French lawmakers make abortion a constitutional right

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04 Mar 2024, 2:02 pm


France on Monday enshrined the right to abortion in its constitution, a world first welcomed by women's rights groups as historic and harshly criticised by anti-abortion groups.

MPs and senators overwhelmingly backed the move, by 780 votes against 72, in a special joint vote of the two houses of parliament, under the gilded ceilings of Versailles Palace, just outside Paris.

Abortion rights activists gathered in central Paris cheered and applauded as the Eiffel Tower scintillated in the background and displayed the message "MyBodyMyChoice" as the result of the vote was announced on a giant screen.

Abortion rights are more widely accepted in France than in the United States and many other countries, with polls showing around 80% of French people back the fact that abortion is legal.

"We're sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you and no one can decide for you," Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told lawmakers ahead of the vote.

Women have had a legal right to abortion in France since a 1974 law - which many harshly criticised at the time

But the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 decision to reverse the Roe v. Wade ruling that recognised women's constitutional right to abortion prompted activists to push France to become the first country to explicitly protect the right in its basic law.

Monday's vote enshrined in Article 34 of the French constitution that "the law determines the conditions in which a woman has the guaranteed freedom to have recourse to an abortion".
"France is at the forefront," said the head of the lower house of parliament, Yael Braun-Pivet, from French President Emmanuel Macron's centrist party.

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04 Mar 2024, 5:00 pm

Based and RU-486'd.

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04 Mar 2024, 6:45 pm

Extremely advanced

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04 Mar 2024, 7:31 pm

Voilà mesdames et messieurs first demographic data is illegal because n*zis second paternity tests are illegal because #BelieveAllWomen third abortion is already legal but whatever also a constitutional right because why not.

What's next on the list you ask? Let's see... lowering sentences for infanticide as long as the baby is under 3 months old and there is an economic justification? Maybe that's a little too progressive :oops: How about abolishing prison altogether for all women? Now that sounds the right amount of progressive to me :D VIVE LA REPUBLIQUE VIVE LA FRANCE