Are you a leftist or a liberal? Dennis Prager's 32 questions

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20 Apr 2024, 4:50 am

Dennis Prager laid out 32 questions to determine whether you are a leftist or a liberal. I found it from Newsweek.

Dennis Prager wrote:
1. Many universities now have all-black dormitories, and some have all-black graduation exercises. Do you support these developments?
2. The University of California has declared this statement racist: "There is only one race—the human race." Do you agree with the University of California, or do you agree with the statement?
3. Is the goal of being "colorblind"—doing one's best to ignore a person's color and concentrating only on the person's character and personality—a noble goal or a racist one?
4. Do you believe the color of a person's skin tells you anything of importance about that person?
5. Do you agree that all white Americans are racist?
6. If your answer is yes, would you tell the millions of blacks in Africa and the Caribbean who wish to emigrate to America that they would be making a poor decision? If not, why not?
7. Is it possible for a black person to be a racist?
8. Is it racist to claim that Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed the greatest music ever composed?
9. Is the national anthem racist?
10. If your answer is yes, what would you like to put in its place?
11. The English Department at the University of Pennsylvania removed its painting of William Shakespeare because he was a white European male. Do you agree with that decision?

12. Do you agree with The New York Times' "1619 Project" that America was not founded in 1776 but in 1619 with the first arrival of black slaves in North America, and that the Revolutionary War was fought in order to preserve slavery?
13. Should statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln be taken down?
14. Has the United States, overall, made the world a better place?
15. Would America be better, worse, or the same as now if all Americans dropped their religion and became secular?
16. Has capitalism been a net-plus for America and the world?
17. Everyone would like to improve America. Some would like to, in their words, "fundamentally transform" it. Would you?
18. Could a good person have voted for Donald Trump in 2020?
19. Do you believe that CNN, The Washington Post,The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media are biased toward the left or try to present the news as accurately as possible?
20. Should America have full control over its borders to prevent illegal immigration?
21. There are between 11 and 30 million people in America who entered the country illegally. Should they all be put on a path to citizenship?
22. Should those who enter America illegally be called "undocumented immigrants" or "illegal immigrants"?
23. Do you believe police departments should be defunded, or at least have their budgets severely cut?
24. Should the government provide vouchers to enable parents to choose what school their child attends?
25. Which school do you believe is more likely to be attacked by a gunman: one that has a sign in front that reads, "Gun-Free Zone" or one that reads, "This School Has Armed Personnel"?

Men and Women
26. Should it be legal for a teenage girl to have her breasts surgically removed because she identifies as a male—or should there be a minimum age of 18 or 21?
27. School teachers have been told to stop calling students "boys and girls" because a student might not identify as either male or female. Do you agree with this policy?
28. Should biological males who identify as females be allowed to compete against biological females in sports?
29. Is the statement, "Men give birth" science-based?
30. Do you agree with the practice of inviting a drag queen into public libraries and elementary school classrooms to conduct a "Drag Queen Story Hour"?

31. Do you believe that free speech allows for hate speech, or should hate speech be banned?
32. If you believe hate speech should be banned, who do you believe should determine what is hate speech?

I'll see if I can provide my assessment on these questions.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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20 Apr 2024, 5:04 am

Personally I am a fiscal far-right and socially far-left and economic beliefs are very right-wing for the most part except I love labor unions and I believe in a living wage for full-time jobs.I would classify myself more of a classical liberal than a leftist.I believe that all alcohol,tobacco,energy drinks,drugs,prostituition,gamblirightng should be legal and deregulated and ultra-low taxed.However am a libertarian mostly not so much a conservative or liberal.However Dennis Prager would consider my beliefs about other things to be right-wing.Maybe I am liberal because I think sin taxes should be ultra low.


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20 Apr 2024, 5:35 am

Here are my answers.

1. - No. Segregation is bad.

2. - This is found in a 2015 article from the Washington Post in which this quote is listed as an example of "microaggression". For me, the statement simply means that we shouldn't judge people based on skin color because we are all humans, and therefore, no one is a different type of species just because of their skin color.

