bee33 wrote:
My understanding of Ketamine and other psychedelics is that they allow you to see more clearly, almost a kind of awakening to things you were unaware of but that seem obvious now, to better see and understand yourself and your surroundings, and the larger world. Given that I am going through a personal tragedy and am trying to cope day to day without having it overwhelm me all the time (if I'm lucky only some of the time), the last thing I feel I need is to see my situation more clearly.
It would make sense perhaps for someone whose depression is causing them to have distorted perceptions, since it might clear them up. But I don't think I would want it then either. I don't want to feel open and vulnerable, which would hurt me more than help me. And there isn't anyone I would trust to be with me for the experience, certainly not my psychiatrist, whom I don't trust in the slightest. (And I'm not currently seeing her anymore.)
Rather than addressing your concerns here, I'll try to more completely define what it feels like, and the benefits, in a later generally-addressed post in this thread. It's such a vastly different experience and state of mind that it is incredibly difficult to put into words.
I may be doing my next K treatment (here in my sh***y old RV in the desert) later today, and with having the experience fresh in my mind, and with the sometimes deep insight that I gain during the neuroplasticity phase after the treatment, I may be able to make
some sort of better sense out of it for others.
I will note that Ketamine and other psychedelics have proven to be
very useful to treat PTSD, though I haven't delved deep into that, and you'd be able to learn what's up in that realm on your own much better than hearing what little I know about it.
I've not yet done a K session while in conversation with a therapist, as I'm not yet convinced that a detached, clinical conversation while in such an altered state will be of interest to me. I
did want to do K while visiting an ex in New York in January, and have a talk with her while I was "in it", but our plans to do so that evening were thwarted by her telling me that as far as she could tell, her ex that lived on the property was likely to do something rash, destructive and maybe even violent if I stayed another night, so I
skedaddled, post-haste.
Very much looking forward to doing this with her when I'm back there in a month or so, assuming her ex is no longer there, or is no longer a threat, and she's still willing. She has almost no personal drug experience at all, but is interested in learning more.
bee33 wrote:
Also anything with needles is out of the question.
Ketamine can be administered sublingually, as I've mostly done, for cost reasons, and even via a patch, I think?
Outcomes of these alternate administration methods have not proven as effective as IV or IM injections, but are better than nothing for some.
Darron, temporary Desert Rat