Finding clothes that fit you when you're muscular?

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22 May 2024, 9:43 am

When you get very musculatur that you get into overweight range can finding clothes that fit you be very difficult?


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22 May 2024, 10:13 am

Probably. If you're making clothes you want to them fit the average shaped person to maximise your profits. There's probably specialist clothes for muscley dudes.

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22 May 2024, 10:23 am

DuckHairback wrote:
Probably. If you're making clothes you want to them fit the average shaped person to maximise your profits. There's probably specialist clothes for muscley dudes.

I weigh 168 lbs at 5ft7 1/2.

Will I need specialised clothes soon probably


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22 May 2024, 1:40 pm

Aren't there a lot of places that can now make custom tailored clothes that you can order online that aren't super expensive?

When I presented as a guy I couldn't find any clothes that fit. I looked terrible in boy's clothing.

Now that I switched to presenting female I can can pick any style I want, do some online shopping, and find something that fits really well as a size 2 petite! I wear size 7 heels. 25 inch waist. I'm not super curvy, but most models aren't either. I have an hourglass figure with just enough curves to look good in off the rack clothes.


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23 May 2024, 12:54 pm

Jamesy wrote:
DuckHairback wrote:
Probably. If you're making clothes you want to them fit the average shaped person to maximise your profits. There's probably specialist clothes for muscley dudes.

I weigh 168 lbs at 5ft7 1/2.

Will I need specialised clothes soon probably

That's 76 kg and 170 cm in proper measurement units. Your BMI is 26,3. My BMI is 27,8 and I buy regular clothes. If you put on 4 kg of muslces your BMI is still only 27,7. Don't worry about any special clothes.

English is not my first language.


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23 May 2024, 1:12 pm

BillyTree wrote:
Jamesy wrote:
DuckHairback wrote:
Probably. If you're making clothes you want to them fit the average shaped person to maximise your profits. There's probably specialist clothes for muscley dudes.

I weigh 168 lbs at 5ft7 1/2.

Will I need specialised clothes soon probably

That's 76 kg and 170 cm in proper measurement units. Your BMI is 26,3. My BMI is 27,8 and I buy regular clothes. If you put on 4 kg of muslces your BMI is still only 27,7. Don't worry about any special clothes.

Know this 5ft5 guy who is 210 lbs at 25 percent body fat but he does do heavy weight lifting

Do you think he will struggle to find clothes?