3quin0x273 wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
You can make it interesting by asking about trains or something like that that interests you?
I guess so. by the way in your group did people discuss their special interests or was it just discussions around what autism is?
I am not too sure as the road was partly flooded (Was a sudden downpour so 1cm of rain on the roads) and the driver in the front went so slow all the way in that I ended up being 10 minutes late.
(He was doing 20mph all the way in when one was allowed 50mph for a number of miles and was driving in the middle of the road due to the streams of water in the edge).
The meeting had just a few people turn up and they spent most of the time talking to a man so I sort of found general chat a bit difficult to join in with, but the gathering went ok apart from me putting my foot in it and getting embarissed.
Last edited by Mountain Goat on Febuary 31st, 2026, 12:42 am, edited 126 time in total.