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28 Feb 2024, 1:24 pm

like no matter what
any of yall relate? /genq

im the whajje of the internet
ask me anything :alien:


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29 Feb 2024, 12:02 am

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate more.

My eyes hurt when I'm agitated as well. I get agitated dealing with different types of people throughout the day. After dealing with people, my eyes hurt. I thought that it was the coffee that I was drinking for a very long time. I realized that wasn't the case.

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29 Feb 2024, 3:51 am

My eyes hurt because I have Sjogren's syndrome. In my case symptoms worsen when I am agitated. Before I knew I have Sjogren's I thought I was having severe allergies. Depends what kind of pain you have, is it the litteral pain you feel in your eyes or even behind your eyes? Or is it more like the feeling of having sand in your eyes?

I'm not suggesting you have anything like that but if it happens often and it really bothers you, go visit oftalmologist. It may be something trivial and it could be easily treated.

Someone wrote in their signature English is not their first language. Same here.