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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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18 May 2024, 10:08 am

Does anyone turn off their phone when they go to bed?


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18 May 2024, 10:26 am

No, I just leave it in the living room where I can't hear it.

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18 May 2024, 10:33 am

Mines on silent but I use it for my alarm clock

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18 May 2024, 11:28 am

No. I never know where it is half the time anyway.
It's usually in the car or stuck in the couch cushions by mistake.

I don't have the EF skills to remember to shut it off.

I have a landline though, and it sometimes rings.
I shut the ringer off it and then forget to put it back on for months.

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18 May 2024, 12:26 pm

Haven't currently got one that works at all, but if I had, I'd configure it to only receive calls and messages from friends / family who I trusted not to bother me at night unless it was a serious emergency. One reason I haven't got one is that I don't know of one that would definitely allow me to do that. So I'm staying in the Stone Age.

But I've got a landline in the UK, and I don't turn that off. It's never yet woken me at night, but if it started doing that I'd either turn it off or somehow do what I'd do with a cell phone.

It's a shame to have to block all unknown numbers, because there are times when even one of those could turn out to be important, but sociopathic advertisers would give me little choice.


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18 May 2024, 3:56 pm

Jutty1224 wrote:
Does anyone turn off their phone when they go to bed?
Yes.  Then I put it on the charger and I go to sleep.  In the morning, I check for messages.

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19 May 2024, 7:31 am

I almost always keep my phone on Do Not Disturb(I'm disturbed enough :twisted: ) so it only rings for high priority callers like my parents, & my girlfriend & her family. I don't get many calls & lots of the calls I do get are cr@p like political & scams wanting me to order meds from overseas or saying that my memorship is expiring with a company I do not have an account with :roll: I use my phone for my alarm when I need to set one & I charge it when I go to bed.

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19 May 2024, 4:51 pm

I keep my cell phone turned off most of the time because I still have a home phone, and my cell phone is mainly for when I'm out of the apartment. If I got a call late at night, however, I usually don't answer it because it would be very unusual for anyone I know to call me at that time. Unless someone was dying, maybe. I don't want to say "Somebody had better be dying!" and then find out a close family member really is dying. :(


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20 May 2024, 7:59 am

no...theres no need to ._.'

so whether if its violence or a question of peace


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20 May 2024, 8:03 am

I usually fall asleep listening to something playing on my phone. Helps to shut my brain up. Then it's my alarm in the morning too. And my torch if I need to do a midnight creep to the bathroom without waking everyone.

So no.

No hay banda. It is all a recording.