Florida judge tosses out Disney's lawsuit against DeSantis

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31 Jan 2024, 6:13 pm

Florida District Court Judge Allen Winsor said the entertainment giant lacked standing to bring its suit

A district court judge in Florida on Wednesday dismissed Disney's lawsuit against Gov. Ron DeSantis over the loss of a long-standing planning district, ruling that Disney lacked standing to bring the suit.

Judge Allen Winsor of the Northern District Court of Florida said Disney's claims of injury resulting from the appointment of board members to a new district created by Florida lawmakers was "in the past."

Disney also failed to show damages from specific actions the new board has taken or will take because of the governor’s alleged control of it, the judge wrote.

"In fact, Disney has not alleged any specific injury from any board action," Winsor said.

Winsor was nominated by then-President Donald Trump in 2018 and was sworn in in 2019.

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