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25 Nov 2023, 11:18 am

People in the same gang or group always wore the same kind of shoes. I was part of this culture but looking back I think it's really funny.

I call it "The Same Shoe Gang".

What kinds of things did you do at school that you think is funny now.

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Mountain Goat

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25 Nov 2023, 11:44 am

I tended to be the odd one out but I did have a reputation for a rather odd trade in marbles which I have written about before in this forum. :D

Here we go!


Last edited by Mountain Goat on Febuary 31st, 2026, 12:42 am, edited 126 time in total.


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25 Nov 2023, 11:58 am

I used to love playing marbles. I think my sister had a bag full of them. They didn't belong to me but I can remember playing them.

I was also fascinated by the way they looked as well. There like glass eyeballs

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Mountain Goat

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25 Nov 2023, 12:06 pm

Yes. I didn't really have good motor skills or aim so I lost a lot of my marbles, which is why I invented ways to keep playing.

Am trying to find where I wrote the sticker thread, as that is amusing from my time at school. Also when I later took over managing a bicycle department... The first time I tried using a fax machine. Wrote about that somewhere.
All these stories from the past!

Last edited by Mountain Goat on Febuary 31st, 2026, 12:42 am, edited 126 time in total.