3. - It is not racist to not focus on skin color. It is however racist to judge people because of their skin color.

4. - No!

5. - Only Americans that support KKK, reactionaries, fascists, Nazis, and nationalists.

6. - If they want to emigrate to America, they shouldn't be told not to just because they're not White. That counts as racism. However, it is acceptable to advise people not to move to America (not force them) with specific reasons such as racial discrimination, high student debt, expensive housing prices in California, and dangerous polarization between Democrats and Republicans.

7. - Any person is racist regardless of their race as long as they discriminate against others based on their skin color, cultural background, and religion.

8. - A ludicrous question. Music has nothing to do with race at all.

9. - "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." does not ring racism at all but the ideal society where we are free of oppression (the anthem's lyrics do not make any references to races).

11. - Statement originates from 2016. The context behind is that traditionalists and reactionaries argue on how Audre Lorde isn't important as Shakespeare and that Shakespeare's portrait was replaced to satisfy progressive views of the students themselves. The progressives point out the cluelessness attributed to ignorance and state that Shakespeare is still alive and well at Penn. Clearly an attempt of gaining clout by racism and attempting to "prove liberals wrong".

12. - Slaves arrived after Jamestown was founded. Contemporary America that we know of came from a colony set by Englishmen that is Jamestown in 1607, 12 years prior to the arrival of slaves. The Revolutionary War was not fought to preserve slavery but was a colonial rebellion against the British colonial empire. At the time, liberal values were truly considered progressive. America would also display its progressiveness in 1860s when the Union proves itself the winner against the Confederacy and abolishing the slavery ultimately despite the persistent racism that would continue until the 1960s civil rights movements change it.

13. - It would be immoral to take down Abraham Lincoln who literally fought to abolish slavery of Afro-Americans in the United States.

14. - Any imperialist force, whether is it the US, Russia, China, Britain, or France, would not make the world any better as long as they enforce their mainstream global hegemony.

15. - America wasn't founded on Christian values. Despite the demographic of America being Christian, the constitution of the United States emphasizes on the liberal values, not Christian.

16. - Economically, capitalism is what makes America the "sole superpower". This is just economically, not socially because capitalism disregards social issues.

17. - Ban lobbying and "gerrymandering". If America is a free nation then why do we have to vote Democrat or Republican? Polarization is anti-democratic. So much for the "Land of the Free".

18. - No. I would personally not consider voting for Trump or Biden. There is no thing such as voting for a certain candidate that makes a person "good person". It is just plain pro-Trump propaganda that Prager is laying down.

19. - I believe that liberals and conservatives in America are both on the right. The Democrats are less extreme than Republicans but the Democrats are certainly not "leftist" as many paranoid MAGA Republicans claim so.

20. - Maybe? But then wouldn't that also impact people like me who come to visit America only to get checked for hours? Reminds me of that meme video with a list of ethnic groups under surveillance in America. I forgot the name of it.

21. - They should be treated fairly and be given a path to citizenship by being provided adequate supplies and equipment for integration and not assimilation. This is something that Sweden failed to do so despite Sweden faring better in welfare than America.

22. - Any person who enters another nation without documents is "undocumented" or "illegal".

23. - Police shouldn't be "defunded" but reformed based on the people's interests but also provide basic security.

24. - Better than forcing them to attend certain schools if some don't provide adequate education. Just make sure that the government is providing the adequate vouchers.

25. - Logically a "Gun-free zone" school because less security. But since this quiz has bias towards pro-gun ownership then it is clear that if they don't want an army guard in the school then restrict the gun ownership to the army and police only and not basic citizens. America has enough guns to reload their entire US army and police force dozens of times.

26. - Giving surgeries to underaged people in general is not a good idea due to their bodies being underdeveloped. I prefer the age of 18 in which most of the body (except the brain) is developed.

27. - Well in my school, they call us "students" and "boys and girls", so I don't see a major issue with it.

