmy m

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16 Sep 2023, 8:48 am

DH Rider wrote:
What is your point?

You also wrote on my thread “I wish I could be of help. But I never went the route you traveled. I always stayed away from drugs that could alter my brain.”

This actually angered me but I kept quiet because I am new and didn't want to rock the boat so soon. But really, how does your pride in your abstinence actually help anyone who has taken drugs?

Many of the most effective addictions counsellors are former addicts who know what the f**k they are talking about. And many of those who claim they want to help only want others to think more highly of them.

What is the Point?

Many people on this site have gone through great adversity by being slightly different beginning in childhood as they reached the point of transitioning into adulthood. Many choose to use various forms of drugs to seek relief. Some parents in later generations gave various types of prescription drugs to their children believing they would provide a cure. These drugs do not cure. They distort the minds of those who take them. That is not a cure.

I have personally seen many families whose kids became drug addicts. It destroys the individuals taking these drugs and causes very severe pain to their families. It produces horror. Drug addiction is not a cure.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

Huckleberry Finn

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16 Sep 2023, 5:29 pm

Jimmy m.ti described his thoughts on this.

Same experience happened to me: I refused.

Drugs create problems even long after they are stopped.

In the forum we always try to maintain respect for those who write.

Among other things, an answer from a quality person is worth its weight in gold.

In part you write something true and it is valid for all substance addictions.

In addition to a specifically trained medical staff, the experiences of those who have used it and have recovered from it in some way are very valuable.

They are, among other things, increasingly chemically subtle.

As for how well I know Jimmy m. , you're new here.

You do not know him.
You cannot know the countless adversities that he has overcome throughout his life and that he is overcoming, including a stroke just over two years ago.

*Deserves respect*
And even if you had 100,000 posts as a forum veteran they wouldn't give you even a single opportunity to disrespect anyone else who posts here.


No one doubts that the condition that makes you suffer is hell.

It's easy for an Asperger to write to you that he would like to help you, even if he has had completely different experiences.
Medicine and pharmacology were among my passions.
Psychiatry especially.

I am writing to you very sincerely that there are ways (chemically you replace a substance, then it scales over time, even forever).

In the case of drug addiction:
you should have the full collaboration of whoever is.

Ask him if he's willing to actually get out of it.

Entering a group of people with specialized medical staff, and mixed groups of former drug users and those who are still in a hell from which to escape seems impossible.

Many addictions take a lifetime.

Then the drugs are always different.


I saw many people who were. Who are no longer here (alive).

Others have somehow managed to quit.

I have a relative who was one, now she helps prisoners in various projects and even though with 40 radiotherapy treatments and many chemotherapies, she overcame a tumor that only gave her a 30% chance of life, she overcame it.

As in many things: I wouldn't know how to do it, while they did.
Also a friend of his.

As an autistic I have a lot of disasters to solve every day.

Here: I succeed in that, every day I manage to survive those disasters.

I find strategies and ways.
The meaning of the forum is mutual help.

And certainly not the controversy to be triggered, after who knows what number of posts.

I also have a lot of problems to solve, they are heavy, but I wouldn't use another user's post to express my anger towards him.

I see a post replying to yours.
I hadn't noticed.

Regarding the video posted by Elena, I can't express an opinion on those choices in the survey.

It is clear that a person with mental problems, traumatic difficulties, syndromes of various types does not fall into a sort of therapy format because first it should be carefully selected and evaluated.

We are looking for the same solutions for everyone, we autistic people are not the same neurologically.

Just one example.


The same would also apply to psychological therapies which should be adapted to the autism spectrum.

In the normal ones, for example, it was a disaster for me.

I've tried many.

Then I looked into my medical knowledge of the subject, and my scholastic knowledge.

To get to a drug that would help me.

I found the solution immediately.

But precisely because of some of its chemical characteristics I have tested many other drugs before.

Without result.

Now I only have this solution.

Socially it would be impossible to live (In my case).

And it's not a question of will.

In me that is extremely intense.

In any case, a Government must help people, and when it does, put them in the best conditions to do so.

And absolutely don't blame them if they can't get out of a problem within the problem.

