Duck Hunt NES and Nerf guns leading to shooting

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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13 Nov 2023, 6:16 pm

Did playing Duck Hunt for NES with the zapper gun and does playing with Nerf guns lead to people going out and shooting people with the real thing?


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13 Nov 2023, 9:18 pm


Paranoia, schizophrenia, false beliefs, and other mental disturbances lead to mass shootings.

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14 Nov 2023, 9:57 pm

No. I played Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley with the Zapper on NES when I was around 12, and never committed a mass shooting.

I never even went duck hunting for real, either.


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14 Nov 2023, 10:02 pm

Quite the opposite, actually.


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14 Nov 2023, 10:30 pm

It's the same thing as kids playing Minecraft & with Legos causes them to take their parents & neighbors houses apart so they can build new structures. Lots of us here including me did that since lots of Aspies played Minecraft & with Legos :wink:

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14 Nov 2023, 11:37 pm

Yes. Duck Hunt is a body catching sim designed to train children to feel emotional gratification from splashing their victims. It even rewards them for it with points.

I haven't paid much attention to video games since, but I can't imagine a more realistic murder simulator.

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14 Nov 2023, 11:40 pm

I played Duck Hunt all the time at the age of 15 and not once did I shoot another person.

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15 Nov 2023, 12:46 am

I played Grand Theft Auto games a bit & because of that I became a real life car theif, drug deal, gun runner, assassin, convenienve store theif, & bank robber :twisted: Seriously, I never 1ce did any of that suff in real life. I also played a bit of first peson shooters & the only real guns I ever shot were BB & pelett guns.

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15 Nov 2023, 4:14 am

Fnord wrote:

Paranoia, schizophrenia, false beliefs, and other mental disturbances lead to mass shootings.

Add some easy access to military grade firearms, baste with a sense of perceived injustice, sprinkle a touch of bad hair day and let it cook.

We have all of those ingredients here with the exception of easy access to firearms. For some reason you just can't make this dish without it?!?

Sorry didn't mean that to sound political. I played duck hunt too and am yet to shoot a duck let alone people.

uh-huh wooo yeah