28. - Certainly not. Why women who identify as men don't compete in men's sports is because they would easily be won over. So there have to be certain fair standards to prevent fraudsters from entering women's sports and causing major sports scandals. However, these questions are often attempts of trying to make people transphobic. I only disagree with this not because I am a transphobe but because there is logical reasoning to it. Dennis Prager is a reactionary!

29. - No. Men cannot be born with uterus. Men can get a uterus artificially but I have never met a man who was "born with a uterus". As a man myself, I don't like having a uterus. I am more comfortable with a woman having that since my mother made me, not my father.

30. - Seeing how America deviates completely from "Love and Acceptance" I would consider waiting until they prove themselves worthy to communism and not engage in sexual deviance that may be uncomfortable for others.

31. - Free speech allows hate speech but free speech allows us also to fight hate speech!

32. - We, the people do that.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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20 Apr 2024, 5:46 am

Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
Personally I am a fiscal far-right and socially far-left and economic beliefs are very right-wing for the most part except I love labor unions and I believe in a living wage for full-time jobs.I would classify myself more of a classical liberal than a leftist.I believe that all alcohol,tobacco,energy drinks,drugs,prostituition,gamblirightng should be legal and deregulated and ultra-low taxed.However am a libertarian mostly not so much a conservative or liberal.However Dennis Prager would consider my beliefs about other things to be right-wing.Maybe I am liberal because I think sin taxes should be ultra low.

For me, I am a left-wing authoritarian. My economic and social beliefs are left though I am rather conservative on some social issues such as preserving traditional marriages. Prostitution, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, smoking, and gambling should be banned for health reasons. However, I do tend to be progressive but I am not economically far left. I prefer Market Socialism where workers can direct the means of production based on market prices for that can help the economy flow without massive government regulation. Government simply uses surplus to redistribute it to make free healthcare, free education, improve infrastructure and overall quality of life. I also do not consider that a country should depend too much on others for I am an anti-imperialist (I oppose American, Russian, and Chinese imperialism).

In my case, I am pretty much a Marxist-Leninist but more orthodox with my thinking (I prefer calling myself Neo-Titoist or Third-way Communist). I am anti-Stalinist, anti-liberal, anti-fascist, and overall anti-revisionist (Iosif Stalin and his gang such as the Kims, Mao, and Pol Pot are revisionist bastards).

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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20 Apr 2024, 6:07 am

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
Personally I am a fiscal far-right and socially far-left and economic beliefs are very right-wing for the most part except I love labor unions and I believe in a living wage for full-time jobs.I would classify myself more of a classical liberal than a leftist.I believe that all alcohol,tobacco,energy drinks,drugs,prostituition,gamblirightng should be legal and deregulated and ultra-low taxed.However am a libertarian mostly not so much a conservative or liberal.However Dennis Prager would consider my beliefs about other things to be right-wing.Maybe I am liberal because I think sin taxes should be ultra low.

For me, I am a left-wing authoritarian. My economic and social beliefs are left though I am rather conservative on some social issues such as preserving traditional marriages. Prostitution, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, smoking, and gambling should be banned for health reasons. However, I do tend to be progressive but I am not economically far left. I prefer Market Socialism where workers can direct the means of production based on market prices for that can help the economy flow without massive government regulation. Government simply uses surplus to redistribute it to make free healthcare, free education, improve infrastructure and overall quality of life. I also do not consider that a country should depend too much on others for I am an anti-imperialist (I oppose American, Russian, and Chinese imperialism).

In my case, I am pretty much a Marxist-Leninist but more orthodox with my thinking (I prefer calling myself Neo-Titoist or Third-way Communist). I am anti-Stalinist, anti-liberal, anti-fascist, and overall anti-revisionist (Iosif Stalin and his gang such as the Kims, Mao, and Pol Pot are revisionist bastards).