It's not that they don't try, they just can't.

As a teacher I would write: if one of my students was unable to learn the subject, would it be his fault? Or would it be my fault because I didn't understand how I could help him?


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16 Sep 2023, 6:54 pm

A lot of people that have mental health conditions, which are successfully managed by psychiatric medications, would beg to differ in terms of the "drugs are bad, mmkay" cliche.


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16 Sep 2023, 7:53 pm

What is the point of the video?

If its that autistic folks are more likely to be drug addicts than NTs then I doubt that thats true.
Have met many users and abusers and boozers and none seemed very autistic in personality.

Although ADHD types might well more prone to addiction because they tend to be thrill seekers.

Huckleberry Finn

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16 Sep 2023, 8:02 pm

^Hi sorry.
In my post I wrote about drugs in some parts and medications in others.

I don't know if he used the appropriate terms to distinguish the two things.

Medical drugs I describe my case.

Drugs in Italian instead indicates narcotic substances, which are to be avoided.
I am not aware of words that express the difference.

The first part I wrote indicates the illegal substances which in Italian are called drugs (narcotics).

Now it's 3 am and I don't have time to edit.
Because otherwise the translation would be wrong.

I have to understand.
Let me be clear: I don't mean curative drugs.

Which are crucial for the people who benefit from them.

They only did damage to me.

Except one I hire to function socially.
I reserve the right to write the post more clearly in case the difference is difficult to understand.

I don't actually have the time now.

If you are referring to my post I hope to be able to edit it differently tomorrow.

Anyone who follows a treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor must follow it for his own good.

I have to reread the post.

Unfortunately I am not fluent in English and I may have got the descriptive words wrong.

If so, thanks for letting me know.

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.

DH Rider
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Sep 2023, 9:00 pm

I am not debating whether or not drugs are or can be destructive, although I will push back against any black and white thinking that drugs are always 100% “bad” (see the Bill Hicks quote below).

One of my special interests is BS. How prevalent it is, why people use it, and how damaging it is to society. As someone who has struggled most of my life, I am especially sensitive to anyone telling me that they wish they could help, only to be offered BS “help” that is nothing more than saying “You should be more like me because I never made the same mistakes you did.”

It is pointless and it is hurtful. It is like showing up to the scene of a car accident and telling the bleeding victims that they should have worn their seatbelts. While true, the damage is already done. So how is that helping? How is telling people who have already suffered from drugs that they would have been better off to not take any? It’s a slap in the face, frankly, salt in the wounds of someone who doesn’t need to be lectured or reminded of their mistakes (in my case, since I was taking drugs prescribed by doctors, they were mistakes I had no way to know in advance that I was making).

Whether intentional or not, it is useless information that comes across not as a desire to provide assistance, but merely to declare moral superiority.

Bill Hicks: “I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal f***ing high on drugs. The Beatles were so f***ing high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.”

Huckleberry Finn

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17 Sep 2023, 3:39 am

Hi Blitzkrieg.
I wanted to underline that my third line of the post which in English indicates drugs, I made a mistake in the translation.
I indicated that drugs leave long-term problems.

They can also dispel paranoia or other problems which, without their use, would not have given rise to problems of this type.

I underline that the sentence against medicines prescribed for the cure (treatment) of anxiety or psychiatric disorders was not intended.

I cannot express my opinion on this matter: therapies should absolutely not be discouraged or interrupted without adequate specialist medical advice.

Medicines are not "bad", there is a lack of pre-therapy discernment, at least in Italy.

I'll explain Blitzkrieg to you.
Often the case studies are not explored in depth and the solution is sought based on the symptoms.

In psychiatry many symptoms are common with other pathologies.

There is no discrimination between the various clusters.

Or we start first with an anxiolytic drug therapy, forgetting the combined approach with psychotherapists.

Or the opposite: they are not used because the doctor is against it and is not a specialist.
A psychotherapist and that's it can't prescribe drugs.

There is a lack of teamwork.

Doctors are convinced by their passion (a doctor wants what is best for you, so he implements the therapies that for him are the best ever), that they don't even try to listen to their colleague who also works on the mind.

