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16 Nov 2023, 7:31 am

Elon Musk likes antisemitic post saying 'Jews push dialectical hatred against whites'

After the user who goes by the handle The Artist Formerly Known as Eric posted: "Okay. Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest s**t now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing..", Musk wholeheartedly endorsed the tweet, posting:'You have said the actual truth'

Musk's detractors have long held him accountable, attributing to him not just his allowing of antisemitic rhetoric on his platform, but also his own personal transgressions of engaging in antisemitic behavior. A couple of months earlier, he had audaciously blamed the Anti-Defamation League - the premier American Jewish institution battling antisemitism - for causing a decrease in ad revenue for his social network, even going so far as to hint at a potential defamation lawsuit against the organization. "To clear our platform's name on the matter of antisemitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League, oh the irony!"

Persisting in his criticism of the ADL, Musk said: "I am deeply offended by ADL’s messaging and any other groups who push de facto anti-white racism or anti-Asian racism or racism of any kind. I’m sick of it. Stop now."

Despite the billionaire's contentious comments and behavior surrounding the subject of antisemitism, it was actually Musk who extended an invitation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his recent September visit to the United States.

A reminder that at this time of many Progressive Jews coming to the painful realization about the "woke antisemitism" of their ideological peers and the schadenfreude of some us who figured it out a long time ago that the old type of antisemitism is still very much a big-time threat.

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16 Nov 2023, 9:14 pm

How in the heck are the ADL anti-Asian???


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16 Nov 2023, 11:20 pm

cyberdad wrote:
How in the heck are the ADL anti-Asian???

I think the logic goes something like "they support programs such as affirmative action that discriminate against Asians, so they're de facto anti Asian", words to that effect. I think it's a reach, but I'm generally not fond of the ADL, they really did pioneer many of the tactics that would later be deemed part of cancel culture, particularly the profligate use of accusations of antisemitism.

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17 Nov 2023, 12:46 am

Dox47 wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
How in the heck are the ADL anti-Asian???

I think the logic goes something like "they support programs such as affirmative action that discriminate against Asians, so they're de facto anti Asian", words to that effect. I think it's a reach, but I'm generally not fond of the ADL, they really did pioneer many of the tactics that would later be deemed part of cancel culture, particularly the profligate use of accusations of antisemitism.

Must be the opinion of Asians whom Musk associates with in Silicon Valley. Worried their little emperors and princesses won't get into Harvard or Yale.


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17 Nov 2023, 1:23 pm

Are you in favor of discrimination against Asians when it comes to college admissions?

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17 Nov 2023, 1:49 pm

Oh, poor Elon. His internal Afrikaner must be so torn. On the one hand, he feels honor-bound to support apartheid wherever he sees it. On the other, he feels an impulsive need to believe non-whites deserve whatever hatred they get.

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17 Nov 2023, 4:44 pm

Dox47 wrote:

Are you in favor of discrimination against Asians when it comes to college admissions?

I'm also guessing Elon keeps his eye on social media and put 2 and 2 together. Asians claim discrimination based on quota systems in Ivy leagues. These quotas are pro-black/latino. The ADL is pro-black. Therefore the ADL is anti-Asian. Seems like a bit of a stretch no?.

Am I in favour? of course not. I am not a fan of quota systems when it comes to universities or employment. But I am also not stupid.

Asian parents (both east and south) "gamify" the system in pumping money into coaching their kids. I work in the university sector and can testify first hand that high marks in highschool don't equate to high marks in university when it comes to Asian students. Why? A lot of them are taught to memorise textbooks. That works in highschool. But In University assessments we value critical thinking and group work. Guess what! they don't so good when they have to apply higher level thinking. Of course this is not all, but certainly a large number. I have seen Asian kids who were valedictorians in their highschool fail first year. They also have high levels of burnout after stressing in highschool to maintain A+ grades. A lot of them can't sustain that level of performance in university.

Then those who graduate from university don't do so great in jobs interviews or jobs. Those who get into professional positions seem to display robotic personalities. Also in the healthcare system they make terrible clinicians. There are exceptions of course, Filipinos are top class nurses.

I know a few things about why interviews were introduced for high demand course like Medicine in Australia. The medical boards knew Asian parents were pushing their kids to do medicine because of $$ and not because they wanted to help people. That makes for bad doctors.

So that brings us to Harvard and other Ivy league universities. Is it discrimination to apply higher targets for Asian students? Actually no. They are limiting the impact of "low quality" high achievers who are not actually the type of student or professional society wants. There is a disproportionate number of Asian applications to Ivy leagues in relation to their population. Ivy leagues know that grades alone don't predict good students so they bought in other methods such as interviews.

There a literally hundreds of research papers on the topic of why GPA is a poor measure of college success. Here;s one written by a successful Asian CEO ... e-success/

1, IQ alone only accounts for 1% to 2% of income differences in employment.
2. Earning a good grade is not only a measure of subject matter knowledge or intelligence. Instead, it's a composite of knowledge, skills and personality traits.
3.Grades don't measure leadership or comfort with risk, two traits that are essential to the highest echelon of business
4.A grade point average (GPA) isn't an indicator of emotional intelligence or interpersonal skills like networking. It'd be hard to go far in a career without these critical skills.

