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What is your experience in working with a job coach?
I’ve worked with a job coach, and it was great! 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
I’ve worked with a job coach, and it wasn’t great. 28%  28%  [ 5 ]
I’ve never worked with a job coach, but I want to! 50%  50%  [ 9 ]
I’ve never worked with a job coach, and I don’t want to. 17%  17%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 18

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Nov 2023, 11:12 am

Summer_Twilight wrote:
I had a job coaches at a few job sites in my teens, and 20's.

During one job, I had one who seemed really nice in the beginning. However, her claws eventually came out as she was incredibly negative, unprofessional, and unsupportive. Here she is supposed to be trained to teach disabled individuals how to be professional and she was worse than her clients. I eventually got fed up her and requested a different job coach who was much more supportive. He even brought me a booklet about job hunting and creating a resume. He also so nice.

About how long did they stay with you throughout your employment?


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16 Nov 2023, 11:21 am

Coaches are available here for both ASD and ADHD.
It's about $200 / hour.

I don't know if it's specifically for jobs.
You have to choose a "goal" and work on it for 10 sessions.
I'm sure employment could be one of the goals.

That means you spend $2000 to get advice.
Chances are it's CBT and useless cognitive crap.

I doubt they actually help you find a job.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Nov 2023, 12:05 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
Coaches are available here for both ASD and ADHD.
It's about $200 / hour.

I don't know if it's specifically for jobs.
You have to choose a "goal" and work on it for 10 sessions.
I'm sure employment could be one of the goals.

That means you spend $2000 to get advice.
Chances are it's CBT and useless cognitive crap.

I doubt they actually help you find a job.

Oh wow, I had no idea! I like CBT to a point but I do have strong feelings that DBT&CBT are literally the only tools therapists have so you’ve been to one, you’ve been to all. I’ve had at least 8 different psychs and therapists in my life all the same rinse and repeat bs. Once you learn CBT and DBT talking about it eventually becomes so redundant it’s frustrating.

I agree with you that I doubt they could help with a job and I believe I need an in person coach to help me get the accommodations I need. I don’t really need help with much at this point just maintaining employment as I’m pretty good at landing jobs, super masker :/ I can’t sustain.


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16 Nov 2023, 12:44 pm

Just kill me now:


Apparently it's for adults too, but of course we get the same infantilised language and programming.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Nov 2023, 1:31 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
Just kill me now:


Apparently it's for adults too, but of course we get the same infantilised language and programming.

Ughh vomit lol I’m triggered by those ”meaningful goals” they are always so dumb and pointless! I made a bowl of cereal this week do I get my gold star now? I went outside and participated in my hobbies, did I do good x.x !? Let’s meet every week to talk about how many times I took a s**t, participated in an hobby, and what I ate for breakfast everyday and how you the therapist/coach made it all happen. Fixed no more autism cuz I made goals!

Of course we’re all adults when they want us to be but then we’re incompetent babies when they want to force us to do stupid s**t.

I personally think these providers aren’t right in the head they have a god complex and their treatment is subpar at best and damaging at worst.

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14 Dec 2023, 10:25 am

I just started participating to a group job coaching project (designed for NT people so let's hope for the best...).

I would like to find a job coach or psychologist who works specifically with autistic individuals in my area, because it would help me to really understand what I'm doing wrong to always end up in the wrong type of jobs and to always gain the reputation of the "weird" one in the office... I hope that there will be more autistic awareness in the future and therefore more professionals that can offer real help...


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29 Dec 2023, 8:21 pm

I had a job coach in the past and it was a nice experience. I'd work with one again as soon as I find myself another job. I hope I find a job in 2024. I need a commanding officer to show me the ins and outs of a job site and how to handle myself on the job.

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Feb 2024, 11:13 am

Update again… I met my job coach in January she is awesome and super helpful. The job search has been a lot less stressful with the help of DVRS. My counselor and coach are both great I’m so thankful for them. I was really nervous at first and didn’t know if I could trust them but it turned out better than expected. I got a job offer this week at a place I wouldn’t have applied to on my own.

10/10 recommend DVRS 8)

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16 Feb 2024, 11:29 am

After more than three decades in professional industry, what I tell the well-meaning people who want to coach me is:

"Coaching cannot cure autism. If it could, it surely would have by now."

My advice is to work as hard as you can to blunt the sharp edges of the behaviors that are most likely to cause you problems, but the single most important factor is finding the right work environment and the right manager. That, sadly, is trial and error.

I can't handle open office workspaces long term. After about a year, I'm never more than a stray comment from a meltdown. I can't handle flickering fluorescent lights. I have to be able to generate silence somehow and mentally escape my location. I have to be able to get up, go outside, and walk. I have a full-length, leather duster that serves as a weighted blanket. I need a mute button for meetings ... wow, yeah, mute.

Most of all, I need a boss who understands my value and can tolerate me. I make a living solving problems others think are impossible. That has value, and my boss has learned to manage me without firing me.

This is so rare that I've only run across it twice in three decades. I'm thinking I will follow this guy around in his career until I drop dead.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Feb 2024, 10:08 am

Stormyweathers wrote:
After more than three decades in professional industry, what I tell the well-meaning people who want to coach me is:

"Coaching cannot cure autism. If it could, it surely would have by now."

My advice is to work as hard as you can to blunt the sharp edges of the behaviors that are most likely to cause you problems, but the single most important factor is finding the right work environment and the right manager. That, sadly, is trial and error.

I can't handle open office workspaces long term. After about a year, I'm never more than a stray comment from a meltdown. I can't handle flickering fluorescent lights. I have to be able to generate silence somehow and mentally escape my location. I have to be able to get up, go outside, and walk. I have a full-length, leather duster that serves as a weighted blanket. I need a mute button for meetings ... wow, yeah, mute.

Most of all, I need a boss who understands my value and can tolerate me. I make a living solving problems others think are impossible. That has value, and my boss has learned to manage me without firing me.

This is so rare that I've only run across it twice in three decades. I'm thinking I will follow this guy around in his career until I drop dead.


From my experience my coach and job counselor have never tried to “cure” autism or change my behavior and I visibly stim rocking back and forth often. They’ve helped assess what jobs I would be good at performing as well as what jobs I would enjoy and grow from. My coach is available via phone or text to share my thoughts, questions, and concerns. My coach sent me job listings that she thought I would be interested but in no way pressured me to apply anywhere.

I agree with what you say autistic people need in a job and my coach and counselor also understand. If I went to an employer and they didn’t understand these needs, DVRS can go in and train the employer on autism in the workplace that is part of this social program here. A good boss and mentor can do amazing things for autistic people but I wouldn’t be where I am without the help of DVRS because I didn’t have a mentor or good boss, I’ve been bullied at a lot of jobs.

Im sure there are coaches and counselors that aren’t great but you won’t know until you try. I was very hesitant and had the same mindset I thought they would make me fake who I am but they did the opposite.