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28 Mar 2024, 10:13 am


No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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28 Mar 2024, 10:18 am

There’s plenty of rape in the Bible, so maybe Trump promoting it is more appropriate than I initially thought. :chin:

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven – Satan and TwilightPrincess


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28 Mar 2024, 1:46 pm

Oh Dear Lord, Dreams of 'Turning Money Tables' Over Again, Hehe,

And On Top of That Fresh Hell, Not Only Telling His 'Marks' Straight

to Their Faces That They Will Support Him If He Shoots Someone on

Fifth Avenue

In Broad Daylight;

Dear Lord, Even the F iN Bible
On 'Holy Week,' No Longer
Giving It Away For Prophets;

Actually, Selling It For Profits;

Still Using It As The Romans
Did for Centuries As they Helped
the Catholic Roman Empire Create

The God Damning Book Full of Genocide
And Raping 32,000 Close to Puberty Virgins
After Murdering Their Parents and Other Non-
Virgin-Non-Close-To-Puberty Girls; Yes It's True THere isn't

(Per NuMBeRS 31)

Much Left
to SOil in
That BooK iNDeeD

Yet 'The Powers' That 'Wanna Be'
Still Use IT to Politically Rise, Continuing
To Sell off A God in A Book As ULTiMaTE


For Human
To Continue to Rise...

Hey, the Original Greek
Definition of 'Sin' is "MiSSinG the MarK;"

Bullseyes, Trump Continues to Play 'em
Like A Symphony of Violins in Synch of Falling Marks;

Yep, Like When the 'Orange Devil' Went Down to Georgia Hehe;

Or the Rise of the 'Orange Version of King Kong,' In that New Movie too HAha...


Who Would
Have Even
This Stuff

If It Was Made
Up in a Movie;

Of Course, Rhetorical
Question Now, Already
Answered Above Below As Usual...

When The Hell or Heaven Are They
Gonna Finally 'Roll Away the Stones;' Yes,
The Real Apocalypse Now of Lifting the Veils
oF iGNoRaNCE, Per Original Greek Definition

True too...

Not Holding
my Breath, Hehe;
Least Not, in this
Lifetime NoW as i Gotta Keep Breathing..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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28 Mar 2024, 2:28 pm

I don't understand who would be gullible enough to buy one of these Trump bibles. Can't you just google "the bible" and get hundreds of translations of it for free?

Former (?) college student at a turning point.
Diagnosed PDD-NOS, age 4.
22F, HRT 10 months.

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28 Mar 2024, 4:14 pm

Is Trump the greatest con-man in US history? The way he preys on the stupid and the gullible. He really is unbelievable.

English is not my first language.


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28 Mar 2024, 5:38 pm

Disturbing man selling a disturbing book at a disturbing price. Not just way too expensive for a mere paper copy (only one version included, very hard to search*), but doesn't everybody know that anybody who sets a price with .99 at the end of it is playing a dishonest trick? It's a mystery to me how anybody with more than half a brain would fall for it, and curiously, it's something of a mystery to me as well how they also fall for Trump or the propaganda goals of human Bible authors.

I'm not saying they're all stupid, but it seems their minds are more vulnerable to certain tricks than mine is. And the worst of it is that I have to suffer because they fall for these things. I get Trump for president, I daren't speak freely about religion in some parts of the world, and every time I go into a shop my intelligence gets insulted by those .99 price tags.

*Must say I rather like old, leather-bound Bibles, but that's just an aesthetic, sense-of-history thing, it's nothing to do with the price, the ease of use, or the veracity and intellectually satisfactory nature of the contents. I dislike modern Bibles, probably for the same reason I dislike modern suits, uniforms, cars, buildings and gravestones. But I don't know what that reason is. I guess I just feel that the world is getting uglier.


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28 Mar 2024, 5:54 pm

BillyTree wrote:
Is Trump the greatest con-man in US history? The way he preys on the stupid and the gullible. He really is unbelievable.

Well...he wants "America to prey again". :D


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28 Mar 2024, 5:57 pm


“He wants America to p(r)ay again.”

Either work. :lol:

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28 Mar 2024, 6:12 pm sure is comforting to know that there is now a version of the Bible that...Trump..."approves of". :roll:


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28 Mar 2024, 6:47 pm

For anybody interested why don't we all learn how to curse him with his own bible using Psalms 109 to bring great misfortune on him and his entire family?

Think of the irony of using his own bible against him? :twisted:

There's even a website on how it works. :D

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Jason Thayer
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29 Mar 2024, 9:36 am

TwilightPrincess wrote:
There’s plenty of rape in the Bible, so maybe Trump promoting it is more appropriate than I initially thought. :chin:

Just saying: Just because it's there doesn't mean the writers approved of it.

"Normal is just a setting on the washing machine. We don't get to be normal." --Harley Quinn, "Suicide Squad"


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29 Mar 2024, 9:47 am

Jason Thayer wrote:
TwilightPrincess wrote:
There’s plenty of rape in the Bible, so maybe Trump promoting it is more appropriate than I initially thought. :chin:

Just saying: Just because it's there doesn't mean the writers approved of it.

Agreed. That's like saying just because the Ancient Greeks had a Goddess of Witchcraft (Hecate) that they must have admired and respected "witches". :lol:

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29 Mar 2024, 9:57 am

Jason Thayer wrote:
TwilightPrincess wrote:
There’s plenty of rape in the Bible, so maybe Trump promoting it is more appropriate than I initially thought. :chin:

Just saying: Just because it's there doesn't mean the writers approved of it.

If you peruse this thread, you will find that there’s a lot of concerning stuff regarding rape in the Bible. Sometimes it was even endorsed.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven – Satan and TwilightPrincess


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29 Mar 2024, 9:58 am

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

Agreed. That's like saying just because the Ancient Greeks had a Goddess of Witchcraft (Hecate) that they must have admired and respected "witches". :lol:

Also I want to add to this that the dumbest quote I ever heard was something Kamala Harris' mother said (who is Hindu).

"Cultures that believe in Goddesses raise strong women"


That's simply not true either. I know about plenty of polytheistic religions with a belief in goddesses that were just as patriarchal as Christianity and treated their women like absolute crap too. :roll:

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29 Mar 2024, 6:37 pm

May you be blessed by YHWH and his Asherah


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30 Mar 2024, 8:47 am

Jason Thayer wrote:
Ugh, as if we didn't need more evidence Trump is the Anti-Christ, now he's selling Bibles at 59.99 each! I remember my Bible didn't cost nearly that much!

I think its incredibly ironic that a Forbes 400 Multi-Billionaire is selling a book that says the rich are going to Hell most likely.Just goes to show he has never read the whole Bible.