Research by autistic psy- a chance to get involved

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 11 Jan 2024
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12 Jan 2024, 1:42 pm

Hi! I’m Jenny, an autistic trainee Clinical Psychologist.

I’m doing research about young people's past experiences of autism assessments/services. It's really important that research includes the voices of autistic people, and produces findings based on those with first hand experience! I want to know how services were for you - what was good or bad about the assessment or professionals you saw - and hear honest opinions :D

If you meet the criteria, I’d really love to hear from you! You have to be aged between 14-21 and have had some past experience of an autism assessment/diagnosis. It can be any service as long as your diagnosis wasn't given via a private service. I'm also looking for people who were assessed when under the age of 18.

To take part, I'm asking for just 1 hour of your time to answer some questions & to chat with me (you can say as little or as much as you like). We can meet online for this to make it feel easier. It's a chance to share your views and hopefully something that will feel enjoyable and supportive!

As a thanks, you'll be entered into a prize draw to win one of five £20 shopping vouchers. You can also choose to get full findings of the report/research once it's finished.

You can reply here, msg me directly or email if you have questions or want to chat more. My email is: [email protected]

I've also got a link to a recruitment poster with more information. Please let me know if you'd like to read it and i'll send it to you!

P.s. I'm doing my research for the University of Hertfordshire. I have full ethical approval and anything you say in this research will be completely confidential. Any of your personal information (e.g. your name) will be made completely anonymous too!

Thank you!

Jenny :)


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12 Jan 2024, 5:26 pm

 ! Cornflake wrote:
Retrospectively approved.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.