question for those with support workers

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08 Mar 2024, 11:05 pm

what kind of relationship do you have with your support worker(s)? is it mostly professional or like a friendship


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10 Mar 2024, 3:18 am

I've had a few support workers through the years, it's always been professional with a friendly worker.

It's professional in a sense that I can't contact them outside of my allocated time, and if I can't pay them, then they probably wouldn't see me again.

But, a good worker can make someone like me who is lonely feel less lonely, when I meet up with my current worker I'm able to discuss things that are on my mind, find out about what's going on in his world. Have "friendly" banter that is unlike the conversations I would have with a therapist (another profesional I pay to communicate with)

In the end, even though I may be just a client to him. It's nice to have someone to converse with casually

"Profriendshinal" is how I would describe it


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10 Mar 2024, 5:27 am

My relationship with my outreach worker is mainly professional. We have friendly chit chat, but it's mostly professional.

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