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13 Apr 2024, 10:37 pm

When you got older than forty, did you eat a healthier or less healthy diet?

Did you put more emphasis on your health?

For a long time I thought that it was necessary to put more emphasis on your health the older you get, but now I think, 41 is already pretty old anyways,boss why bother with healthy eating when my health is only going to get worse (due to aging)? Besides I have nobody to impress in terms of significant other


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15 Apr 2024, 4:05 pm

I think healthy diet should not be equal to bland tasting stuff you don't like, or that you need to munch leaves like rabbits. It's different for each person. I'm actually trying to eat more meat right now to be healthier.

It' probably good to start with a health check-up and see if your bloodwork are all normal and whether you have deficiencies. You can also get a hair test done to analyze your minerals. If your number are normal and you feel good, no need to fix what's no broken. :)

It's best to look into your family history to see what kind of factors killed off your ancestors and older relatives, and how you can avoid those issues. As for me, my ancestors either died of starvation or child births, and I'm not too worried about those right now. :)

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13 May 2024, 6:58 pm


january this year, my bloodwork was fine. only four numbers outside the standard reference range, and just barely.

i'm 41. my dad died @ 71 from colon cancer. my mom died @ 61 from stroke.

my health has been rapidly getting worse lately. esp since my dumpsterfire "job" is manual labor. i'm afraid i won't be healthy enough to work. government benefits not guaranteed, sufficient, or permanent.

my diet is much better than my coworkers'. however, my diet is not absolutely great. for example, 12 servings of bread a day is way too much. however, 9 servings of fruit/veg (total) is plenty. i should eat less bread/carbhohydrates. but if i eat more fruit/veg, then more defecating difficulty. protein products such as meat $$$ esp since coronavirus. there is something wrong with everything.


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14 May 2024, 7:40 am

I go through periods of eating very healthily and then periods of eating very poorly. I don't have a very good relationship with food, I binge eat and eat to soothe emotions.

A number of years ago I was probably at my healthiest and fittest I've ever been after a health scare that made me think I should probably take my diet more seriously. That lasted for a couple of years and then I've been in the same funk with food for about 18 months. My meals are usually very healthy, I cook with fresh ingredients and stuff but around meals I shovel all sorts of crap into my face until I feel sick and sorry for myself.

About a week ago I gave myself a bit of a talking to about my diet and weight because I like to walk and it's been getting harder to walk as far as I want to, or get up some of the hills around here. I'm probably as heavy as I've ever been at the moment. I tried to start running a couple of weeks back because I love running but it was so hard and it wiped me out for days because I'm just too heavy. And it's costing me money I don't have to keep eating the way I have been.

Anyway, I haven't eaten anything outside of a meal for about a week, drastically reduced refined carbs and started intermittent fasting again (which I don't find hard at all, it very much suits me) and already I feel much better about what I'm eating. We'll see how long it lasts. I'm usually better when I'm on a roll. Once I've been eating well for a few weeks it becomes more habitual and I don't want to jeopardize my investment by having a sneaking cake or whatever. It gets easier to resist I find.

I've never had blood work done or anything like that. I've got no idea what my cholesterol levels are like etc.

Three of my grandparents died quite early from cancer (although one was smoking related so I'm not so concerned about that), and one grandparent lived into his 90s. I've already had one bout with cancer and I've no desire to do that again so I've really cut out stuff like cured meat (that was what got my grandad, bowel cancer, he loved his German sausage).

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16 May 2024, 11:56 pm

I did start eating healthier when I was about 40, yes. I started to panic a bit about bad diet and smoking too much. I'm scared of cancer and the horrible treatments they have for it. Wasn't too hard to fix the eating because I'd been into health food since I was a teenager and liked the taste of good, simple food, only I'd gone and let myself go a bit. The smoking took a lot longer because nicotine is a strong addiction and cigarettes are fidget toys. But my lungs still feel pretty clear and strong.


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04 Jul 2024, 8:51 pm

tough diamond

i haven't eaten chocolate since august 2022, and i really miss it dearly. @ first, i thought that the sugar from chocolate was making me jumpy, edgy, and uptight. however, without chocolate, i am still jumpy, edgy, and uptight. maybe "uptight" is just part of my demeanor

when i was 31, i suddenly cut plenty of foods out of my diet: sweet potatoes (carbs), Clif bars, sushi. some of those foods, i *loved*, like sweet potatoes. some of those foods, i ate several daily servings of, like sweet potatoes. but it was easy to give up those foods. (and a couple weeks ago, i ate a sweet potato for the first time, and it did not taste addictive or anything like that.)

actually, i've been considering "letting go". 41 is pretty old. never smoked before. only drank a couple servings of alcohol in my "life". and i don't want alcohol either. and never drank coffee. but junk food looks delicious. my coworkers @ home depot eat: Cane's chicken, popeye's chicken, food truck, mcdonalds, guadalajara, panda express, baja fresh, CA pizza kitchen, burger king. it seems like they eat a lot more fast food, than anything else. with a couple exceptions, they do not appear to care about nutrition, health, or weight. i work @ home depot and earn minimum wage, and coworkers earn the same amount too. a disproportionate number of them are overweight. they can do everything skinny people can do, except run long distances, which is hardly necessary for daily life.

besides, everything causes cancer.

my old man got diagnosed stage four colon cancer, 66. dead @ 71. he was scrawny.

my mom got a stroke at 66 and died.

besides, grocery costs skyrocketing. it's getting harder and harder financially to eat a healthy diet. esp since i do not know how to cook.

i used to be terrified of being fat, but maybe being fat is not as bad as it appears. the media makes it sound like being fat is a moral failing, and some people are fatphobic. but fat people live lives just like skinny people.

seriously considering just "letting go". emotional overeating. not many things make me feel better. eating makes me feel better. nobody's gonna date or marry me anyways. i have zero "friends", "family", job skills, or occupational prospects. maybe emotional overeating is not such a bad thing. besides, my worthless corpse has rapidly been getting much physically weaker and mentally slower lately. i am not going to be able to walk as far as i used to. thus gaining weight, all things equal. also, if my dumpsterfire "job" has the nerve to make my worthless corpse redundant, then i won't have the time or energy to walk that far, even if my health is good enough to do it.

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06 Jul 2024, 5:04 am

I have a better diet than when I was younger, though I'm not fanatical about it. In general, I try to eat mostly protein, fruit, and vegetables, and limit carbonates.

"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."