US to Reopen Border Crossings as Illegal Immigration Drops

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03 Jan 2024, 3:07 pm

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Mona Pereth

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04 Jan 2024, 2:08 am

I hope the reason why illegal immigration is dropping is that things are getting better in the countries where they were coming from. Does anyone here know more about this?

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04 Jan 2024, 5:45 am

When it comes to illegal immigrants from mainland China, there is one illegal immigrant who has attracted wide attention on the Internet. He doesn't work illegally and looks around for charities to eat. He seems to have a much better quality of life than other honest people who work illegally. I think this will have some impact on other people who have the idea of smuggling.

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05 Jan 2024, 9:27 pm

Mona Pereth wrote:
I hope the reason why illegal immigration is dropping is that things are getting better in the countries where they were coming from. Does anyone here know more about this?

As I understand it, the reason things are (temporarily) getting better is because Mexico has started cracking down on illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration has been a problem in the United States for DECADES. I was a first year elementary teacher on the south Texas border in '82, when the peso devalued and inflation spiraled out of control. Mexicans flooded across the border. Texas border districts like the one I was employed by did not want to teach the children of these families. It's not that the schools were callous and insensitive. The reality is that we were facing a huge spike in enrollment. We weren't budgeted for this. We didn't have enough teachers, classrooms, desks, school supplies, textbooks, and busses. Although the districts' challenge to schooling the children of illegal immigrants went all the way to the US Supreme Court, in the end, we were told that these children had to be educated.

The problem with this was that the Feds didn't give us any extra money. The state didn't give us any extra money either. My 5th grade classroom went from 22 to 46 within a week. Since I didn't have enough desks, there were students sitting at my reading center, on top of the 2 tables at the reading center, and even at my desk.

We were out of office supplies in December and I had to buy paper, pencils, staplers, tape, and everything else that the migrant kids didn't have out of pocket. That first year, I was only making $16,000.

For YEARS, the border states have been having problems with illegal immigration. Congress hasn't done much because out of sight is out of mine. I think this is one reason why Florida and Texas have begun bussing people north. They're tired of having to bear the financial costs of educating, housing, and feeding these people.

While New York, Chicago, and other cities are whining about how horrible things are, those of us who have lived on the southern border have had to put up with this for years. While some people have claimed that transporting people north has been cruel and insensitive, I think that this has been done to highlight the on-going border crisis that the southern border states have had to endure for over forty years.

It is my hope that out do-nothing Congress will actually reform our immigration system.

One quick fix would be to adjust the sequence of legal proceedings. At this time, people who have illegally crossed the border surrender themselves. They are then processed and are given a court date to appear before a judge. This could be YEARS in the future. They are then released but since they're legally prohibited from working until a judge has heard their case, they must subsist upon state, county, municipal, and private shelters for room and board. Our schools have to educate their children even though they're not contributing to the upkeep and support of the schools through taxes.

Wouldn't it make more sense if after surrendering to the INS, being processed, and released; that they would be released with a temporary work visa that was tied to their court date? This would allow them to work, to find their own housing, and to pay taxes. Instead of being a burden on society, they would support it; filling a lot of jobs that up until now, have gone wanting.

The current system is not working. This not just a U.S. problem. It's a problem in Canada as well as the European Union. Climate change and despotic tyrannies like those in Venezuela are driving millions of people to move. While there are other countries that have better immigration systems than ours, the sheer numbers of people who are seeking admission are overwhelming all INS systems in far too many countries.


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07 Jan 2024, 4:23 pm

If the climate science geeks are right, the flow of migrants heading North now is a relative drop in the bucket compared to what's coming in 30 years as the world heats up. It's one thing to deal with tens of thousands/month, or 100k+ whatever.. entirely another when Everyone is coming as a matter of survival in what's predicted to be the largest mass migrations of humans Ever. The geeks say 1.1-1.3 BILLION people will have to relocate because where they live now is going to become uninhabitably hot & dry.

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10 Jan 2024, 2:47 am

goldfish21 wrote:
If the climate science geeks are right, the flow of migrants heading North now is a relative drop in the bucket compared to what's coming in 30 years as the world heats up. It's one thing to deal with tens of thousands/month, or 100k+ whatever.. entirely another when Everyone is coming as a matter of survival in what's predicted to be the largest mass migrations of humans Ever. The geeks say 1.1-1.3 BILLION people will have to relocate because where they live now is going to become uninhabitably hot & dry.

What's scary is that some countries are already suffering. Bangladesh and Pakistan have already had problems with coastal flooding as the sea levels rise. Since both of these are really poor countries, their ability to adjust and adapt will be very limited.

Desertification is also spreading in parts of Africa - specifically Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.


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31 Jan 2024, 6:06 pm

Some supporters of a far-right convoy headed to the Texas border are calling for civil war

Some supporters of a trucker convoy of self-described patriots headed toward the U.S. border with Mexico have expressed violent rhetoric before planned events on Saturday.

