Are autistic people expected to like famous autistic people?

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Benjamin the Donkey

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04 Jan 2024, 11:14 pm

Why should they? Gay people don't like all gay people. Jewish people don't like all Jewish people. Short people don't like all short people.

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05 Jan 2024, 4:00 am

obscurantism by progres(internet)
the media-msm-itech are very intentionally placing celebrities(?) as news
there must be a goal in that

that-people- problem is also most blatent on wiki, specially the english, the amounts of humanisation (Anthropocentrism) is hiding the forest for the trees

- media is support content for the respective advertisers

Image ... 022-03-08/

but your hair, gotta worry bout that first :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
or wigs, for big cosmetic
l'oréal, the big wig,
green :alien: & technology :mrgreen: & diversity :jester: for more chemical relief


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05 Jan 2024, 9:30 am

To OP:

You could try liking everyone.

It is harder to look for the good in people than just writing some people off as “one of the bad ones”.

As far as being famous - honestly I have never even heard of this famous person you describe. Fame is a strange thing.

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05 Jan 2024, 10:01 am

NibiruMul wrote:
Do you feel like autistic people are expected to like famous autistic people, even if they are complete dickwads?

To name one example, I am extremely vocal about my hatred of YouTuber MrEnter. I feel like he takes cartoons too seriously, he can be extremely petty and childish, and I think he can be rather melodramatic at times (to name one incident, he confessed to getting depressed for days over a My Little Pony episode he didn't like). I find his reviews boring and unentertaining (and the amount of screaming in them makes me worried about him hurting his voice). In his review of Turning Red, he criticizes the movie simply for not mentioning 9/11 (the movie takes place in 2002). He even encouraged people to send death threats to the SpongeBob writers who made episodes he didn't like. Even worse, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he delved into conspiracy theories and misinformation about it. In short, I just think he's a terrible person and not the representation that autistic people deserve. Yet I noticed a lot of autistic people like him and some even copy his reviewing style.

He doesn't sound like he wants to be a voice that sets examples for the autistic community. It also sounds like this is someone happy in his world. He also sounds like he's toxic.

However, you have the option of not listening to him.


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07 Jan 2024, 6:49 pm

There are some famous people on the spectrum that I look up to and there are other famous people on the spectrum that I can't stand.

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08 Jan 2024, 12:22 pm

Sometimes I feel like I'm supposed to like a famous person just because they are Canadian, but if they're a total jerk or have an opinion I really disagree with, such as them being an antivaxxer, then forget it. The same is true for famous people who are autistic.


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01 Feb 2024, 10:31 pm

I think maybe many do, since it's not only nice to know they have that in common with you but also you're less likely to be bothered by the specifically autistic reasons not to like them.

However, I don't think it's expected. Maybe I hang out with too many neurotypical people, but they are very harsh on autistic people in conversation with me all the time. I once pointed out that Elon Musk probably has Aspergers and the person talking made a face and said 'don't give him that excuse'... I can't give it to him. He has it. And it's not an excuse.

There are certainly likely-autistic people whose decisions I wholly disagree with, such as Mark Zuckerberg. However, I still feel bad if people call him a lizard-person because he didn't seem emotionally engaged enough when testifying to Congress. I don't think I would, either- some people's expressions freeze under stress.

To me, I usually just wouldn't bother complaining about a famous autistic person. I feel like they probably get enough.