America tried banning alcohol at the federal level about 100 years ago and it was a disaster.Although there are still large areas of the country where it is banned.I have some liberal economic beliefs because I think being super ultra rich is a horrible sin and I think the rich are horrible people.people like billionaires in my mind are so evil.However I feel that way not due to Marxism but because of my Christianity.I think privaate property is sinful based on my reading of Acts 2 and Acts 4.I am not a Marxist but I am a Christian Communist and Christian anarchist.I am also against imperialism because I am a pacifist.I would google Al Capone to see why Prohibition was a failure.Also even in America rank-and-file bottom of the totem pole workers even McJob workers can own the means of production in the vast majority of American corporations through the stock market.I know the stock market is not a communist way for the workers to own the means of production but many times common working and middle-class Americans collectively own more of a major corporation than company insiders like the CEO.Economically I am anarcho-capitalist

Last edited by Texasmoneyman300 on 20 Apr 2024, 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Apr 2024, 6:26 am

Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
I would google Al Capone to see why Prohibition was a failure.

Ah yes. Al Capone, the Robin Hood of the upper classes. You also seem to mention something about McDonalds workers owning the means of production along with the middle class in America. I wonder where you got these from?

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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20 Apr 2024, 6:44 am

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
I would google Al Capone to see why Prohibition was a failure.

of t
Ah yes. Al Capone, the Robin Hood of the upper classes. You also seem to mention something about McDonalds workers owning the means of production along with the middle class in America. I wonder where you got these from?

They can do it through the New York Stock Exchange.I am very poor on my personal income but I have made a boat load of money by owning some of the means of production through the stock market.All they would have to do would make account on Fidelity or the like and buy a share of ATT for 10 to 20 dollars and they would own a tiny slice of the means of production and they would prolly get paid for the rest of their lives until they die or sell or give it away.


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20 Apr 2024, 9:02 am

1. P3N15 Prager is full of s**t.
2. Liberal or leftist, it doesn't matter. The far right is going to mass murder the entire democratic party just as soon as Q or Trump or whoever gives them the ok.

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20 Apr 2024, 1:55 pm

Dennis Prager is known to be an Authoritarian and Christian Nationalist. I wouldn't trust any quiz he promotes.

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20 Apr 2024, 2:01 pm

Prager typically presents political positions and human rights issues he doesn’t like in an extreme way to discredit them when, in actuality, very few people in that demographic would endorse the extremism he claims is representative. He’s a dishonest and manipulative propagandist.

Dennis Prager’s organization PragerU received this rating:

Overall, we rate PragerU Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda, the use of poor sources who have failed fact checks, and the publication of misleading information regarding immigration and climate change.

I would probably look elsewhere for information on this or any topic because most people wouldn’t define things the way Prager does.

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20 Apr 2024, 2:14 pm

People are being so mean to Dennis Prager. I think he makes a lot of good points:

Ain't it cute watching conservatives try to co-opt "liberal" and apply it to the Glorious Founders of Glorious Nation so they can sound educated and tolerant and forward-thinking even as they have the exact same conservative beliefs they had when they called "liberals" stupid America-haters.
To be fair, many "liberals" want to be called as such because they hate "leftists" for not being nationalist-capitalist enough. They want to be seen as tolerant, but not TOO tolerant. They want to be seen as caring about the less fortunate, but not TOO much.

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Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν.
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20 Apr 2024, 2:37 pm

ChicagoLiz wrote:
Dennis Prager is known to be an Authoritarian and Christian Nationalist. I wouldn't trust any quiz he promotes.

Dennis Prager is truly special. He's Jewish, yet he believes America is super special awesome in part because it's Christian, and that America would stop being special if it stopped being mostly Christian. What an objective, sane individual.

Diagnoses: AS, Depression, General & Social Anxiety
I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
- Brian Wilson

Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν.
Those with power do what their power permits, and the weak can only acquiesce.

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20 Apr 2024, 11:45 pm

I presume that list of loaded questions doesn't allow for an essay in reply to each of them, so all I could do would be to answer "don't know" to most of them, which would look wishy-washy to some. Doesn't really capture my attitude, which I think is quite left-wing, unbigoted, and thoughtful, at least to a degree.

