Should people only date people in their age groups ?

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25 Sep 2023, 2:33 pm

bee33 wrote:
There's a history in our society of older men who are rich and powerful having relationships with much younger and very attractive women. It's considered by some to be a sign of status for an older man to have a pretty, young girlfriend or wife. And while that can be fine and the relationship can be a genuine partnership of two equals who love each other, it can also be a "trophy wife" that is meant as sign of status, which is disrespectful to women in general, not just to the woman in question, because it implies that women are objects to be conquered like a prize. I think that's why age-unequal relationships that follow that pattern make people uncomfortable.
I've known a bit of situations where disabled guys were in relationships with women a lot younger than them because single women their age were not willing to give the guys a chance. Sometimes the guys were dependent & delayed but not always. Sometimes the guys were fairly independent & quite functional but there was a chance their disabilities might get worse. The guys tended to think their wives/girlfriends deserved a trophy for being with them & trying to be supportive of them. The guys still faced a bit of stigma & jokes about them using the women for sex even amongst some people who knew about the guy's disabilities. One of the guys told me that his meds killed his sex drive & his wife liked that because she had been sexually abused by other guys. He said when he heard comments & jokes about him using his wife for sex he would think "How can I be using her for sex when I cant even have sex" :scratch: The guys also sometimes faced assumptions that they were being abusive towards their partners when the guys were really sweet & respectful & would do their very best to take care of their partner & make her happy. The guys felt really hurt by that, especially when the assumptions were by people in their partners family :(

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25 Sep 2023, 5:09 pm

Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
Mona Pereth wrote:
honeytoast wrote:
I'm going to call you out every time you post this because it's f*****g weird and you don't need to be with a 17 year old at 33 years old.

Why do you want to be with a HIGH SCHOOLER??

Did Texasmoneyman300 ever say that he, personally, specifically wants to be with a 17-year-old? Or was he just saying he wouldn't pass judgment on such couples?

Hi to all as long as its legal and were both adults and everything and she has reached the age of consent I would be open to dating a 17 year old but I would be sure to have a look at her ID.Howwever in Texas the min marriage age is 18 so ideally I would want to marry a woman between 18 to 21.I know yall dont approve of that but I was asked and this is a public forum.As long as I am following the letter of the law I will continue to be open to dating 17 to 21 year olds.I just think I should be able to date and marry who I want.But to get back to question I want to marry a 18 to 21 year so I can have a quiverfull of children.I know its taboo but as long as its legal I am not worried.

Can you afford to raise that many children? Do you have as much money as your handle suggests?

I think I would be.I think you raise a very valid point.I have over 200,000 dollars in the stock market and I own a 100,000 dollar bank account with my dad.i have as much money in the stock market as the roughly the typical American in their 60's retires with today.If Texas gets too pricey I will just move somewhere like Oklahoma or Arkansas to save cash.

Ok your assets are good but how about your income? Presumably you have a good income to have bought that much stock.

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16 Oct 2023, 4:11 pm

My personal view regarding people with average or above intelligence is that by the age of 30 you are old enough to care care of yourself. If you date an older person it's nobody else's business. Besides, a smart person can take advantage of and manipulate a less intelligent person regardless of each persons age.

English is not my first language.