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24 Jan 2024, 7:31 pm

"A Pig's Brain Transcended Its Body, Surging to Life on Its Own. Humans May Be Next."

When a pig recently went under anesthesia at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, it was for anything but a routine procedure. Researchers were able to isolate blood flow to the brain, separate that brain from the rest of the body, and use a new device to keep the brain alive and functioning.

The pig brains were all on their own for five hours. And they did just fine, thanks to the new extracorporeal pulsatile circulatory control (EPCC) device.

“This novel method enables research that focuses on the brain independent of the body, allowing us to answer physiological questions in a way that has never been done,” Juan Pascual, professor at UT Southwestern, said in a statement.
Mr. Donovan, the doctor can see you now...

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.