With psychology there are many types of therapies, some do not have meta-analytic studies, only because a form that can be studied linearly is missing, and there are few validated ones in this sense. Others are validated but not in a meta-analytic way.
They can work very well, but they do not have fixed parameters, which can be controlled by univocal research, for example Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. A linear approach on specific patients, it was first tested only on men, then medicine expanded studies on women.
Several other unique studies are missing.
There are some published, but partial, that is, research that is not homogeneous with each other.

In this therapy both drug doctrines are used after an initial psychological approach.
I'll give you an example of a doctor friend of mine who took it and has a confirmed PSSD.

Post-SSRIs Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), also known as Post-SSRI Syndrome, is an iatrogenic (drug-induced) disease caused by serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs (such as SSRI, SNRI and some tricyclics) characterized by sexual, cognitive and emotional dysfunctions that arise while taking the drug or less commonly when it is discontinued and which persist for an indefinite time (months, years or irreversibly) after discontinuation of treatment.

We autistic people do not have univocal studies on standardized therapies.

A specific vision is missing from the research for reasons of number.

We are penalized in this too.

Drugs (thus those that in theory would be sanctionable) are not sanctioned if prescribed by doctors, for example a friend of mine has a tumor and is missing a leg.
Every few months they amputate dangerous parts.

He takes morphine, under ministerial prescription.
SO doctors can do it.

Many of those drugs do not have a percentage over 50% in scientific literature, others slightly higher.
These are the ones in classic treatments.

They have side effects that are sometimes persistent over time.
Again from scientific evidence, written they can cause damage to the gastric system, for me they were causing gastric hemorrhage. I underline this in my case.

Others have iatrogenic effects even at small doses and even if discontinued after a short time.

He is a doctor and the son of medical specialists.
Regarding substances defined as narcotics, I write that some are used for multiple sclerosis patients and other problems and people benefit from them.

A friend of mine hires one that I don't mention.

In Milan, but also everywhere, precision medicine exists.
It is based on simple blood marker tests, C-reactive protein and others.

A drug is tested and parameters are verified.

If these are the ones tailored to the patient, you will immediately have a drug that works.

Without keeping the patient in wrong, long and exhausting therapies.


I would like to point out two things:
1) Doctors want our best.
They do everything they can to help us and absolutely all their instructions must be followed.

Medicines are good.
Pharmaceutical companies must return from financial investments, then they have the right to make their work count.

This is always in the best cases of right trials and right timing.
Very accurate controls.
I stand aside in this discussion also because I wouldn't want it to be used by others to create controversy.

And I don't mean you Blitzkrieg.

We respect everyone in the forum, and we always seek discussion with delicacy and kindness, without writing later I will express myself in a more intense way than I did.

Here we accept everyone, everyone is welcome.
But respect must be the basis of everything, including fair play.

Although the first pharmacovigilance reports date back to 1991, only in recent years has a growing body of scientific evidence led to its recognition by the medical community and health authorities. Currently, a treatment for the syndrome has not been identified, nor have its etiology, frequency and risk factors been defined with certainty


No one is superior to others as an individual unless he can clearly prove it.

I underline one thing: no one rated themselves as superior to others, and I think everyone listens to people here.
Without judging ourselves as better.

Maybe I expressed myself badly, English is not my language, if so I apologize.

But not Jimmy for example who's native language is English.
And I read what he wrote and he gives an example about himself, even if as a good person he tries to express a concept: which is openness towards anyone, not judgment towards you.

I too have suffered and continue to suffer a multitude of inconveniences and even unnecessary therapies in my case.
You don't know our stories, we've fought our whole lives.
Maybe we have fought and are still fighting and you don't know it.

No is a good answer, nor is mine a bad one, above all and I care, it is not judgmental towards you.

Thank you

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.

DH Rider
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17 Sep 2023, 4:54 pm

Huckleberry Finn wrote:
I too have suffered and continue to suffer a multitude of inconveniences and even unnecessary therapies in my case.
You don't know our stories, we've fought our whole lives.
Maybe we have fought and are still fighting and you don't know it.

