Tim_Tex wrote:
Yet people will still vote for him despite all his misdeeds, because they think the Dems (aka "Woke Left") will do laws like this:
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/canadian-bill-would-not-criminalize-all-religious-expression/ar-BB1jQsI6?ocid=BingHp01&cvid=07b794dccd2a40409aa32713a7044c82&ei=10The law explicitly states that merely saying that homosexuality is a sin will not be banned, but people on the right interpret it like this:
You wanna know what the "Woke" did that's ACTUALLY wrong?
They brought back racial segregation.
They demonized an entire race of people (white people) for the color of their skin.
They've convinced every woman, LGBTQ person, and people of color that we'll never be anything more than poor victims of injustice.
They ruined great entertainment by trying to shove political messages nobody gives a f**k about down all our throats when all we want to do is watch TV, play video games, and listen to music without being subjected to absolute crap designed only to depress us.
They made sexism ok again by calling every middle aged white woman who complains about getting sh***y service at Walmart a "Karen".
They've also started openly hoping for the US to get destroyed like Rome so that China can take over the world and will say anything to defend the CCP now. Why? Because they're what you call "Useful Idiots".
I'm glad the Woke movenent is dying out. They're almost as unhinged as the stupid MAGA cult and should have never been taken seriously as a movement. Hell they're probably the reason why Trump is going to be president again.
A flower's life is wilting...