I am working slowly on it! Unfortunately I have just been fired from my other job so bit stressed but excited to hear about the interest.
Language is very very complicated, but I think I can do something simple. That looks at a chat and pulls out the entities in it
then draws a little ball and stick picture you can annotate with guesses about emotions, and maybe inferences or thoughts.
Then you can look at different people and see how they responded in the past to better understand "who" they are,
hopefully revising this before interacting so you can avoid the pitfalls of context that autistics so often fall into.
At the moment I am very confused by what to do with "recursion" though - like in text language we can use write a sentence about a sentence about a sentence about bob who told frank who told sam to eat some eggs... and so on. How to capture this visually is confusing me, but certainly doable and will be very rewarding.