That’s right. Most of us have fought all our lives and many don’t know our stories.
Which is why I see red flags when someone who brags that they have never taken any drugs offers their unsolicited “expertise” on them, saying that they are all harmful and destructive, no exception.

It’s like mansplaining pregnancy to women.

Huckleberry Finn

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17 Sep 2023, 8:19 pm

Sorry, I might be explaining myself badly, because I'm not good at writing in English.

I'm going by points.

None of us think that drugs are only harmful.

It was a subject of my study.

I have a lot of problems and I don't feel any better than you.
I don't think anyone thinks this.

In my case I managed to find a way out on my own.

And it is based on the only drug that has worked in 8 years of attempts with others.

With one treatment I risked a gastric hemorrhage.

In my case.

Technically I'm not writing to you because the post would be very long.

This is only a small part of my life that I describe to you.

In 8 years I also tried that pharmacological route, even multi-therapies.

Without any effectiveness (in my case).

I just felt worse.

For several years I have been taking one that is a nitrobenzodiapine (I omit the name because I would not like to indicate it in the forum).

Let's say it is 20 times more powerful than valium (molecule).

I have an uncommon ability to tolerate it.

While weakening my sensorial (Because it would be very accentuated), I work on myself to improve in what I can socially.

Pre therapy I was also Hikikomori.
So imagine my condition back then.

My desire to improve myself is absolute.

In some things I can, in others I will not succeed.

On narcotic substances (I translate it like this because in Italian there are many words to describe a disambiguation, in English, sorry, I don't know enough.

It comes out to me in translation drug.


Even the part where you interpreted us as better because we wrote about our situation, similar.
Refusing a chemical substance was a personal reaction.

This does not at all mean that you are less valid, mentally strong, capable, or, if helped by good people who know some realities that we do not know, while you do, others do, you can be able to find solutions.

a friend of mine is super obese.

I told him once that if I were in his place I wouldn't know how to change.

There are actually ways but he rejects them.

And if at the basis of a change there is not the choice to want to face it then everything that is done is lost.


Among other things, 7 years ago, due to a mix between a virus and an intestinal colon problem, I lost a lot of weight.

Imagine being 180 cm tall and losing 13 kilos, ending up at 59 and not being able to gain anything back for months.

I understood him because I had experienced this passage in my life.

So I was the only one who didn't lecture him about his weight.

Otherwise everything is so simple.
Nothing is in life.

If there isn't that change in us that leads us to make very complicated choices, we aren't even talking about pragmatic things.

*Let's be clear: perhaps you never completely get out of an addiction so the commitment to be made will be for life.

If I am an alcoholic, in addition to benefiting from the help of good people, I will find other people in specific groups who have experienced my problems.
In addition to psychological and medical help, there is also pharmacological help

The first enemy to fight is within us.

The rest will always be an uphill road.

Also considering that those who abuse substances are genetically predisposed, and probably have a mind with general depression problems.

(Complex speech: One of the two things chases the other)

You are depressed and looking for a way to feel better.

There is more and we are looking for similar methods.

Every substance crosses the blood-brain barrier and passes through the central nervous system.

It then creates a double effect, first it euphoriates then it causes the opposite situation.

At the same time the substance ruins the brain components and annihilates them.

As well as the will.

And will is a key element to succeed.

Except that's exactly what you don't get to easily.

And in some conditions it is not at all easy to achieve results.

But very very complicated.

If I had those problems I wouldn't know what to expect from my reactions.

The phrase: "if you want, you can" bothers me a lot.

If I lack theory of mind I cannot reverse it, I don't have it.

If I'm blind, it's not like I can magically see.

*It is necessary to understand what the compromising framework of each individual is, because each person is different from the others.

Many solutions are based on "we are all alike".

It is not so.

I hope I didn't make a mistake in answering, that is, that I didn't inadvertently start a controversy.

Because that's what I intended to step aside for.

To avoid it: it would perhaps have been wiser (I hypothesize)

We also need to clarify a concept

In medicine it is when a medical specialist evaluates appropriate medical solutions.
Total remission of symptoms is healing

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DH Rider
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18 Sep 2023, 2:38 am

Huckleberry Finn wrote:
For several years I have been taking one that is a nitrobenzodiapine (I omit the name because I would not like to indicate it in the forum).

