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15 Feb 2024, 8:16 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How do you feel about being single for the rest of your life and having no children? Or are you married with children?

Back to the original question:

I am married with children.
Before I was married and unsure if I would ever meet the future “Mrs. Right” it troubled me quite a bit. I would pray about God’s will, and being able to know God’s will and accept it in a way that my will would comply and be happy with whatever path God had for me.
I also took steps to meet people and try to learn social skills.
I even explored becoming a priest, which would have included taking vows of celibacy.

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15 Feb 2024, 12:31 pm

I'm a "single parent" in that I have almost all the responsibility for my two kids and their mom is almost never around, though I also have a partner who does not live with me.

How do I feel about it? It's hard, in terms of energy, emotions, finances, and everything else. My autistic traits don't help. Often, it's hard just to face reality, to do the simple, daily things that need to be done. I get overloaded and exhausted frequently. But I keep going, because that's all there is to do.

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18 Feb 2024, 3:06 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How do you feel about being single for the rest of your life and having no children? Or are you married with children?
Umm there's other options than being single without kids or being married with kids. For example being married without kids, being single with kids, living with a domestic partner without kids, living with a domestic partner with kids, being in a long-term relationship but not living together & not having kids, or being in a long-term relationship but not living together & having kids. I'm not sure what this thread is asking about :?

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18 Feb 2024, 11:25 pm

MatchboxVagabond wrote:
If you're talking single and not even dating anybody, that can be an issue later on in life due to a lack of support in old age.

Unfortunately, lack of support in old age can be an issue even for those who've been married or had kids. I work with the elderly (and younger people who are care dependent) and have seen some very bad things.

Anyway, I'm single and it isn't as good as being in a secure and happy relationship, but way better than being in some of the bad ones I've had over the years. No kids. I have never seen myself having biological children, but part of me has always wanted to foster. Maybe someday if I am fortunate enough to get myself into a better place. If not, I think I can be at peace with that, though. Not where I'd like to be in life, but doing my best given challenges and extenuating circumstances.


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19 May 2024, 8:54 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How do you feel about being single for the rest of your life and having no children? Or are you married with children?

I'm partnered - married as a matter of fact, but to me it's how we feel about each other that's the really important thing. Fact of marriage is useful in case of partner death and inheritance rights, other officialdom things, plus for some reason it carries more social respect for the partnered status.

Back on topic, I'd probably hate not being partnered. I'm a very couply person. Only slight worry is that when I'm in a relationship I tend to drift away from other people to some extent, so that if I lose them, things can feel rather bleak socially.


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19 May 2024, 10:09 pm

I'm single and with no kids.

No intentions to enter any relationship and get married.
No intentions to conceive or adopt any child.

I'm somewhat considered 'young' in this age group.

To me, if it happens, it happens.
If it didn't, it didn't and no regrets if ever.

Planning on living alone? As an elderly?

I watched enough seniors to have a gist of what may happen in old age.
I don't have a definite plan or steps to make do with being a senior other than just find ways to be prepared for it.

Having any relatives, getting married and having kids do not necessarily guarantee support.

Having a network that lasts long does -- including any relationships that will matter that far in the future.

Having a retirement plan does.

Having a route of sorts, having self accomodations set up, having certain privileges whether built from merit or birthright -- maintaining AND keeping it; this also means avoid getting displaced or getting lost/locked out of systems.

But then...
I also have no intentions on extending my life further than it is intended.
All I plan and intend is to extend my independence and gaining more freedom as possible.

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24 May 2024, 10:07 am

I'm married with no kids.

I'd actually stopped looking for a partner, and was prepared to accept being single for the rest of my life if it were God's will, and (being one of those people who happen to believe in God) I told Him so. Then my wife appeared in my life, out of nowhere.

As for kids, we were arriving in middle-age when we got married, and because of that we were prepared to accept that it might or might not happen. It didn't; so be it. It riles me incidentally (and I don't think this is an autism thing; it riles NTs in the same way) that some people think that having kids or not is a binary choice, and particularly that people who have no kids either chose not to, or were not capable.


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26 May 2024, 2:21 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
How do you feel about being single for the rest of your life and having no children? Or are you married with children?

It breaks my heart that I will most likely be single with no kids for the rest of my life.I am especially going to miss the chance to be a deacon and/or elder in the church of Christ but I will be barred from those roles if I stay single with no kids for the rest of my life so that makes me even sadder.I also worry about being all by myself when I am old and also worry about death when I have no body at my side potentially.I also worry about who will get my money after I die because I wont have any kids to give my money to most likely.