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13 Dec 2023, 9:31 pm

I went through many different delusions and because of that, I don't know how to separate fantasies from reality.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Dec 2023, 7:26 am

I've had these same issues before. Sometimes reality itself can seem inherently elastic. I'm reminded of a quote from Penn Jillette:

"My BS detector works first of all...if there's something you really want to believe that's what you should question the most."

I tend to agree with Penn on that one.

On a side note, looking into cognitive distortions can also be helpful. EG see here


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14 Dec 2023, 7:34 am

I'm not sure how severe your symptoms are, but my suggestion is to carry a small notebook with you and record every event that is closest to reality. For example, if you hear someone insulting you when you are alone in the room, this is obviously an illusion.
But as I said, I have never had severe hallucinations, so I cannot guarantee whether the suggestions will be effective.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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14 Dec 2023, 6:02 pm

Thanks! I will do.


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14 Dec 2023, 8:44 pm

Nobody is perfect

Nobody deals with "reality" perfectly

There is only one "reality"

There are many different ways to phrase "reality" in words

Everyone has subconscious biases

Nobody's thinking is *always* accurate to reality

Someone once had the nerve to tell me "you have a hard time dealing with reality". (Correct)

However if I were a skinny smart handsome cisgender neurotypical white man, like him, maybe I would find it easier to deal with "reality"


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14 Dec 2023, 9:21 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Nobody is perfect

Nobody deals with "reality" perfectly

There is only one "reality"

There are many different ways to phrase "reality" in words

Everyone has subconscious biases

Nobody's thinking is *always* accurate to reality

Someone once had the nerve to tell me "you have a hard time dealing with reality". (Correct)

However if I were a skinny smart handsome cisgender neurotypical white man, like him, maybe I would find it easier to deal with "reality"

It's just that the way I mix fantasies with reality is overwhelming and distressing, although what you explained is very interesting.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Dec 2023, 6:42 am

Nobody is perfect

Nobody deals with "reality" perfectly

There is only one "reality"

There are many different ways to phrase "reality" in words

Everyone has subconscious biases

Nobody's thinking is *always* accurate to reality

Someone once had the nerve to tell me "you have a hard time dealing with reality". (Correct)

However if I were a skinny smart handsome cisgender neurotypical white man, like him, maybe I would find it easier to deal with "reality"

Reminds me of Socrates. He had a voice in his head too (his "daimon"). He evoked a dialectic (the Socratic method) in order to seek to define what is real.

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.
- Socrates