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20 Feb 2024, 11:21 pm

Looney Tunes occasionally insert scenes that only an adult would get. I'm pretty sure it was a Looney Tune I saw, many years ago as an adult, in which a very large bird (not Tweetie, but a larger bird), was being chased. Maybe it wasn't a Looney Tune, but it was a cartoon "aimed at children" nevertheless.

So the bird flies through a cathedral bell tower, but is not seen coming out the other side.

Then there's a close up of the outside deck of the bell tower, where a homely, hunchbacked man in Midieval garb comes out from inside, shaking his fist towards the edge of the deck and yelling into the air at the bird for disturbing him. But we don't see the bird.

Then suddenly, the bird pops out from under the man's clothes on his back, and the viewer realizes that the hunchback was the bird hiding under the clothes. When the bird flies out of there, the man's back is normal.

Anyone here get what this is in reference to? I thought it was mighty clever.

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20 Feb 2024, 11:56 pm

Don't usually hide them, except for the ones that people are certain to think are weird. I do try to mask some of my repetitive movements or utterances. They're sure to generate unkind remarks or actions, in my experience.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Feb 2024, 1:18 pm

Obviously, yes! Especially when it is centered around sex. Once I had a special interest about films related to sex (not porn), anything crazy and particularly Japanese.. Apparently, other autistic in other forums agree that sex traditions , such as fetishes, kink etc, can be a special interest too.

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone"
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23 Feb 2024, 4:28 am

Yes I hide my special interests because they would frighten the hell out of those around me. Hmm, maybe that might not be such a bad thing? :D

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23 Feb 2024, 5:20 am

I guess it depends on the special interest. I have a couple of different things I focus on, and I have no problem sharing with others for the most part. That said, I like my interests to stay my interests. I'll have an interesting conversation about them, but I'm very unlikely to collaborate in special interests unless it's something that necessarily requires it.

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23 Feb 2024, 12:46 pm

Spent my entire life hiding the true me. So keeping my special interests to myself came easily.


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23 Feb 2024, 5:40 pm

Looney Tunes are classic! Especially the Chuck Jones era.

I am public with the more socially acceptable interests like bird-watching, although I have to remind myself to not deliver a college course-level lecture on them.

I keep quiet about less acceptable interests--I research a lot of disasters--natural disasters, air disasters, engineering disasters. I don't talk about it much because I'm afraid people will think I'm morbid or that I like death. I don't. I'm interested in what makes a person a survivor, what quality keeps them fighting for life and not giving up.

Could you find people with similar interests in a forum or on Meet Up? There will always be somebody out there that likes the same things, and will see your interests as completely acceptable.

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23 Feb 2024, 6:09 pm

It depends, when I'm on the elevated portion of a cycle I tend to not shut up about them.

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24 Feb 2024, 2:35 pm

Yes. Many years ago it was the lithic (stone) technology of late prehistoric Britain. I got so geeky. Designed a surface collection survey, new methods of sampling with a database, weighed across a range of landscapes. I built a website (all hand scripted in perfect Xhtml transitional 1.0).

One day I took a colleague out to an area of disturbed soils in a prehistoric hot spot. When he found a flint arrowhead he was really pleased. But he begged me: "don't ever tell a woman that you find prehistoric flints for fun!". His misogyny aside, he was a NT warning me to hide my special interest too avoid being isolated.

A more recent interest has been researching the variants on Y chromosomes. No-one, I mean no-one but an autistic finds that interesting. And back in the early 80s I was a morse code using radio ham. I nearly dropped Steve Silberman's 'Neurotribes' book when I found a chapter on the masked autistics who were radio hams.

But don't tell anyone that I'm a nerd. Its not cool.


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08 Mar 2024, 11:17 am

GodzillaWoman wrote:
Looney Tunes are classic! Especially the Chuck Jones era.

I am public with the more socially acceptable interests like bird-watching, although I have to remind myself to not deliver a college course-level lecture on them.

I keep quiet about less acceptable interests--I research a lot of disasters--natural disasters, air disasters, engineering disasters. I don't talk about it much because I'm afraid people will think I'm morbid or that I like death. I don't. I'm interested in what makes a person a survivor, what quality keeps them fighting for life and not giving up.

Could you find people with similar interests in a forum or on Meet Up? There will always be somebody out there that likes the same things, and will see your interests as completely acceptable.

There isn't any, and r/looneytunes is mostly used by a complete sicko (Nur Faiza). However r/looney_tunes is fine but I'm afraid to.

Someone: You attract what you fear.‬
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08 Mar 2024, 6:26 pm

One of my special interests (although not the only one I have) is film.

My mom and my NT sister often tell me not to talk about it.

Another one of my special interests is languages.

My mom and my NT sister are okay with me having a fascination with foreign languages
much to the dismay of an uncle my NT sister and I have. He says that it's not a "manly thing" to have an interest in foreign languages.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Mar 2024, 7:00 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
One of my special interests (although not the only one I have) is film.

My mom and my NT sister often tell me not to talk about it.

Another one of my special interests is languages.

My mom and my NT sister are okay with me having a fascination with foreign languages
much to the dismay of an uncle my NT sister and I have. He says that it's not a "manly thing" to have an interest in foreign languages.

I have had things taken away from me since LPS. It still happens, either that or no one believes I like it...

Someone: You attract what you fear.‬
‪Me: I'm terrified of Elmer Fudd.

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08 Mar 2024, 8:09 pm

ElmersTrueLove wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
One of my special interests (although not the only one I have) is film.

My mom and my NT sister often tell me not to talk about it.

Another one of my special interests is languages.

My mom and my NT sister are okay with me having a fascination with foreign languages
much to the dismay of an uncle my NT sister and I have. He says that it's not a "manly thing" to have an interest in foreign languages.

I have had things taken away from me since LPS. It still happens, either that or no one believes I like it...

What is LPS? :?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Mar 2024, 9:29 pm

Adults love cartoons, I read on Facebook that ALOT of adults still love Scooby Doo & other cartoons, it reminds them of their childhood & everything were easier back then. I’m 53, going to be 54 in August, I love Bugs Bunny & Draffy Duck, Tom & Jerry. Those people that make fun of people, they probably watch cartoons themselves. Adults buy action figures & other things, they buy things like toys related to a TV show. I love the original Power Rangers, I’m in one PR group on Facebook, probably most of the people there are Very Obsessed with them, they can buy helmets, outfits, action figures, go to Comic Con Conventions to meet celebrities & spend over $100 for pictures, autographs & other stuff.

Emu Egg
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08 Mar 2024, 9:32 pm

first post, hi. i try to hide my spinterst but i don't think i necessarily do a good job at it. i am currently fixated on the columbine shooting and have been for almost two years, but at times i feel ashamed about it due to the fact that i am fixated on a real-life tragedy that has damaged the lives of many.


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08 Mar 2024, 9:34 pm

ElmersTrueLove wrote:
honeytoast wrote:
who had said looney tunes is for babies? what??

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