I'm suspicious of forced-response questionnaires. Most of their advantages are about making data collection quick and cheap, and Dennis doesn't seem very interested in that. He seems to be trying to convince people of something else: "America, in serious jeopardy of being lost, will be saved when people convince the liberals in their life that the left, not the conservative, is their enemy." I have serious doubts about the veracity of that statement.

If I could be bothered to answer those 32 questions, they'd mostly be long, nuanced, and carefully-researched. Hence my reluctance to get started. I haven't got all night. But I'll answer one of the less loaded ones as a goodwill gesture:

15. Would America be better, worse, or the same as now if all Americans dropped their religion and became secular?
Hard to say for sure, but offhand I wouldn't expect a lot of difference. There are other countries less religious than the USA but they don't seem worse for it, and some seem better, though it's not safe to compare different countries like that. A compassionate religionist would likely remain compassionate, and a religious bastard would likely remain a bastard, I would think. But it may also depend on what their religion was and why they gave it up. Don't quote me as answering "the same." I don't think anybody knows the answer.

My gut tells me that Dennis is doing harm and is good at twisting words. So if there wasn't much time to think and I could press a button to shut him up, I think I'd press it.


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21 Apr 2024, 1:10 am

The Newsweek article provides no scoring method by which a person may be classified as a Leftist or a Liberal.  Thus, there is no way to determine if a person is a Leftist or a Liberal from their answers to Dennis Prager's quiz.

And besides . . .

Dennis Prager (1948–) is an American neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, anti-vaxxer, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has, he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-numbingly bizarre.  He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself.  He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings", he loses his freaking mind.  Hmm . . .

Prager is rarely countered, due to the fact that nobody to the left of the radical right takes him seriously anymore.  Despite this, he has a small group of very devoted fans.

The Dennis Prager Method For Choosing Viewpoints is to take the opposite viewpoint of a leftist, since he claims "the Left lies about everything".

Prager pushes anti-environmentalism through global warming denialism ("leftist hysteria", apparently) and myths around DDT bans.  He's also ventured into weird "Environmentalism is replacing God" territory.

Prager is notable for having a history of being extremely homophobic despite denying it every ten seconds in his articles and radio show.  He has claimed that the legalization of gay marriage is a greater threat to America than economic depression.  He claims that this is because legalizing gay marriage will redefine the concept of "gender itself".  He is credited with writing the 1993 essay Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism rejected Homosexuality, in which he writes . . .

"Judaism cannot make peace with homosexuality because homosexuality denies many of Judaism's most fundamental principles. It denies life, it denies God's expressed desire that men and women cohabit, and it denies the root structure that Judaism wishes for all mankind, the family."[11]

. . . Imagine his reaction when he realizes that most of today's US Jews vote Democratic (and the state of gay rights in Israel).

A glaring problem with Dennis Prager's opposition to gay marriage is the fact he's been divorced twice and married thrice.  He actually talks about this on occasion, saying that the argument that divorce threatens marriage is a non sequitur.  He goes on to defend his position with a hilariously non sequitur argument himself, saying that "divorce itself no more undermines the institution of marriage than car crashes undermine the institution of driving."  This is, of course, an example of a false analogy, since you don't swear to be with your car 'til death do you part.

One of the most disturbing articles he's written is "The Rape of a Name Is Also Rape", in which he writes that being falsely accused of rape is just as bad, if not worse, than actual rape.  While such a false accusation is a terrible crime, it is obviously not on par with rape, but again that is somehow a "leftist" view.

When it comes to relationships there's no one to go to for worse advice than the Pragernater.  This is made especially apparent in his essay "When a Woman Isn't In the Mood: Part II" where he gives eight reasons as to why women should submit to having sex with their husbands even when they’re not in the mood.

The article goes on.  You should by now have the gist of Dennis Prager's perspective on just about everything; but you should really read the complete and unedited article on Dennis Prager  HERE 

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