A Furious Mom Spikes Her Daughter's Lunch to Stop A Bully

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18 Feb 2024, 5:43 pm


Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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Joined: 7 Oct 2023
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19 Feb 2024, 2:33 am

The kid is called "bully" in the head-line. That got me thinking he stole the lunchbox by force in front of the daughter. Turns out he ate the food in her lunchbox when nobody saw him. That makes him a thief but not exactly a bully. Maybe he did it because he was sent to school without any lunchbox himself and was desperately hungry? Or maybe this "furious mom" made the whole story up to get attention from her followers on facebook? There are some holes in her story.

English is not my first language.