The courts will not save us from Donald Trump

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19 Mar 2024, 11:59 am ... trump/amp/

Just an opinion piece, but it's got a kind of logic to it.

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19 Mar 2024, 1:04 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

Just an opinion piece, but it's got a kind of logic to it.

I have always thought this.

That said I do wonder if he will have to use some of his campaign funds to pay his fines.
I have no idea I am ignorant of how this works.

Putting that aside we do have a comparison of evils situation. The evils of Trump winning a second term/skating or both has been discussed elsewhere. If his legal troubles prevent him from a second term one way or another it is because he was held accountable by progressives in various levels of power. That looks like a banana republic. In this case it would not be, it would be more than justified. But the precedent would have been set and there is no undoing it. Look at how impeachment has gone from a rarity to just another political tool in such a short period of time. When that happens with prosecuting political opponents we will be a banana republic.

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19 Mar 2024, 2:32 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
That said I do wonder if he will have to use some of his campaign funds to pay his fines.

If? He already has been using those funds to pay his legal fees: ... gal-bills/

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20 Mar 2024, 7:45 pm

If I was Prince Harry, I would consider going back to King Daddy ... 0e87abc1a6

A few others might want to start making preparations...


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20 Mar 2024, 7:53 pm

cyberdad wrote:
If I was Prince Harry, I would consider going back to King Daddy ... 0e87abc1a6

A few others might want to start making preparations...

I wonder if Princess Mako's Emperor Daddy in Japan would welcome her back? Given the fact that she's Asian and Trump has encouraged anti-Asian hatred over the spread of Covid... I fear for her safety too.

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21 Mar 2024, 1:51 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

Just an opinion piece, but it's got a kind of logic to it.

I have always thought this.

That said I do wonder if he will have to use some of his campaign funds to pay his fines.
I have no idea I am ignorant of how this works.

Putting that aside we do have a comparison of evils situation. The evils of Trump winning a second term/skating or both has been discussed elsewhere. If his legal troubles prevent him from a second term one way or another it is because he was held accountable by progressives in various levels of power. That looks like a banana republic. In this case it would not be, it would be more than justified. But the precedent would have been set and there is no undoing it. Look at how impeachment has gone from a rarity to just another political tool in such a short period of time. When that happens with prosecuting political opponents we will be a banana republic.

Wut? :?

If trump is held accountable for his crime spree something something the USA becomes a small nation dependent on a single crop for it's economy Or the influx of foreign investments?

How tf does that make any sense whatsoever? :?

Make it make sense.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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21 Mar 2024, 7:58 am

goldfish21 wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

Just an opinion piece, but it's got a kind of logic to it.

I have always thought this.

That said I do wonder if he will have to use some of his campaign funds to pay his fines.
I have no idea I am ignorant of how this works.

Putting that aside we do have a comparison of evils situation. The evils of Trump winning a second term/skating or both has been discussed elsewhere. If his legal troubles prevent him from a second term one way or another it is because he was held accountable by progressives in various levels of power. That looks like a banana republic. In this case it would not be, it would be more than justified. But the precedent would have been set and there is no undoing it. Look at how impeachment has gone from a rarity to just another political tool in such a short period of time. When that happens with prosecuting political opponents we will be a banana republic.

Wut? :?

If trump is held accountable for his crime spree something something the USA becomes a small nation dependent on a single crop for it's economy Or the influx of foreign investments?

How tf does that make any sense whatsoever? :?

Make it make sense.

Is America Becoming a Banana Republic? - New Yorker
The term—which originally referred to a politically unstable country run by a dictator and his cronies, with an economy dependent on a single product—took on a life of its own. Over the past century, “banana republic” has evolved to mean any country (with or without bananas) that has a ruthless, corrupt, or just plain loopy leader who relies on the military and destroys state institutions in an egomaniacal quest for prolonged power.

During the heated Presidential campaign of 2016, the term made its way into mainstream American politics, often glibly. President Trump invoked it in October, 2016. “This election will determine whether we remain a free country in the truest sense of the word or we become a corrupt banana republic controlled by large donors and foreign governments,” he told a cheering crowd in Florida. After the second Presidential debate, in October, Robby Mook, the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, countered, “Donald Trump thinks that the Presidency is like some banana republic dictatorship where you can lock up your political opponents.” The phrase has become an undercurrent in the national political debate ever since.

Trump being held accountable by progressives looks like the latter definition but would not be. If Trump wins America may very well fit the latter definition. If prosecuting political opponents becomes routine in America we will have become what Mook was talking about. Many of the Central and South American countries the original definition was about have a history of being unstable where who is prosecuting and who is prosecuted changes often.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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21 Mar 2024, 8:06 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

Just an opinion piece, but it's got a kind of logic to it.

I have always thought this.

That said I do wonder if he will have to use some of his campaign funds to pay his fines.
I have no idea I am ignorant of how this works.

Putting that aside we do have a comparison of evils situation. The evils of Trump winning a second term/skating or both has been discussed elsewhere. If his legal troubles prevent him from a second term one way or another it is because he was held accountable by progressives in various levels of power. That looks like a banana republic. In this case it would not be, it would be more than justified. But the precedent would have been set and there is no undoing it. Look at how impeachment has gone from a rarity to just another political tool in such a short period of time. When that happens with prosecuting political opponents we will be a banana republic.

Wut? :?

If trump is held accountable for his crime spree something something the USA becomes a small nation dependent on a single crop for it's economy Or the influx of foreign investments?

How tf does that make any sense whatsoever? :?

Make it make sense.

Is America Becoming a Banana Republic? - New Yorker
The term—which originally referred to a politically unstable country run by a dictator and his cronies, with an economy dependent on a single product—took on a life of its own. Over the past century, “banana republic” has evolved to mean any country (with or without bananas) that has a ruthless, corrupt, or just plain loopy leader who relies on the military and destroys state institutions in an egomaniacal quest for prolonged power.

During the heated Presidential campaign of 2016, the term made its way into mainstream American politics, often glibly. President Trump invoked it in October, 2016. “This election will determine whether we remain a free country in the truest sense of the word or we become a corrupt banana republic controlled by large donors and foreign governments,” he told a cheering crowd in Florida. After the second Presidential debate, in October, Robby Mook, the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, countered, “Donald Trump thinks that the Presidency is like some banana republic dictatorship where you can lock up your political opponents.” The phrase has become an undercurrent in the national political debate ever since.

Trump being held accountable by progressives looks like the latter definition but would not be. If Trump wins America may very well fit the latter definition. If prosecuting political opponents is routine in America we will have become what Mook was talking about. Many of the Central and South American countries the original definition was about have a history of being unstable who is prosecuting and who is prosecuted changes often.

Well on the other hand, you have to admit that the US would be given a taste of it's own medicine given that we sabotoged the democratic governments of these countries and pulled strings to keep violent dictators in power just so we could have access to their resources for ourselves.

I know this because my Mom learned about this when she took a trip to Guatemala when she was in college studying to be a social worker.

I don't believe in 'karma', but maybe sometimes what goes around really does come around? :?

A flower's life is wilting...