Feeling the need to vent after e.g. being told off

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
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Location: Kent, UK

27 Feb 2024, 2:53 pm

I seem to think there must be something "wrong" if I then start feeling the need to come on here or talk to someone in person after something negative arises such as someone telling me off about something. I seem to think I'll dwell on why I was told and then end up feeling bad and made to look stupid like I don't know what I am doing and get all defensive and I think sometimes I don't try to answer back anymore as though that just adds more fuel to the fire.

I even seem to think I'll talk about the issue that's happened but then divert the conversation on to something else that's negative and it might be one of the comparison issues I spoken about on here or I might be angry and upset to the point sometimes when I say things which might come across as rude, arrogant or callous like example: saying I feel glad that a murderer in prison has died even though when I am calm and level headed I am very divided over issues such as the death penalty and stuff and won't say something harsh like that.

I don't know what the problem is here. I don't know whether I just take other people telling me off and stuff too personally. I seem to remember probably as a kid if I got told off by parents, teachers etc I would knock things off tables, throw things, kick things and so on, to get a reaction because I was frustrated, upset or whatever.