Let's say it is 20 times more powerful than valium (molecule).

The past six months are the first time in decades that I have been free from benzos and all other medications. Being on those medications was TOUGH! Weaning myself from them was much tougher!

So, because of our shared experiences we have a common language, so to speak, (which is not an intended pun about English vs Italian).

Given how hard of a decision it might have been to choose medications or other drugs in order to live our lives, would you appreciate anyone who has never taken them to be telling you how awful they are, or how much better you would have been had you never chosen to take them?

I doubt it. So to have someone else chime in with their non-experienced view on drugs and medications feels...counterproductive, AT BEST.

This has been the point I have been trying to make in my replies.

Thanks. I wish you well.


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18 Sep 2023, 6:56 am

Addiction is just another routine to fall into.

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Huckleberry Finn

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18 Sep 2023, 5:19 pm

I understand your point of view.

The person who answered you is special, I have never met a person with characteristics like his.

I meant to explain to you that he faced things that at least I couldn't perhaps even conceive as possible.

He succeeded.

In a unique way.

Consider that he wrote to you to understand some things.

Not to judge you.

About me: I think you are as good as us on the forum,

I sense several things about you.
You are very intelligent. You have a characteristic in your nature that makes you distrust people.
(Sorry, it's just my feeling, maybe wrong, correct me if I wrote incongruous things).

You have a sense of anger in you.

For your experience.

*Having anger can be an advantage if you use it in a useful way.

Anger is like a knife.

It can cut and make us comfortable.
It can hurt us.

It depends on how you use it.


I understand what you mean about freed from those drugs.

They had the opposite effect on me, they agitated me.

It's called the paradox effect.

Except for this one which I take, but the doses are too high.

And I have to reduce them.

But the context outside is very difficult, and I have to survive it.

The drug is an off label, so it is used for something else, then the effects have expanded the use.

You see: doctors usually prescribe it for short periods and if the patient does not control himself, they discontinue it.

I've been taking it since 2012.

I tolerate even much higher dosages.

Even triple.

Then I have no difficulty in decreasing it.

I could even stop, I would feel better, my retrograde and anterograde memory would work ten times better again.

But I couldn't even leave the house.

The only reason I take it.

Autistics function very differently from neurotypicals.

Sometimes they are very sensitive to drugs.

They either do nothing for me or create serious problems.

I mean psycho drugs.

For the rest, even an anesthesia at the dentist has to be done three times for me to have an effect.

For the past few years I have been treating my teeth without anesthesia.

Generally I don't tolerate drugs, even vaccines, I risked death when I was very young, I was less than 2 years old.

I even remember the names of the nurses.


Structure, details.

Mine was an adverse reaction.

It was also the case with those for the covid variants.

Heavy reactions.

Parts of my body became paralyzed.

Even a half for several hours.

I'm assuming a TIA.

I tend to be extremely cold mentally when I have a health problem.

I believe this has saved my life on many occasions.

Whoever answered you about taking drugs takes them because you replied to a person who has just had a stroke.

He doesn't hire the ones we hired.

Then I can't tell you if his speech was more complex than what was deduced.

He meant narcotics to which he said no.

I said no to those too.

But compared to others it was not only our willpower (in me it is impressive) but it is also in him.

Some people have problems that prevent them from being able to say no.

Addiction is like an input that their brain has built into it.

Those substances are not the solution, but evil, perhaps he meant to write this to you.

I think all three of us have seen people who have taken them pass away over time.


It would be different if I had an illness like a tumor and was in so much pain that only morphine could help me.

Under specific medical prescription.

Or Cannabinoid-based drugs in cases of disabling diseases.

Always medically prescribed.

In Italy there is now a right-wing government and it is the first government like this after Fascism.

Many think that those substances even given to sick people should be made illegal.

I do not agree .

It must always be understood what it is about.

You know what DH Rider

Everyone keeps telling me that I can do without it and not to take it.

But they don't understand anything about my situation.