Jack Tai makes clearly identifies characteristics that are of importance > grades. Often these characteristics (particularly emotional intelligence, personality traits and risk taking) are lacking in certain high achieving students (not just Asians). But! Universities already known for a number of years that a disproportionate number of Asian students are not high in these other characteristics which is why interviews are necessary and why many do not make the cut.

So I am a little surprised Musk subscribes to this frame of thought, It might be interesting to see how many Asian workers he employs? for example did he give this kid a job ... 59696.html

More likely he does a lot of business with China, and Chinese owned tech companies so is simply paying lip service ... rk-culture


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17 Nov 2023, 8:46 pm


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17 Nov 2023, 9:46 pm

X ad boycott gathers pace amid antisemitism storm

Apple, Disney, Comcast and Warner Brothers Discovery have all halted advertising on X, US media report, following hot on the heels of IBM.

The European Commission, TV network Paramount and movie studio Lionsgate have also pulled ad dollars from X.

The billionaire Tesla and SpaceX entrepreneur denied he is antisemitic and later said his comments referred not to all Jewish people but to groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other unspecified "Jewish communities".

The White House denounced Mr Musk's endorsement of the post.

"We condemn this abhorrent promotion of antisemitic and racist hate in the strongest terms," said spokesperson Andrew Bates.

On Friday evening, the ADL - one of the most vocal critics of how X moderates incendiary content - offered rare praise for Mr Musk's steps to fight hate on the platform.

Mr Musk had posted on X that anyone using terms such as "from the river to the sea" - which the ADL has described as a coded call for Israel's destruction - could be suspended from the platform.

ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt replied that this was "an important and welcome move".
X chief executive Linda Yaccarino posted on Friday evening that the platform had been "extremely clear about our efforts to combat antisemitism and discrimination. There's absolutely no place for it anywhere in the world".

The ad boycott follows an investigation by left-leaning pressure group Media Matters for America, which said it found ads bought by the companies next to posts including Hitler quotes, praise of Nazis and Holocaust denial.

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18 Nov 2023, 3:00 am

Elon Musks goals and achievements are admirable but his philosophy and beliefs aren't exactly orthodox.
Musk endorsing an antisemitic tweet is kind of a Kanye move. People don't expect him to move in that direction (especially since he is Jewish South African himself) but he probably wants to illustrate that X should be open to free speech,


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18 Nov 2023, 6:33 am

cyberdad wrote:
Elon Musks goals and achievements are admirable but his philosophy and beliefs aren't exactly orthodox.
Musk endorsing an antisemitic tweet is kind of a Kanye move. People don't expect him to move in that direction (especially since he is Jewish South African himself) but he probably wants to illustrate that X should be open to free speech,

Elon Musk is not Jewish. He is of German and Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. Even if he was that does not mean he can't be antisemitic. Plenty of people believed he was antisemitic before this tweet.

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18 Nov 2023, 9:59 am

Never liked him before , another reason to dislike him more.

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18 Nov 2023, 2:09 pm

I don't always agree with Elon and I certainly wouldn't have endorsed that tweet, but he really does have all of the right enemies.

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18 Nov 2023, 5:23 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Elon Musk is not Jewish. He is of German and Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. Even if he was that does not mean he can't be antisemitic. Plenty of people believed he was antisemitic before this tweet.

Interesting! Its weird I thought his father was Jewish? He certainly has got himself in big trouble ... itic-tweet

He grew up in white South Africa where he likely picked up a lot of his values, so either way I am not surprised he supports the great replacement theory.

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24 Nov 2023, 2:03 am

Elon Musk is now boosting the ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theory by Clare Duffy, CNN, Tue November 21, 2023:

Elon Musk on Monday boosted the dangerous, years-old “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, just days after being roundly criticized and facing an advertiser exodus following his embrace of an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

In a post Monday, an X user attempted to link the founder of Media Matters — the progressive media watchdog that last week identified ads for major brands running alongside pro-Nazi content on X — to the owner of the “Pizzagate restaurant.” Musk replied: “Weird.” By replying, Musk called the post to the attention of his more than 160 million followers on X.

Pizzagate is an anti-Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory that spun up on 4chan, Reddit, Twitter and other platforms in the final days before the 2016 US presidential election. Believers imagined a pedophilia ring supposedly being run out of a Washington, DC pizza shop that involved Clinton and other Democrats.

The wildly false claims were behind self-appointed “investigator” Edgar Maddison Welch’s decision in December of that year to fire an assault rifle inside the restaurant. (No one was hurt, and Welch later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years in prison.)

It’s just the latest conspiracy theory Musk has drawn attention to using X. Musk last week agreed with an antisemitic post on his social media platform X, endorsing the claim that Jewish communities push “hatred against Whites.” Musk last year also gave credence to a fringe conspiracy theory about the violent attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, by posting a link to an article full of baseless claims about Paul Pelosi.

Musk last week faced backlash from the White House and others for engaging with an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

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24 Nov 2023, 3:11 am

Pizzagate...Well he's drinking the same coolaide as Kanye...apparently