Organizers of the group are stressing nonviolence, as they struggle to organize a convoy of the size they bragged about and assure their conspiracy-minded fellow right-wingers that this isn’t all just a big government setup.

The “Take Our Border Back” events have been advertised online as “PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY & PRAYER.” The organizers, who refer to themselves as “We the People” and “God’s Army,” have put out a call for “all active and retired law enforcement and military, Veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media, and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans” to join them at events planned for three locations on Saturday: Eagles Pass, Texas; Yuma, Arizona; and San Ysidro, California.

Some right-wing media outlets have boosted organizers’ claims of 700,000 expected participants on Saturday and thousands of trucks in the convoy, but images and livestreams from the convoy have indicated much smaller numbers. One video posted Wednesday afternoon showed a few dozen vehicles and a few semi-trucks.

“It’s hard to predict how big it’s going to be,” Scot Saks, one of the leaders of the group, told NBC News.

Social media postings in response to the events, which were reviewed by NBC News, include calls for civil war and violence, and the events have been advertised on white nationalist and gun forums.

“All Governor Abbott has to do is call for the citizens and we are armed and ready,” one commenter on a video about the events wrote. Another poster said that convoy members should bring their “kits so if stuff goes down you will be able to protect yourselves and help out.” Another social media user posted a meme about “undocumented and untraceable” weapons and a note that they were ready to join this “final battle for Americans.”

Saks, who is from California, said that the group was not looking for confrontations with the government or migrants and that anyone suggesting otherwise on their Telegram channels was not listening to what he said was a clear message coming from the top.

“I think they’re idiots,” Saks said of people posting calls for violence. “They’re stupid. They’re stupid Americans, they’re stupid people. I mean, it’s clear if you go to our website with the messages, these are peaceful assemblies.”

Saturday’s planned events come amid anger on the right after the Supreme Court last week authorized Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed on the border by the state of Texas, which the federal government said was preventing agents from being able to reach migrants in distress. The White House and Senate are also currently negotiating bipartisan legislation to impose tougher immigration and asylum laws. President Joe Biden said he would shut down the border when it is “overwhelmed” if he’s given new authority in that deal.

The first convoy to leave Virginia on Monday got off to a bit of a rough start, livestreams posted by individuals embedded in the convoy show. A Wired reporter described the convoy's first day as “a complete mess“ as it made its way to Florida. As Vice first reported, many potential supporters are suspicious of the event, posting on social media that they believe it is some sort of government setup. That’s been a major theme of conservative events in the aftermath of Jan. 6, with millions of Donald Trump supporters believing false conspiracy theories that the Capitol attack was a setup by the FBI or the “deep state” to entrap right-wing Americans.

Still, Saturday’s events have been publicized by Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, and gotten a boost from former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

“Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation?” Carlson, who has 11.2 million followers on X, asked in a post on the website, formerly known as Twitter. He went on to interview one of the leaders of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy, Dr. Pete Chambers.

Chambers served in the Texas Army National Guard at the southern border but has said he left the military in 2022 after nearly 40 years because of his opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine mandates. He quickly became a cause célèbre on the right, appearing on dozens of podcasts and panels where he claimed he had been permanently injured by the Covid vaccine, that he had persuaded thousands of soldiers at the Texas-Mexico border to refuse the shots and that he was allegedly punished for his activism. Chambers has also said he treated soldiers with Covid with ivermectin and hydroxychloride, medications shown to be ineffective against the viral disease.

Beyond vaccine misinformation, Chambers has promoted several other medical and government conspiracy theories, including that so-called globalists are planning another pandemic, that 5G cellular technology is a government-weaponized threat to human existence and that genetically modified foods are part of a plot by “cabals” and “elites” to change human DNA and control the population.

Chambers was also featured in the viral anti-vaccine film, “Died Suddenly,” as a whistleblower for revealing what he claimed was a spike in adverse vaccine reactions among the military and a government plot to hide those injuries from the public, claims that have been thoroughly debunked.

After his retirement, Chambers said he recruited other retired military members to join his militia group, “The Remnant A-Team,” and patrol the southern border. The group, described by Chambers as a neighborhood watch, has been funded in part by the America Project, a conservative election-denial group that sponsors and advocates for partisan audits of the 2020 election and for changes to future elections based on unproven conspiracy theories.

Saks, one of the team members, said he’s hopeful “thousands” of people will show up at the three events, and said they’re “very well organized.” He called it a “grassroots” movement led by podcasters, bloggers and social media influencers.

Saks said anyone who starts trouble at the events will simply be asked to leave, noting that two of the three rallies will be held on private property, while the one in San Ysidro is in a public park. And he expressed support for conspiracy theories that non-Trump supporters, either federal agents or antifa, caused the violence at the Capitol attack, saying there were “parallels to J6 here.”

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01 Feb 2024, 12:56 am

maga! maga! maga! :roll:

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.