Are things supposed to get better after a world crisis?

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12 Feb 2024, 9:33 am

I don't know why but I remember thinking during the pandemic that things would be better once a certain amount of people got vaccinated or infected and the virus dies down even though it hasn't gone away.

But since we've had stuff like price rises, rises in people's bills, wars in Ukraine, Gaza etc. I even seem to think in the UK we are alone and everywhere else is doing better. It's like we've got a multitude of crisis such as the NHS, price rises of things, crime, immigration, mental health, unemployment, homelessness etc. They said about rises in prices in 2022 and even now it feels like it hasn't improved or been brought down much. I remember being told the government wants us to pay them back what they did for us during lockdown, it's also because of Brexit, wars and so on.

I sometimes seem to think is everything really this bad as the news and media makes it out to be ? I sound like a conspiracy theorist but I'm not I'm just trying to be rational about things.


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13 Feb 2024, 4:45 pm

Would like to see a Labour/Lib Dem coalition government and us back in the EU tbh.

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14 Feb 2024, 12:20 am

Things will never get better because most humans are idiots and we're reverting back to the Middle Ages.
The world will be ending soon because humans haven't changed or learned anything in the past 50 years.


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14 Feb 2024, 4:57 am

Its the media and gov. working together to diminish peoples expectations of getting things to go the way
the politicians "preferr"' .. to normalize what our government has chosen to put people through , in the name of controlling the masses.....This method lowers expectations of a better life ...IMHO . And to be happy with whatever they get . As some people make fortunes of the circumstances .
Simultaneously. To solidify positions of Power and dependance in current things that have been intentionally set up .
to increase Additional authoritys control. Poor get Poorer , Powerful get more power . Just my opinion .

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16 Feb 2024, 4:11 pm

I would say no, and 'better' in this context would be a subjective value judgement based on an individual's circumstances. I'm sure there are many people who feel better now than they did in 2019 (I'm one of them).

After a world crisis we should probably start preparing for the next world crisis.

It sounds like you're describing more of a particularly British crisis however. It does seem like you guys have had a string of own goals in the last few years...

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22 Feb 2024, 1:45 pm

The world is getting worse every single day. It's probably better to not be a part of it anymore.

In the movies, a hero or group of heroes would probably show up and save everyone's sorry rear end. Which is just another reason why you shouldn't believe what you see in the movies.

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25 Feb 2024, 5:38 am

chris1989 wrote:
I sometimes seem to think is everything really this bad as the news and media makes it out to be ?

to answer this q first: somehow we're taking the info via news/media as more significant info about how life is going than the mundane info we get on the streets:

How Jan's toddler is doing. The shared memories of the Song Festival on tv. Your country's tradition of pantomime. How everybody knows the colour of cola. How you're supposed to frequent a dentist. What items are breakfast items. That there are people who own horses and in what kind of house they probably live. Your country's tradition of hiking through farmer's fields. The existence of velcro.

This is the shared life you live, in your country, in your town, in your era of history. This is the state of things. Things are OK.

Had you lived 500 years ago you'd get your info from travellers and you'd learn about crazy kings and tirant churches and plague ridden foreign countries and the world would seem as absurd and doomed as our world seems to us now.
The only thing is back then you'd be forced to return your focus to your daily job otherwise no food, no roof, no life. With that focus you'd return your gaze to the people around you, the washing ladies, the pork person, the goat chaser, the know-it-all two doors down, etc. and there'd be more frequent occasions where you were reminded about the drama here and now and the local social cohesion.

To answer your overal q: No, things are not supposed to get better after a world crisis. Why did you assume this? Because we have the potential for so much success? We do. But in reality it's never forfilled and we should be thankful if we get 60% results of what was possible.

Perhaps your expectation was coloured by the good things we now identify (through crooked glasses!) after WWII such as NATO and the results of Marshall plan but they were a fluke. Usually things do not get better. Turmoil at geopolitical scale is the norm. We're not going to win this one. But that's OK, that too is the way it's always been.

There's a great documentary about the year 536, when multiple world empires collapsed after one global event. So much was lost. After that things didn't get better. Things got different. "536 AD: The Worst Year In History? | Catastrophe | Full Series | Chronicle" on youtube


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01 Mar 2024, 3:56 pm

I see a lot of things that happened in the 60s happening today. History certainly repeats itself. Every time I see video recommendations on You Tube, there's another protest taking place. Pot is legal in Canada because our crime minister can't live without it. The last time America had a president who had a brain was between 1960 and Late 1963. All I hear about is Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump and Joe Biden - the three dumbest people in the world. My answer would have to be no.