Even those to whom I explained it and made them read entire medical reports about me.

They don't understand.

But even if they judge me wrongly, and this type of behavior towards me hurts me a lot, I can understand that they don't understand, because they don't live like me.

They don't think like me.
They don't work like me.

I have Asperger's.
I have difficulties that they don't even understand.

Especially in the sensorial.

But also socially.

It shocks me that they are very intelligent people (high IQ).

But they don't understand.

I also tend to not be able to communicate with people in a linear manner.

I think significantly faster than the NT average.

And I have to translate from images, I think purely in images.

And when I speak I start a conversation that I can't seem to make superficial.

If I talk about a topic that I know perfectly well, I tend not to finish before having tried to detail the speech, I could even keep up a speech for hours, if to an audience I would only have to write down some points so as not to get lost in the speech itself.

This would be fine in a monologue, in a conference, at school in a presentation, but it is not good at all in real life.

There you have to maintain a line of communication that involves minimal sentences and concepts that are never really explained.

Everything is based on small useless and banal dialogues.

The people are overwhelmingly NT.

We NDs are the clear minority.

Those with characteristics like mine for example with values ​​almost only in the ND field and almost nothing in the NT field are a disaster.

I always look for strategies to understand, but above all to overcome difficulties.

This is true in every human relationship with people of all types.

I feel like an alien being in a society that doesn't expect us.

In some things I have been.

Now I am especially socially.

I study people, somehow I always have to study them.

I waste a lot of my time in this, but I have to succeed.

Before driving in this city I waited months.

Because I didn't understand the driving intentions.

Here there are thousands of roundabouts.
On every street.

And in every deviation.

There you have to understand what others intend to do.

Sometimes you understand things because you have studied them carefully.

After months I started driving here.

And I almost always anticipate their every decision, I see how everything is in slow motion, their every position and behavior is studied for months.

Now I'm anticipating them.

They think they can control their vehicle at unreasonable speeds, and they do it as if they were playing some sort of Russian roulette.

But human life is not a game.

From today a very strict traffic code comes into force.

Many will incur sanctions without even understanding why.

OTHERS will continue to lead as they believe is right.

I believe that almost no one ever realizes that every day, every single moment is always a different scenario from the previous one.

Everyone thinks as if everything were repeated in the same way.

In physics this is not the case.

Every moment is always different from the previous one, it always is.

Never the same.


It is not in In statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, entropy is a quantity that is interpreted as a measure of the disorder present in a physical system.

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.

Huckleberry Finn

Joined: 8 Sep 2023
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 466

18 Sep 2023, 6:05 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
Addiction is just another routine to fall into.

The question is:-"are we the ones who fall into dependence or is the human being structured so as not to be able to be *Never independent?"

We are not at all.

We are dependent for everything, even those who think they are not always fall back into addictions.

Of course, we are discussing a specific topic here.

However, if the concept were extended to any human activity, the answer would be that we are not independent at all.

Not even from a single breath.
From having to drink water.
From nourishing oneself and obtaining food if yes and which one and when and how, continuously throughout one's existence.

You can be addicted to beauty, to a geometry that follows on from other geometries, to numbers, to sounds.

No one would survive in an absolute absence of sounds, they would go crazy.

We fundamentally depend on light.

Nothing would exist without light.

A number continually dominates us and the number PHI (Leonardo Pisano, from which the modern PHI derives, called the Fibonacci, the golden sequence pervades us in every sphere, even extra-terrestrial, a galaxy, the entire Universe corresponds to the same strict rules ...
Small typo in the video mentions 1979.
The term fractal was coined in 1975 by Benoît Mandelbrot in the book Les Objets Fractals: Forme, Hasard et Dimension to describe some mathematical behaviors that seemed to have a "chaotic" behavior, and derives from the Latin fractus (broken, broken), as does the term fraction.
A fractal is a geometric object with internal homothety that repeats its shape in the same way on different scales, and therefore by enlarging any part of it you obtain a figure similar to the original. It is therefore called fractal geometry, the (non-Euclidean) geometry that studies these structures, recurring for example in the engineering design of networks, in Brownian motion and in galaxies

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.