Are her parents right about chemotherapy?

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25 Mar 2024, 7:07 pm

Jamesy wrote:
I wonder what Kates funeral would be like? Would it be private or a big one perhaps

If protocol is followed, It would be very public.


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25 Mar 2024, 7:30 pm

Fnord wrote:
Jamesy wrote:
Do you think her parents are not considering the devastating impact losing your hair can have on cancer patients when on chemotherapy and it now it effects self esteem/body image.
I think her parents are considering the devastating impact that dying would have on their daughter (and them, of course).

They are wise to point out the  frivolity  stupidity of avoiding life-saving treatments in favor of one's appearance.

She's likely only afraid of the impacts on her appearance because she intends on proceeding with treatment. If she intended on avoiding the treatment she'd only need to worry about how the cancer would progressively impact her appearance.

A life-saving treatment is only worthwhile if the life it saves continues to be worth living. For some people going from an 8 to a 2 would be unbearable, even if it's only in their own assessment. Everyone has their own limits too, like going bald might not be enough for most, but being a repulsive mutated gremlin would make most people reconsider the treatment. She might just be more sensitive than most on that issue.

Also, hair loss might only be the most easily articulated of her concerns, or the one her folks want to gossip about the most.

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25 Mar 2024, 9:32 pm

While any of us can have unreasonable fears, and the proper way to deal with a person's fears is to be understanding and try to help alleviate them, while also helping the person gain perspective so that they can realize that their fear is unreasonable (and I'm not choosing other words that are insulting but sometimes more accurate, like "ridiculous"), your friend's fear of losing her hair when faced with much worse side-effects of cancer treatment and the possibility of dying from cancer, is unreasonable.

Her parents could be nicer about it and more sensitive, and try to help her understand the unreasonableness of this particular fear, but they are completely correct.


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26 Mar 2024, 7:29 am

Dolph Lundgren probably been on a fair amount of chemotherapy and he’s far from bald.

I think he mentioned that his cancer was due to all the steroids he took when younger


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26 Mar 2024, 12:28 pm

That's mad...shes terrified of getting cancer because she might lose her hair :lol: ffs

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26 Mar 2024, 12:32 pm

babybird wrote:
That's mad...shes terrified of getting cancer because she might lose her hair :lol: ffs

It sounds a lot like anxiety.


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26 Mar 2024, 12:35 pm

It's sounds insane to me. I think if I got cancer the last thing I'd be worried about is my hair.

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26 Mar 2024, 12:52 pm

babybird wrote:
It's sounds insane to me. I think if I got cancer the last thing I'd be worried about is my hair.

I think I would be the same as you in that regard. But I suppose everyone thinks differently.


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26 Mar 2024, 1:31 pm

babybird wrote:
It's sounds insane to me. I think if I got cancer the last thing I'd be worried about is my hair.

Well my grandmother died of breast cancer in 1997 aged 67 and she refused a lot of chemotherapy because her good head of hair was important to her.


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26 Mar 2024, 1:46 pm


Do these women know that hair grows back

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26 Mar 2024, 1:58 pm

babybird wrote:

Do these women know that hair grows back

Sometimes after chemotherapy, even if the hair grows back on ones head, it grows back a lot thinner/of bad quality. Or so I have heard from certain women who have undergone chemotherapy in the past.


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26 Mar 2024, 2:10 pm

Yeah but your life Vs a bit of hair loss?

It's an absolute no brainer for me

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26 Mar 2024, 2:18 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
babybird wrote:

Do these women know that hair grows back

Sometimes after chemotherapy, even if the hair grows back on ones head, it grows back a lot thinner/of bad quality. Or so I have heard from certain women who have undergone chemotherapy in the past.

Why don't they just wear a cold cap?


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26 Mar 2024, 2:19 pm

WTH is a cold cap

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26 Mar 2024, 2:22 pm

babybird wrote:
WTH is a cold cap

A cap that people wear during chemo treatment to prevent hair loss


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26 Mar 2024, 2:52 pm

Well let's hope she doesn't need to wear a cold cap ever in her life

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