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01 Mar 2024, 10:38 pm

I keep looking at how objectively terrible everything in the world is right now and wondering how other people are coping.

Seeking out uplifting news and stories DOES help. Even if only momentarily.


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03 Mar 2024, 12:18 am

The world is both objectively terrible and objectively good. The terrible things are easier to see, in part because the news only reports on problems. When something is going well there is nothing to report. But if you look at history there have been worse times, and somehow most people got through them. That's just how it is.

But if you just look at the present day compared to most of human history, those of us who live in developed countries have an abundance and a level of comfort and safety that was unheard of in centuries past. We have antibiotics to treat infections and diseases that were deadly not so long ago, we have supermarkets full of food that our ancestors had to hunt for or grow themselves. We can get around in cars, trains, and planes instead of having to walk or take dangerous sea voyages. Our homes are protected from extremes of hot and cold. And so on.

It's discouraging that things could be better, and especially better for people who are poor and have other obstacles, let alone for people living through war, and its' especially discouraging because given the resources that exist today, no one should have to struggle. It's a few people who are in positions of power who are preventing this, and that's galling. But it doesn't take away the many good things that we do have.


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03 Mar 2024, 1:45 pm

Earnestly wanted to believe things are going to get better...but that not what I see..? and future predictions of how things are shaping up ( by my estimation) judging by how things look . We may be in for a rough ride...
The US has been somewhat Lucky in the past , politically , and these are the people whom can make life better or worse for normally levelled or disadvantaged economic people . Obviously "we need a scientific oriented" Political situation aswell .
But we have people with too much money pulling the strings of government .
but if you can ignore this stuff , and just focus on your immediate physical environment, it might not be so bad.
The lock down insanity that went world wide , has subsided .. but places are still requiring you to put things in your blood to go visit other places( jabs, for non existant viruses, innoculations . ) .
Hopefully things will turn for the better :mrgreen:

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12 Mar 2024, 10:40 am

the world is how it's always been: not good. When you look at the level above your neighbours it's always been sh***y. So city, region, country, geopolitics: mostly bad.

But we shouldn't feel bad about it. It's just the way it's always been. Serfs, inquisitions, raids by another kingdom/people, famine because of politics, war because of faith, murder because of the colour of your eyes. Story of the last 6000 years.

As a people we have made some good strides and they are thanks to indoor plumbing, washing hands before surgeries, discovering anaesthetics. Things like that. Education should be here. Teach children to share, to handle disappointment, to handle the unfairness of life.

Also at the local level, your street, your community, people are lovely! There's where you get your fix, people wise. That too is where your life matters, where you can experience your human-ness and enjoy it.

I think we're making a mistake by applying our local human-ness feelings to the above-local scales. I have not yet got a workable answer for you how to do this otherwise, but my inking is there's something skewed here.

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12 Mar 2024, 1:52 pm

Thinking about the world, as reported by both social and supposedly reputable sources, makes me very depressed. It is a background stress that makes everything else harder for me.

I think I need to just distance myself from it. There is a lot going on that is not reported. Much of it might be much better than I think.

So this is a struggle for me. Post crisis, pre crisis ... I'm just going to focus on how to make myself and my environment and the very few people I associate with better.

That's all I can say or get depressed over the news.

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13 Mar 2024, 1:30 am

AnanstrixG wrote:
That's all I can say or get depressed over the news.

we are around the same age.

in the '80s we were taught that society grows towards prosperity for all. News has an honourable role in society. Politicians are kept in check by shame and public outrage.

These ideas belong to the post WWII world.
But that era is exceptional peaceful in Europe and USA, shocked by WWII and nukes. It was an exception in history.

You and I, our expectations are outdated. They don't fit nowadays' reality.
That's the cause of our depression.

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13 Mar 2024, 7:29 am

AnnaTheSquirrel wrote:
It was an exception in history.

You and I, our expectations are outdated. They don't fit nowadays' reality.

This is a good way to look at it. I see the cycles of human social behavior, at least so much as I know, and you are right. We grew up in a random pocket of peace. Things are not so much "reverting" as "settling back in".

I don't know that there is any solution to this, without just burying my head in the sand. But I still live and do my best.

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13 Mar 2024, 8:15 am

I don't know if things get better. Things certainly never get back to how they were and most people find it easy to move on to a new way, whether that's a better way or not

We have existence