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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 4 Oct 2023
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02 Nov 2023, 5:09 pm

Psychologist at age 15 - spoke about my family... cried...
- had some criminal behaviour while in secondary school with A. and E. (shoplifting, credit card fraud and entering unlocked vehicles but was never caught, a dude called Jean had showed us his methods) that started earlier, say in primary school, with L and A from my neighbourhood.

PSYKOTISKE FORKLARINGER ??? = psychotic explanations - kept talking about my French teacher Madame Martineu who said my essays were "du délire" because I was using Arthur Rimbaud and Jim Morrison as references in the same homeworks..
= psychiatrist - 5 hours of family therapy and was then prescribed Abilify but we moved

PSYKOSE SYMPTOMER ??? = psychotic symptoms - had been harassed in Paris and then stalked in Tromsø by a lingerie model - influencer - psychopathic b***h who had been pregnant when I was in my first year of International Business School but had to get an abortion, she actually communicated with my drama teacher and looked for me on campus 3448 km away from her hometown, I slept with her 3 times at the Smart Hotel.

- goal was to enter LSE (London school of economics) after meeting a banker in NYC while working for his wife at Moncler.
= got into Financia business school in la défense, Paris to become a trader after a aptitude test but needed the French BAC
= got the French bac and after a MIP (measure of individual potential) I got into ISEG in Business-Finance School but my dad refused to pay
= I attend Sorbonne in economics for 15 minutes thinking it was a law school for a law degree and move over to philosophy and French before getting 65-200 points at the TAGE post bac via FNEGE
= I attend ISG in business management while doing philosophy and eventually move abroad to Tromso because my girlfriend is crazy...
= Admitted into the bachelor in business administration with Handelshoyskolen, UiT in Arctic Norway with 1 of 6 semesters recognised from previous studies.

- Goal was to get Sarah… a girl I knew from age 18 during a school trip to Dakar with my AEFE lycée. We went on a date in Oslo as asked her out platonically. Showed her some chess cafés before they burned down...

- my mother explains I have a high IQ (+ 2 SD English and + 3 SD French)
- admitted in 2 law schools in Europe (Norway and France) but banned from leaving Canada for one year without the consent of the Dre so I try a graphic design professional degree but leave after 75 hours of the 1800 required
- I do a pause 240 hours project for my EQ with the Factry school of creativity
- I’m liberated without any conditions

Schizoaffective Dx ? Abilify Rx
- I honestly just feel angry at the world ? Is that legal ? I even had to explain I had "mens rea" and "actus reus" during the period I was supposed to psychotic, I committed a credit card fraud twice for about 100$ in order to get into a college business creation program and open a blog called suicidal thoughts...

The new Dr keeps talking about a fine line?
Sanity? Criminality? Psychosis? Neurosis? Love ?

Was in his office with my mother in sept and then my father in oct.
Supposed to go back in nov with my gf but she left after kissing a Belgian lawyer following a country music concert...
Currently 30 and in the last year I lived 4 months alone in Rivière du Loup on my own, then 4 months in Rosemont with my girlfriend and now I've been 4 months with my parents in their NDG basement.
I am doing Norwegian data entry for AI processing company. Client is google. Extremely boring s**t but paid 22$ hour and I have access to Wikipedia and Youtube all day long. Been there since the 5 October 2023.
My girlfriend also left me. Technically she asked for a break... I'm thinking of moving again. Europe maybe... USA? Asia? Africa? I want to travel. Explore. Be free.


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05 Jan 2024, 10:50 pm

I have no idea of how to respond to this. Is this a work of fiction or have you written about your real life? It jumps a lot from one place to another without any explanation as to why you moved. I also don't understand how anyone could enter the Sorbonne thinking that they were in law school when they weren't. Surely there were admission requirements?


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06 Jan 2024, 6:16 pm

If you are asking whether you have autism/Aspergers, there is nothing to indicate so.
Your experiences sound more like ASPD.

But I wish you the best in your further studies and in life.