Travel into the future faster than the current rate.

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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10 Nov 2023, 5:19 pm

According to relativity, travel years into to the future is possible if one is traveling at speeds close to the speed of light.

The question is will humans ever be able to do this or will a human at such high acceleration flatten like a pancake?


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10 Nov 2023, 7:42 pm

Jetso wrote:
According to relativity, travel years into to the future is possible if one is traveling at speeds close to the speed of light.

The question is will humans ever be able to do this or will a human at such high acceleration flatten like a pancake?

It doesnt work that way.

From the point of view of a photon of light coming from the are already "flat as a pancake". Indeed the whole earth is flat as pancake. Because from the pov of the light photon IT is at rest and we are moving at IT at the speed of light.


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10 Nov 2023, 8:21 pm

↑ From the photon's frame of reference, no time passes at all (tau = 0).  From our perspective (tau = 1), photons travel 299,792,458 meters in just one second (c).  Note that tau decreases as velocity (v) increases.  Note that only massless particles can travel at c.  Note also that tau can never be less than zero, nor can v ever reach or exceed c.

• tau = (1 − (v^2/c^2))^(−1/2)

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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11 Nov 2023, 8:48 pm

I have read where some have said that humans wouldn't survive accelerating to speeds close to the speed of light, but they would flatten like a pancake, hence they say that jumping years into the future will never actually be possible.


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11 Nov 2023, 10:36 pm

Jetso wrote:
I have read where some have said that humans wouldn't survive accelerating to speeds close to the speed of light, but they would flatten like a pancake, hence they say that jumping years into the future will never actually be possible.

You dont sense speed. You sense acceleration (or deceleration).

So accelerating to the speed of light, or near the speed of light, in a short time would indeed involve a lot acceleration ...and therefore a lot G force.

A rocket missle can carry more explosive than can an artillery shellthe same size because the artillery shell has to have more metal for its size to withstand having to accelerate instantly ...from zero to full speed. A rocket gradually builds up speed as it flies.

Like billions of other folks I have flown in jet airliners. And have had no ill effects from acceleration from zero on the tarmac to the full speed of the airliner in flight (just under 600 mph) in whatever length of time that takes (some few minutes).

But if I tried to be a human cannonball, and tried to achieve airline speed by being shot out of a cannon...I would have to go from zero to 600 instantly. Doubt I would survive.


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11 Nov 2023, 11:08 pm


From googling ...apparently humans can survive "between 2 and 5 gees" with no ill effects.

So lets say you're on the tough end, and lets crunch the numbers.

That means you can withstand five times the acceleration of gravity on earth. An object falling on earth moves 32 feet per second squared. About 21 mph per second.

But lets say you can with stand five times that. So you could withstand your space ship accelerating at a speed of 100 mph per second. Go hundred mph the first second two hundred the next second, three hundred mph the next second and so on .

But your goal is to reach the speed of light. Which is 186 thousand miles per SECOND.

Which is about 671 million mph.

So if your space ship accelarates at 100 mph per second it would take 6.7 million seconds to reach the speed of light.

There 31.5 milloin seconds in a year. So it would take about three months for you to get to the speed of light. would actually be doable! :D

Actually you probably wouldnt survive FOUR MONTHS of being strapped into a pilots seat while your body endures the limit of G endurance for four months. It would be hard for you to eat for one thing.